simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Build FreeSWITCH - Download FS Canary Debs to repo-deb-fsa-reprepro - Default Job #1 (FS-DFCDTR-JOB1-1) started building on agent b-wheezy2 simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Remote Agent simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FS-DFCDTR-JOB1 simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Executing build FreeSWITCH - Download FS Canary Debs to repo-deb-fsa-reprepro - Default Job #1 (FS-DFCDTR-JOB1-1) simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector command 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Request to stop 'FS-DFCDTR-JOB1-1' received from andywolk simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Starting task 'Download Canary debs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:15 Preparing to download plan result FS-FVP-1935 artifact: Shared artifact: [fs-unstable-debs], pattern: [*] anchored at: [.] error 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Unable to download artifact Shared artifact: [fs-unstable-debs], pattern: [*] anchored at: [.] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Task configuration: simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactName_1 -> [fs-unstable-stretch-debs] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactId_1 -> [32866320] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactId_3 -> [8192002] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 sourcePlanKey -> [FS-FVP] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 localPath_3 -> [incoming/jessie] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactName_3 -> [fs-unstable-debs] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 localPath_1 -> [incoming/stretch] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Task runtime configuration: simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactPattern_1 -> [*] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactName_0 -> [fs-unstable-stretch-debs] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactName_1 -> [fs-unstable-debs] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 resultKey -> [FS-FVP-1935] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactLocation_0 -> [] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactLocation_1 -> [.] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 localPath_1 -> [incoming/jessie] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 localPath_0 -> [incoming/stretch] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 securityToken -> [2ee3f25a9571e6904dd903a42a3515ea806215ba] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactId_1 -> [8192002] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactId_0 -> [32866320] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 runtimeArtifactIds_3 -> [1] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 runtimeArtifactIds_1 -> [0] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 artifactPattern_0 -> [*] simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Finished task 'Download Canary debs' with result: Error simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Finalising the build... simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Stopping timer. simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Build FS-DFCDTR-JOB1-1 completed. simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 All post build plugins have finished simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Generating build results summary... simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Saving build results to disk... simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Logging substituted variables... simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Indexing build results... simple 09-Oct-2018 15:39:23 Finished building FS-DFCDTR-JOB1-1.