joshebosh <>: Author Summary

Builds triggered by joshebosh <>

Builds triggered by an author are those builds which contains changes committed by the author.
0 (0%)
10 (100%)

Breakages and fixes

Broken means the build has failed but the previous build was successful.
Fixed means that the build was successful but the previous build has failed.
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
Build Completed Code commits Tests
SOUN › PWSPTF › #3 5 years ago
FS-11775 [core] wait_for_silence debug messages showing as ERR
FS-11685 [Configuration] Add audio/wav to mime.types config file
FS-11694 [mod_conference] conference vid-res showing -ERR no reply
FS-11719 [mod_commands] uuid_broadcast yields OK on bogus uuid
FS-11679 [mod_sofia] SIP message sent by FS logged incompletely in tport dump log
FS-11718 [mod_commands] uuid_break yields -ERR no reply
Testless build
SOUN › FSPFW › #2 5 years ago
FS-11685 [Configuration] Add audio/wav to mime.types config file
FS-11775 [core] wait_for_silence debug messages showing as ERR
FS-11679 [mod_sofia] SIP message sent by FS logged incompletely in tport dump log
FS-11694 [mod_conference] conference vid-res showing -ERR no reply
FS-11719 [mod_commands] uuid_broadcast yields OK on bogus uuid
FS-11718 [mod_commands] uuid_break yields -ERR no reply
Testless build
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Build Completed Code commits Tests
Build Completed Code commits Tests