Gerald Combs <>: Author Summary

Builds triggered by Gerald Combs <>

Builds triggered by an author are those builds which contains changes committed by the author.
0 (0%)
1 (100%)

Breakages and fixes

Broken means the build has failed but the previous build was successful.
Fixed means that the build was successful but the previous build has failed.
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
Build Completed Code commits Tests
SP › SPTTD › #5 6 months ago
Fix the encoding of noise.h
Convert what appears to be a EUC-JP right angle bracket "?" to a plain
ASCII greater than sign ">". This fixes an error when using Visual C++
with the /utf-8 flag.
Testless build
Build Completed Code commits Tests
Build Completed Code commits Tests