Piotr Gregor <piotr@dataandsignal.com>: Author Summary

Builds triggered by Piotr Gregor <piotr@dataandsignal.com>

Builds triggered by an author are those builds which contains changes committed by the author.
0 (0%)
7 (100%)

Breakages and fixes

Broken means the build has failed but the previous build was successful.
Fixed means that the build was successful but the previous build has failed.
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
Build Completed Code commits Tests
SOUN › PWSPTF › #3 5 years ago
FS-11421: [core,mod_sofia] Fix rtp_pass_codecs_on_stream_change to process all sdp settings in the re-invite -- add new filter_codecs app and fix some races and negotiation bugs #resolve
FS-11730 Add support for DTLSv1.2 and make default
Needed in Chrome version >= 74 as Chrome dropped support for v1.0:

Using old v1.0 DTLS if 1.2 is not available or legacy DTLS
wanted explicitly. To request old DTLS set variable

        <action application="set" data="legacyDTLS=1"/>

Note: requires openssl 1.0.2 or later for DTLS v1.2 support
Testless build
SOUN › FSPFW › #2 5 years ago
FS-11421: [core,mod_sofia] Fix rtp_pass_codecs_on_stream_change to process all sdp settings in the re-invite -- add new filter_codecs app and fix some races and negotiation bugs #resolve
FS-11730 Add support for DTLSv1.2 and make default
Needed in Chrome version >= 74 as Chrome dropped support for v1.0:

Using old v1.0 DTLS if 1.2 is not available or legacy DTLS
wanted explicitly. To request old DTLS set variable

        <action application="set" data="legacyDTLS=1"/>

Note: requires openssl 1.0.2 or later for DTLS v1.2 support
Testless build
You have insufficient permissions to see all of the builds.
Build Completed Code commits Tests
Build Completed Code commits Tests