Douglas Vought <>: Author Summary

Builds triggered by Douglas Vought <>

Builds triggered by an author are those builds which contains changes committed by the author.
1 (17%)
5 (83%)

Breakages and fixes

Broken means the build has failed but the previous build was successful.
Fixed means that the build was successful but the previous build has failed.
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
Build Completed Code commits Tests
FS › FRGT › #29 7 months ago
[timezones] Update timezones to version 2023c.
[contrib/timezone-gen] Fix timezone gen (#2215)
* [contrib/timezone-gen] Move to own folder

* [contrib/timezone-gen] Add fixTzstr

* [contrib/timezone-gen] Add tests and zone data getter
 - can be used to verify that the generated timezone conf
   will produce the correct datetimes by testing them against
   what the system's `date` says
 - will download the latest tzdb data and build
   the posix timezone data files. It only builds what is needed
   rather than adding extraneous "right/" and "posix/" timezones.
   FreeSWITCH doesn't seem to be able to use the "right/"
   timezone files.
 - data/ is where the various files needed to generate the
   timezones gets stored
Testless build
FS › FS18DR › #25 7 months ago
[contrib/timezone-gen] Fix timezone gen (#2215)
* [contrib/timezone-gen] Move to own folder

* [contrib/timezone-gen] Add fixTzstr

* [contrib/timezone-gen] Add tests and zone data getter
 - can be used to verify that the generated timezone conf
   will produce the correct datetimes by testing them against
   what the system's `date` says
 - will download the latest tzdb data and build
   the posix timezone data files. It only builds what is needed
   rather than adding extraneous "right/" and "posix/" timezones.
   FreeSWITCH doesn't seem to be able to use the "right/"
   timezone files.
 - data/ is where the various files needed to generate the
   timezones gets stored
[timezones] Update timezones to version 2023c.
Testless build
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Build Completed Code commits Tests
Build Completed Code commits Tests