tmancill <>: Author Summary

Builds triggered by tmancill <>

Builds triggered by an author are those builds which contains changes committed by the author.
1 (8%)
11 (92%)

Breakages and fixes

Broken means the build has failed but the previous build was successful.
Fixed means that the build was successful but the previous build has failed.
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
0 (0% of all builds triggered)
Build Completed Code commits Tests
FS › FRGT › #29 7 months ago
updates for the Debian Dockerfile (#2234)
* default to Debian bookworm

* use DEBIAN_VERSION instead of lsb_release; gosu is in Debian since buster

* update comments for FS_META_PACKAGE and exposed ports

* fix SHELL invocation so 'RUN' works as expected in downstream builds

misc readme updates (#2235)
* Update regarding the archived freeswitch-users mailing list

* update docker/ to suggest --network host
Testless build
FS › FS18DR › #25 7 months ago
misc readme updates (#2235)
* Update regarding the archived freeswitch-users mailing list

* update docker/ to suggest --network host
updates for the Debian Dockerfile (#2234)
* default to Debian bookworm

* use DEBIAN_VERSION instead of lsb_release; gosu is in Debian since buster

* update comments for FS_META_PACKAGE and exposed ports

* fix SHELL invocation so 'RUN' works as expected in downstream builds

Testless build
You have insufficient permissions to see all of the builds.
Build Completed Code commits Tests
Build Completed Code commits Tests