simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Build Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9) started building on agent WIN-AGENT-1 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Remote agent on host WIN-AGENT-1 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Build working directory is C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Executing build Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9) simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:21 Cleaning build directory 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:30 Checking out into C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:30 Updating source code to revision: 1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:31 Creating local git repository in 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\.git'. simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:31 Initialized empty Git repository in C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/.git/ simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:32 Fetching 'refs/heads/7_88' from ''. simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 From simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 * [new branch] 7_88 -> 7_88 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Checking out revision 1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a. simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Switched to branch '7_88' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Updated source code to revision: 1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Starting task 'Build curl Win32 Release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 21-Feb-2023 16:07:33 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-4358451400911443166.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_username=\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_shortPlanName=curl (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=9\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-21T16:07:21.332-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-CW-JOB1-9\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_repository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=7_88\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=7_88\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_repository_53673995_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507021\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_53673995_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=SP-CW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=7_88\n build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch. build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 Build started 2/21/2023 3:07:34 PM. build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:34 Building solution configuration "Release|Win32". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 21.65 KB of 674.5 KB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 37.28 KB of 674.5 KB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 32 KB of 674.5 KB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 48 KB of 674.5 KB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 7.63 KB of 674.5 KB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 56 KB of 674.5 KB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 64 KB of 674.5 KB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 68.53 KB of 674.5 KB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 80 KB of 674.5 KB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 84.15 KB of 674.5 KB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 88 KB of 674.5 KB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 96 KB of 674.5 KB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 104 KB of 674.5 KB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 112 KB of 674.5 KB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 115.4 KB of 674.5 KB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 128 KB of 674.5 KB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 131.03 KB of 674.5 KB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 136 KB of 674.5 KB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 144 KB of 674.5 KB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 152 KB of 674.5 KB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 160 KB of 674.5 KB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 162.28 KB of 674.5 KB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 176 KB of 674.5 KB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 184 KB of 674.5 KB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 192 KB of 674.5 KB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 200 KB of 674.5 KB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 208 KB of 674.5 KB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 209.15 KB of 674.5 KB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 216 KB of 674.5 KB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 224 KB of 674.5 KB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 232 KB of 674.5 KB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 240 KB of 674.5 KB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 248 KB of 674.5 KB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 256 KB of 674.5 KB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 263.84 KB of 674.5 KB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 272 KB of 674.5 KB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 279.47 KB of 674.5 KB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 288 KB of 674.5 KB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 295.09 KB of 674.5 KB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 304 KB of 674.5 KB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 310.72 KB of 674.5 KB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 320 KB of 674.5 KB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 326.34 KB of 674.5 KB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 336 KB of 674.5 KB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 341.97 KB of 674.5 KB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 344 KB of 674.5 KB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 352 KB of 674.5 KB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 357.59 KB of 674.5 KB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 368 KB of 674.5 KB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 373.22 KB of 674.5 KB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 384 KB of 674.5 KB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 388.84 KB of 674.5 KB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 392 KB of 674.5 KB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 400 KB of 674.5 KB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 408 KB of 674.5 KB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 416 KB of 674.5 KB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 420.09 KB of 674.5 KB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 432 KB of 674.5 KB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 440 KB of 674.5 KB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 448 KB of 674.5 KB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 456 KB of 674.5 KB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 464 KB of 674.5 KB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 466.97 KB of 674.5 KB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 480 KB of 674.5 KB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 488 KB of 674.5 KB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 496 KB of 674.5 KB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 504 KB of 674.5 KB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 512 KB of 674.5 KB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 513.84 KB of 674.5 KB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 520 KB of 674.5 KB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 528 KB of 674.5 KB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 536 KB of 674.5 KB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 544 KB of 674.5 KB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 552 KB of 674.5 KB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 560 KB of 674.5 KB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 568 KB of 674.5 KB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 576 KB of 674.5 KB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 584 KB of 674.5 KB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 592 KB of 674.5 KB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 599.78 KB of 674.5 KB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 608 KB of 674.5 KB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 615.4 KB of 674.5 KB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 624 KB of 674.5 KB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 631.03 KB of 674.5 KB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 640 KB of 674.5 KB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 646.65 KB of 674.5 KB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 648 KB of 674.5 KB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 656 KB of 674.5 KB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 662.28 KB of 674.5 KB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 672 KB of 674.5 KB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 7za1701.exe : downloaded 674.5 KB of 674.5 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 8.45 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 88 KB of 8.45 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 176 KB of 8.45 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 264 KB of 8.45 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 352 KB of 8.45 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 437.21 KB of 8.45 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 520 KB of 8.45 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 607.83 KB of 8.45 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 693.58 KB of 8.45 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 783.83 KB of 8.45 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 865.45 KB of 8.45 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 951.39 KB of 8.45 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.02 MB of 8.45 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 8.45 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.19 MB of 8.45 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.27 MB of 8.45 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 8.45 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.44 MB of 8.45 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.53 MB of 8.45 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.61 MB of 8.45 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 8.45 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.78 MB of 8.45 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 8.45 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 1.95 MB of 8.45 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.03 MB of 8.45 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.11 MB of 8.45 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 8.45 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 8.45 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.37 MB of 8.45 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.46 MB of 8.45 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.54 MB of 8.45 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.62 MB of 8.45 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.71 MB of 8.45 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 8.45 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.88 MB of 8.45 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 2.96 MB of 8.45 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.04 MB of 8.45 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.13 MB of 8.45 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.21 MB of 8.45 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 8.45 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.39 MB of 8.45 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.46 MB of 8.45 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.55 MB of 8.45 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.64 MB of 8.45 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.72 MB of 8.45 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.81 MB of 8.45 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.89 MB of 8.45 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 3.97 MB of 8.45 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.06 MB of 8.45 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.14 MB of 8.45 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.23 MB of 8.45 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.31 MB of 8.45 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.39 MB of 8.45 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 8.45 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.56 MB of 8.45 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.65 MB of 8.45 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.73 MB of 8.45 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.81 MB of 8.45 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.9 MB of 8.45 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 4.99 MB of 8.45 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.07 MB of 8.45 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.16 MB of 8.45 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.24 MB of 8.45 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.32 MB of 8.45 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.41 MB of 8.45 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.49 MB of 8.45 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.57 MB of 8.45 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.67 MB of 8.45 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.74 MB of 8.45 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.83 MB of 8.45 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 5.92 MB of 8.45 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6 MB of 8.45 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.09 MB of 8.45 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.17 MB of 8.45 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.25 MB of 8.45 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.34 MB of 8.45 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.42 MB of 8.45 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.51 MB of 8.45 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.59 MB of 8.45 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.67 MB of 8.45 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.76 MB of 8.45 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.85 MB of 8.45 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 6.93 MB of 8.45 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.02 MB of 8.45 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.1 MB of 8.45 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.18 MB of 8.45 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.27 MB of 8.45 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.35 MB of 8.45 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.43 MB of 8.45 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.52 MB of 8.45 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.6 MB of 8.45 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.69 MB of 8.45 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.78 MB of 8.45 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.86 MB of 8.45 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.94 MB of 8.45 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.03 MB of 8.45 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.11 MB of 8.45 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.2 MB of 8.45 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.28 MB of 8.45 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.36 MB of 8.45 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 8.45 MB of 8.45 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : 1 file, 8856512 bytes (8649 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Physical Size = 8856512 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Files: 4 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Size: 27361052 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : Compressed: 8856512 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-win32-release". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 303.46 KB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 16 KB of 303.46 KB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 303.46 KB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 32 KB of 303.46 KB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 38.77 KB of 303.46 KB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 40 KB of 303.46 KB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 48 KB of 303.46 KB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 54.4 KB of 303.46 KB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 56 KB of 303.46 KB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 64 KB of 303.46 KB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 70.02 KB of 303.46 KB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 80 KB of 303.46 KB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 85.65 KB of 303.46 KB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 96 KB of 303.46 KB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 101.27 KB of 303.46 KB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 104 KB of 303.46 KB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 112 KB of 303.46 KB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 116.9 KB of 303.46 KB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 120 KB of 303.46 KB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 128 KB of 303.46 KB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 132.52 KB of 303.46 KB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 136 KB of 303.46 KB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 144 KB of 303.46 KB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 148.15 KB of 303.46 KB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 152 KB of 303.46 KB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 160 KB of 303.46 KB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 163.77 KB of 303.46 KB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 168 KB of 303.46 KB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 176 KB of 303.46 KB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 179.4 KB of 303.46 KB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 184 KB of 303.46 KB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 192 KB of 303.46 KB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 195.02 KB of 303.46 KB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 200 KB of 303.46 KB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 208 KB of 303.46 KB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 210.65 KB of 303.46 KB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 216 KB of 303.46 KB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 224 KB of 303.46 KB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 226.27 KB of 303.46 KB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 232 KB of 303.46 KB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 240 KB of 303.46 KB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 248 KB of 303.46 KB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 256 KB of 303.46 KB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 264 KB of 303.46 KB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 272 KB of 303.46 KB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 273.15 KB of 303.46 KB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 280 KB of 303.46 KB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 288 KB of 303.46 KB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 288.77 KB of 303.46 KB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 296 KB of 303.46 KB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 : downloaded 303.46 KB of 303.46 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:35 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : 1 file, 310748 bytes (304 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Physical Size = 310748 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Files: 107 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Size: 1411463 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 : Compressed: 310748 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-headers". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curlDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 KB of 4.14 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 47.21 KB of 4.14 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 95.21 KB of 4.14 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 143.21 KB of 4.14 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 175.21 KB of 4.14 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 239.21 KB of 4.14 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 255.21 KB of 4.14 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 303.21 KB of 4.14 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 351.21 KB of 4.14 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 383.21 KB of 4.14 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 424.56 KB of 4.14 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 472.56 KB of 4.14 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 520.56 KB of 4.14 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 552.56 KB of 4.14 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 600.56 KB of 4.14 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 648.56 KB of 4.14 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 680.56 KB of 4.14 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 728.56 KB of 4.14 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 776.56 KB of 4.14 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 808.56 KB of 4.14 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 856.56 KB of 4.14 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 904.56 KB of 4.14 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 936.56 KB of 4.14 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 979.56 KB of 4.14 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1 MB of 4.14 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.05 MB of 4.14 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.08 MB of 4.14 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 4.14 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.18 MB of 4.14 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.22 MB of 4.14 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.25 MB of 4.14 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.29 MB of 4.14 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 MB of 4.14 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.37 MB of 4.14 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 4.14 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.46 MB of 4.14 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.51 MB of 4.14 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.54 MB of 4.14 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.59 MB of 4.14 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.62 MB of 4.14 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.66 MB of 4.14 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.71 MB of 4.14 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.74 MB of 4.14 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 4.14 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.84 MB of 4.14 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.87 MB of 4.14 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.91 MB of 4.14 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.95 MB of 4.14 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.99 MB of 4.14 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.04 MB of 4.14 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.09 MB of 4.14 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.12 MB of 4.14 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.16 MB of 4.14 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.21 MB of 4.14 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.24 MB of 4.14 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.29 MB of 4.14 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.33 MB of 4.14 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.36 MB of 4.14 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.41 MB of 4.14 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.46 MB of 4.14 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.49 MB of 4.14 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.54 MB of 4.14 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.58 MB of 4.14 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.61 MB of 4.14 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.66 MB of 4.14 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.71 MB of 4.14 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.75 MB of 4.14 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.8 MB of 4.14 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.83 MB of 4.14 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.87 MB of 4.14 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.91 MB of 4.14 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.95 MB of 4.14 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.98 MB of 4.14 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.03 MB of 4.14 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.08 MB of 4.14 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.11 MB of 4.14 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.16 MB of 4.14 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 4.14 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.23 MB of 4.14 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.28 MB of 4.14 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.32 MB of 4.14 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.37 MB of 4.14 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.4 MB of 4.14 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.45 MB of 4.14 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.49 MB of 4.14 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.53 MB of 4.14 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.57 MB of 4.14 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.62 MB of 4.14 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.65 MB of 4.14 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.7 MB of 4.14 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.74 MB of 4.14 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.78 MB of 4.14 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.82 MB of 4.14 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.85 MB of 4.14 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.9 MB of 4.14 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.95 MB of 4.14 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.98 MB of 4.14 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 4.14 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.07 MB of 4.14 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.1 MB of 4.14 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 1 file, 4345058 bytes (4244 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Type = gzip build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Size: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Compressed: 4345058 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : 1 file, 26890240 bytes (26 MiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:36 curl-7.88.0.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Type = tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Physical Size = 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Headers Size = 1859072 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Folders: 54 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Files: 3559 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Size: 24132231 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 curl-7.88.0.tar : Compressed: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 159.29 KB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 8 KB of 159.29 KB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 16 KB of 159.29 KB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 21.66 KB of 159.29 KB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 24 KB of 159.29 KB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 32 KB of 159.29 KB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 37.29 KB of 159.29 KB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 40 KB of 159.29 KB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 48 KB of 159.29 KB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 52.91 KB of 159.29 KB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 56 KB of 159.29 KB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 64 KB of 159.29 KB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 68.54 KB of 159.29 KB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 72 KB of 159.29 KB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 80 KB of 159.29 KB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 84.16 KB of 159.29 KB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 88 KB of 159.29 KB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 96 KB of 159.29 KB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 99.79 KB of 159.29 KB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 104 KB of 159.29 KB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 112 KB of 159.29 KB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 115.41 KB of 159.29 KB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 120 KB of 159.29 KB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 128 KB of 159.29 KB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 131.04 KB of 159.29 KB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 136 KB of 159.29 KB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 144 KB of 159.29 KB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 146.66 KB of 159.29 KB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 152 KB of 159.29 KB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 159.29 KB of 159.29 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : 1 file, 163109 bytes (160 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Physical Size = 163109 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Files: 3 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Size: 428246 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Compressed: 163109 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-win32-release". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 7.7 KB of 30.03 KB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 8 KB of 30.03 KB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 16 KB of 30.03 KB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 30.03 KB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 24 KB of 30.03 KB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : downloaded 30.03 KB of 30.03 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : 1 file, 30746 bytes (31 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Physical Size = 30746 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Files: 2 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Size: 113124 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 : Compressed: 30746 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-headers". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Build: build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 Creating directory "build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32". build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=1 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include\;C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\Win32\Release -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=Win32 -T v143 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:41 -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045. build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:45 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.34.31933.0 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:45 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:47 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:47 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.34.31933/bin/Hostx64/x86/cl.exe - skipped build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:47 -- Detecting C compile features build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:47 -- Detecting C compile features - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:47 -- curl version=[7.88.0] build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:49 -- Found Perl: C:/Perl64/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.24.3") build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:49 -- Looking for pthread.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:50 -- Looking for pthread.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:50 -- Found Threads: TRUE build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:50 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:52 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:52 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:53 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:54 -- Found OpenSSL: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/openssl-1.1.1t/binaries/Win32/Release/libcrypto.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:54 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:55 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:55 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:57 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:57 -- Looking for include file winldap.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:58 -- Looking for include file winldap.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:58 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:59 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:07:59 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:00 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:00 -- Found ZLIB: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\Win32\Release (found version "1.2.11") build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:01 -- Could NOT find LibPSL (missing: LIBPSL_LIBRARY LIBPSL_INCLUDE_DIR) build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:01 -- Could NOT find LibSSH2 (missing: LIBSSH2_LIBRARY) (found version "1.8.2") build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:01 -- Looking for include file windows.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:03 -- Looking for include file windows.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:03 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:05 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:05 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:07 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:07 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:09 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:09 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:11 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:11 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:12 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:12 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:14 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:14 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:15 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:15 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:17 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:17 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:18 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:18 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:20 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:20 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:22 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:22 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:23 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:23 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:25 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:25 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:27 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:27 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:28 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:28 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:30 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:30 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:31 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:31 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:33 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:33 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:35 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:35 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:37 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:37 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:38 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:38 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:40 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:40 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:42 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:42 -- Check size of size_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:44 -- Check size of size_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:44 -- Check size of ssize_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:45 -- Check size of ssize_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:45 -- Check size of long long build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:46 -- Check size of long long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:46 -- Check size of long build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:48 -- Check size of long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:48 -- Check size of int build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:49 -- Check size of int - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:49 -- Check size of __int64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:51 -- Check size of __int64 - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:51 -- Check size of time_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:53 -- Check size of time_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:53 -- Looking for fchmod build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:54 -- Looking for fchmod - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:54 -- Looking for basename build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:56 -- Looking for basename - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:56 -- Looking for socketpair build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:58 -- Looking for socketpair - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:08:58 -- Looking for recv build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:00 -- Looking for recv - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:00 -- Looking for send build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:02 -- Looking for send - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:02 -- Looking for sendmsg build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:03 -- Looking for sendmsg - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:03 -- Looking for strtok_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:05 -- Looking for strtok_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:05 -- Looking for strcasecmp build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:07 -- Looking for strcasecmp - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:07 -- Looking for alarm build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:08 -- Looking for alarm - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:08 -- Looking for getppid build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:10 -- Looking for getppid - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:10 -- Looking for utimes build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:11 -- Looking for utimes - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:11 -- Looking for getpwuid_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:13 -- Looking for getpwuid_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:13 -- Looking for strtoll build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:15 -- Looking for strtoll - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:15 -- Looking for _strtoi64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:17 -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:17 -- Looking for strerror_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:19 -- Looking for strerror_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:19 -- Looking for siginterrupt build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:20 -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:20 -- Looking for getaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:22 -- Looking for getaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:22 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:24 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:24 -- Looking for pipe build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:26 -- Looking for pipe - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:26 -- Looking for ftruncate build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:28 -- Looking for ftruncate - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:28 -- Looking for getpeername build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:30 -- Looking for getpeername - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:30 -- Looking for getsockname build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:32 -- Looking for getsockname - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:32 -- Looking for if_nametoindex build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:33 -- Looking for if_nametoindex - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:33 -- Looking for getrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:35 -- Looking for getrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:35 -- Looking for setlocale build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:37 -- Looking for setlocale - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:37 -- Looking for setmode build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:39 -- Looking for setmode - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:39 -- Looking for setrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:41 -- Looking for setrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:41 -- Looking for snprintf build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:42 -- Looking for snprintf - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:42 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:44 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:44 -- Looking for inet_ntop build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:46 -- Looking for inet_ntop - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:46 -- Looking for inet_pton build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:48 -- Looking for inet_pton - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:48 -- Looking for fsetxattr build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:50 -- Looking for fsetxattr - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:50 -- Check size of sa_family_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:51 -- Check size of sa_family_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:51 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:52 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:52 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:53 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:53 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:55 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:55 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:57 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:57 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:58 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:09:58 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:00 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:00 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:01 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:01 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:02 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:02 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:03 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:03 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:05 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:05 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:06 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:06 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:08 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:08 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:09 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:09 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:10 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:10 -- Check size of off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:11 -- Check size of off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:11 -- Check size of curl_off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:13 -- Check size of curl_off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:13 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:15 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:15 -- Found _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:15 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:16 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:16 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:18 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:18 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:19 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:19 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:21 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:21 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:22 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:22 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:24 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:24 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:26 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:26 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:27 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:27 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:29 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:29 -- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy threadsafe build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:29 -- Enabled protocols: DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER GOPHERS HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS LDAP MQTT POP3 POP3S RTSP SMB SMBS SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:29 -- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:29 -- Configuring done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:37 -- Generating done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:37 -- Build files have been written to: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-Win32-Release/curl-7.88.0/build-Win32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Checking Build System build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Deleting file "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Touching "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Release\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Release\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Creating "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:38 Building Custom Rule C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-Win32-Release/curl-7.88.0/lib/CMakeLists.txt build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 ClCompile: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x86\CL.exe /c /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" /nologo /W4 /WX- /diagnostics:column /MP /O2 /Ob2 /Oy- /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D NDEBUG /D BUILDING_LIBCURL /D CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS /D OPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Release\"" /Gm- /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"libcurl.dir\Release\\" /Fd"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Release\libcurl.pdb" /external:W4 /Gd /TC /analyze- /errorReport:queue "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\altsvc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\amigaos.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-ares.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-thread.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\base64.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\bufref.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\c-hyper.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-socket.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cfilters.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\conncache.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\connect.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\content_encoding.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cookie.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_addrinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_des.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_endian.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_fnmatch.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_get_line.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gethostname.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_log.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_memrchr.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_multibyte.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_core.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_wb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_path.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_range.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_rtmp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_threads.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\dict.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\doh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\dynbuf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easygetopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easyoptions.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\escape.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\file.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\fileinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\fopen.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\formdata.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftplistparser.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\getenv.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\getinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\gopher.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\h2h3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hash.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\headers.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hmac.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostasyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip6.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostsyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hsts.c" 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"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strdup.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strerror.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtok.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtoofft.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\system_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\telnet.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\tftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\timediff.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\timeval.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\transfer.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\url.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\urlapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\version.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\version_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\warnless.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\wildcard.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ws.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cleartext.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cram.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\gsasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\oauth2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\vauth.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\bearssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gskit.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\hostcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\keylog.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls_threadlock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\nss.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\openssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\rustls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel_verify.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\sectransp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\vtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\wolfssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\x509asn1.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_msh3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_ngtcp2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_quiche.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\vquic.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\wolfssh.c" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 altsvc.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 amigaos.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 asyn-ares.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 asyn-thread.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 base64.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 bufref.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 c-hyper.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 cf-http.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 cf-socket.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 cfilters.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 conncache.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 connect.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 content_encoding.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 cookie.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 curl_addrinfo.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:39 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setopt.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 sha256.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 share.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 slist.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 smb.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 smtp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 socketpair.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 socks.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:41 socks_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 socks_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 speedcheck.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 splay.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 strcase.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 strdup.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 strerror.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 strtok.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 strtoofft.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 system_win32.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 telnet.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 tftp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 timediff.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 timeval.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 transfer.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 url.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 urlapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 version.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 version_win32.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 warnless.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 wildcard.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 ws.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 cleartext.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 cram.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 digest.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 digest_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 gsasl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 krb5_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 krb5_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 ntlm.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 ntlm_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 oauth2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 spnego_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 spnego_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 vauth.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 bearssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 gskit.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 gtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 hostcheck.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 keylog.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 mbedtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 mbedtls_threadlock.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 nss.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 openssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 rustls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 schannel.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 schannel_verify.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:42 sectransp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 vtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 wolfssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 x509asn1.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 curl_msh3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 curl_ngtcp2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 curl_quiche.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 vquic.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 libssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 libssh2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:43 wolfssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 Lib: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x86\Lib.exe /OUT:"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Release\libcurl.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X86 /machine:X86 libcurl.dir\Release\altsvc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\amigaos.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 "libcurl.dir\Release\asyn-ares.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 "libcurl.dir\Release\asyn-thread.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\base64.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\bufref.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 "libcurl.dir\Release\c-hyper.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 "libcurl.dir\Release\cf-http.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 "libcurl.dir\Release\cf-socket.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\cfilters.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\conncache.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\connect.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\content_encoding.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\cookie.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_addrinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_des.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_endian.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_fnmatch.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_get_line.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_gethostname.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_log.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_memrchr.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_multibyte.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ntlm_core.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ntlm_wb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_path.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_range.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_rtmp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_sasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_threads.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\dict.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\doh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\dynbuf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\easy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\easygetopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\easyoptions.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\escape.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\file.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\fileinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\fopen.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\formdata.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ftplistparser.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\getenv.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\getinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\gopher.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\h2h3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\hash.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\headers.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\hmac.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\hostasyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 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21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\inet_pton.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\llist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\md4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\md5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\memdebug.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\mime.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\mprintf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\mqtt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\multi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\netrc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\nonblock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\noproxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\openldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\parsedate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\pingpong.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\pop3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\progress.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\psl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\rand.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\rename.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\rtsp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\select.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\sendf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\setopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\sha256.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\share.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\slist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\smb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\smtp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\socketpair.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\socks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\socks_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 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16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\version_win32.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\warnless.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\wildcard.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ws.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\cleartext.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\cram.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\digest_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\gsasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\ntlm_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\oauth2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\spnego_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\spnego_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\vauth.obj 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libcurl.dir\Release\curl_msh3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ngtcp2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_quiche.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\vquic.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\libssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\libssh2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.dir\Release\wolfssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 libcurl.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Release\libcurl.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 Deleting file "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 Touching "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\libcurl.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 BuildPackagesTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:44 Building packages. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Build succeeded. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 0 Warning(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 0 Error(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Time Elapsed 00:03:10.78 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Finished task 'Build curl Win32 Release' with result: Success simple 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Starting task 'Build curl x64 Release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-2293602395981101340.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_username=\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_shortPlanName=curl (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=9\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-21T16:07:21.332-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-CW-JOB1-9\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_repository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=7_88\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=7_88\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_repository_53673995_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507021\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_53673995_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-4358451400911443166.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-CW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=7_88\n build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Build started 2/21/2023 3:10:45 PM. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:45 Building solution configuration "Release|x64". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 7za: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 9.95 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 104 KB of 9.95 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 208 KB of 9.95 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 310.72 KB of 9.95 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 408 KB of 9.95 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 512 KB of 9.95 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 615.41 KB of 9.95 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 720 KB of 9.95 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 816 KB of 9.95 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 920 KB of 9.95 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1 MB of 9.95 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 9.95 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.2 MB of 9.95 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.3 MB of 9.95 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.39 MB of 9.95 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.5 MB of 9.95 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.59 MB of 9.95 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 9.95 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.8 MB of 9.95 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.89 MB of 9.95 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 1.99 MB of 9.95 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.09 MB of 9.95 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 9.95 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.29 MB of 9.95 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.39 MB of 9.95 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.49 MB of 9.95 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.59 MB of 9.95 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.69 MB of 9.95 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 9.95 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.89 MB of 9.95 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 2.99 MB of 9.95 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.09 MB of 9.95 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.19 MB of 9.95 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 9.95 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.39 MB of 9.95 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.48 MB of 9.95 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.58 MB of 9.95 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.68 MB of 9.95 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.78 MB of 9.95 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.89 MB of 9.95 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 3.98 MB of 9.95 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.08 MB of 9.95 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.18 MB of 9.95 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.28 MB of 9.95 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.38 MB of 9.95 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 9.95 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.58 MB of 9.95 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.68 MB of 9.95 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.78 MB of 9.95 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.88 MB of 9.95 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 4.98 MB of 9.95 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.08 MB of 9.95 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.17 MB of 9.95 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.28 MB of 9.95 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.37 MB of 9.95 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 9.95 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.57 MB of 9.95 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.68 MB of 9.95 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.77 MB of 9.95 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.87 MB of 9.95 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 5.98 MB of 9.95 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.07 MB of 9.95 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.17 MB of 9.95 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.27 MB of 9.95 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.37 MB of 9.95 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.47 MB of 9.95 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.57 MB of 9.95 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.67 MB of 9.95 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.77 MB of 9.95 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.87 MB of 9.95 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 6.97 MB of 9.95 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.07 MB of 9.95 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.16 MB of 9.95 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.26 MB of 9.95 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.36 MB of 9.95 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.47 MB of 9.95 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.57 MB of 9.95 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.66 MB of 9.95 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.76 MB of 9.95 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.86 MB of 9.95 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 7.96 MB of 9.95 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.07 MB of 9.95 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.16 MB of 9.95 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.26 MB of 9.95 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.36 MB of 9.95 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.46 MB of 9.95 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.56 MB of 9.95 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.66 MB of 9.95 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.76 MB of 9.95 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.86 MB of 9.95 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 8.96 MB of 9.95 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.06 MB of 9.95 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.15 MB of 9.95 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.26 MB of 9.95 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.36 MB of 9.95 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.46 MB of 9.95 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.55 MB of 9.95 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.65 MB of 9.95 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.76 MB of 9.95 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.85 MB of 9.95 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : downloaded 9.95 MB of 9.95 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : 1 file, 10432499 bytes (10188 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:46 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Physical Size = 10432499 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Files: 4 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Size: 31185470 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 : Compressed: 10432499 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-x64-release". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curlDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 KB of 4.14 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 47.21 KB of 4.14 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 95.21 KB of 4.14 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 143.21 KB of 4.14 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 175.21 KB of 4.14 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 223.21 KB of 4.14 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 255.21 KB of 4.14 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 303.21 KB of 4.14 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 351.21 KB of 4.14 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 383.21 KB of 4.14 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 424.56 KB of 4.14 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 472.56 KB of 4.14 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 520.56 KB of 4.14 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 552.56 KB of 4.14 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 600.56 KB of 4.14 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 648.56 KB of 4.14 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 680.56 KB of 4.14 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 728.56 KB of 4.14 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 776.56 KB of 4.14 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 808.56 KB of 4.14 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 856.56 KB of 4.14 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 904.56 KB of 4.14 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 936.56 KB of 4.14 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 984.56 KB of 4.14 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.01 MB of 4.14 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.04 MB of 4.14 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.09 MB of 4.14 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 4.14 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.16 MB of 4.14 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.22 MB of 4.14 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.25 MB of 4.14 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.29 MB of 4.14 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 MB of 4.14 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.37 MB of 4.14 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 4.14 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.45 MB of 4.14 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.5 MB of 4.14 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.54 MB of 4.14 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.58 MB of 4.14 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.62 MB of 4.14 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.67 MB of 4.14 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.7 MB of 4.14 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.75 MB of 4.14 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 4.14 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.83 MB of 4.14 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.87 MB of 4.14 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.92 MB of 4.14 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.95 MB of 4.14 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2 MB of 4.14 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.03 MB of 4.14 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.08 MB of 4.14 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.13 MB of 4.14 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.16 MB of 4.14 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.21 MB of 4.14 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.25 MB of 4.14 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.28 MB of 4.14 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.33 MB of 4.14 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.37 MB of 4.14 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.41 MB of 4.14 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.45 MB of 4.14 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.5 MB of 4.14 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.54 MB of 4.14 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.57 MB of 4.14 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.62 MB of 4.14 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.67 MB of 4.14 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.7 MB of 4.14 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.76 MB of 4.14 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.79 MB of 4.14 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.82 MB of 4.14 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.87 MB of 4.14 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.92 MB of 4.14 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.95 MB of 4.14 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.99 MB of 4.14 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.04 MB of 4.14 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.07 MB of 4.14 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.12 MB of 4.14 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.15 MB of 4.14 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 4.14 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.24 MB of 4.14 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.27 MB of 4.14 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.33 MB of 4.14 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.36 MB of 4.14 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.4 MB of 4.14 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.45 MB of 4.14 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.48 MB of 4.14 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.53 MB of 4.14 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.58 MB of 4.14 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.61 MB of 4.14 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.65 MB of 4.14 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.7 MB of 4.14 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.73 MB of 4.14 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.78 MB of 4.14 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.81 MB of 4.14 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.86 MB of 4.14 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.91 MB of 4.14 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.94 MB of 4.14 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.99 MB of 4.14 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 4.14 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.07 MB of 4.14 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.11 MB of 4.14 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 1 file, 4345058 bytes (4244 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Type = gzip build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Size: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Compressed: 4345058 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : 1 file, 26890240 bytes (26 MiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:47 curl-7.88.0.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Type = tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Physical Size = 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Headers Size = 1859072 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Folders: 54 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Files: 3559 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Size: 24132231 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 curl-7.88.0.tar : Compressed: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 176.33 KB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 16 KB of 176.33 KB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 21.67 KB of 176.33 KB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 24 KB of 176.33 KB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 32 KB of 176.33 KB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 37.29 KB of 176.33 KB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 40 KB of 176.33 KB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 48 KB of 176.33 KB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 52.92 KB of 176.33 KB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 56 KB of 176.33 KB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 64 KB of 176.33 KB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 68.54 KB of 176.33 KB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 72 KB of 176.33 KB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 80 KB of 176.33 KB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 84.17 KB of 176.33 KB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 88 KB of 176.33 KB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 96 KB of 176.33 KB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 99.79 KB of 176.33 KB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 104 KB of 176.33 KB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 112 KB of 176.33 KB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 115.42 KB of 176.33 KB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 120 KB of 176.33 KB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 128 KB of 176.33 KB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 131.04 KB of 176.33 KB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 136 KB of 176.33 KB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 144 KB of 176.33 KB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 146.67 KB of 176.33 KB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 152 KB of 176.33 KB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 160 KB of 176.33 KB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 162.29 KB of 176.33 KB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 168 KB of 176.33 KB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 176 KB of 176.33 KB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : downloaded 176.33 KB of 176.33 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : 1 file, 180558 bytes (177 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Physical Size = 180558 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Files: 3 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Size: 479636 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 : Compressed: 180558 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-x64-release". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Build: build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 Creating directory "build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64". build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:51 cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=1 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include\;C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Release -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -T v143 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:52 -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:52 -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045. build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:54 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.34.31933.0 build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:54 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.34.31933/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Detecting C compile features build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Detecting C compile features - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- curl version=[7.88.0] build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Found Perl: C:/Perl64/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.24.3") build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:56 -- Looking for pthread.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:57 -- Looking for pthread.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:57 -- Found Threads: TRUE build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:57 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:59 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:10:59 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:01 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:01 -- Found OpenSSL: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/openssl-1.1.1t/binaries/x64/Release/libcrypto.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:01 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:02 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:02 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:04 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:04 -- Looking for include file winldap.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:05 -- Looking for include file winldap.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:05 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:06 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:06 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:07 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:07 -- Found ZLIB: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Release (found version "1.2.11") build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:07 -- Could NOT find LibPSL (missing: LIBPSL_LIBRARY LIBPSL_INCLUDE_DIR) build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:07 -- Could NOT find LibSSH2 (missing: LIBSSH2_LIBRARY) (found version "1.8.2") build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:07 -- Looking for include file windows.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:09 -- Looking for include file windows.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:09 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:12 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:12 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:14 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:14 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:16 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:16 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:17 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:17 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:19 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:19 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:20 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:20 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:22 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:22 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:23 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:23 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:25 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:25 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:27 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:27 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:28 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:28 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:30 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:30 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:32 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:32 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:34 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:34 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:35 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:35 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:36 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:36 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:38 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:38 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:40 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:40 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:42 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:42 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:43 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:43 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:45 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:45 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:47 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:47 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:49 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:49 -- Check size of size_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:50 -- Check size of size_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:50 -- Check size of ssize_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:51 -- Check size of ssize_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:51 -- Check size of long long build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:53 -- Check size of long long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:53 -- Check size of long build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:54 -- Check size of long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:54 -- Check size of int build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:56 -- Check size of int - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:56 -- Check size of __int64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:58 -- Check size of __int64 - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:11:58 -- Check size of time_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:00 -- Check size of time_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:00 -- Looking for fchmod build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:01 -- Looking for fchmod - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:01 -- Looking for basename build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:03 -- Looking for basename - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:03 -- Looking for socketpair build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:04 -- Looking for socketpair - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:04 -- Looking for recv build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:06 -- Looking for recv - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:06 -- Looking for send build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:08 -- Looking for send - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:08 -- Looking for sendmsg build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:10 -- Looking for sendmsg - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:10 -- Looking for strtok_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:12 -- Looking for strtok_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:12 -- Looking for strcasecmp build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:13 -- Looking for strcasecmp - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:13 -- Looking for alarm build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:15 -- Looking for alarm - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:15 -- Looking for getppid build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:16 -- Looking for getppid - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:17 -- Looking for utimes build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:18 -- Looking for utimes - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:18 -- Looking for getpwuid_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:20 -- Looking for getpwuid_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:20 -- Looking for strtoll build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:22 -- Looking for strtoll - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:22 -- Looking for _strtoi64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:24 -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:24 -- Looking for strerror_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:26 -- Looking for strerror_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:26 -- Looking for siginterrupt build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:28 -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:28 -- Looking for getaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:30 -- Looking for getaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:30 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:32 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:32 -- Looking for pipe build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:33 -- Looking for pipe - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:33 -- Looking for ftruncate build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:35 -- Looking for ftruncate - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:35 -- Looking for getpeername build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:37 -- Looking for getpeername - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:37 -- Looking for getsockname build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:39 -- Looking for getsockname - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:39 -- Looking for if_nametoindex build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:41 -- Looking for if_nametoindex - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:41 -- Looking for getrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:42 -- Looking for getrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:42 -- Looking for setlocale build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:45 -- Looking for setlocale - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:45 -- Looking for setmode build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:47 -- Looking for setmode - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:47 -- Looking for setrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:48 -- Looking for setrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:48 -- Looking for snprintf build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:50 -- Looking for snprintf - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:50 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:52 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:52 -- Looking for inet_ntop build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:54 -- Looking for inet_ntop - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:54 -- Looking for inet_pton build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:56 -- Looking for inet_pton - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:56 -- Looking for fsetxattr build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:57 -- Looking for fsetxattr - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:57 -- Check size of sa_family_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:59 -- Check size of sa_family_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:12:59 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:00 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:00 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:01 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:01 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:03 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:03 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:04 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:04 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:06 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:06 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:08 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:08 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:09 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:09 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:10 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:10 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:11 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:11 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:13 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:13 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:14 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:14 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:15 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:15 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:17 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:17 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:18 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:18 -- Check size of off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:19 -- Check size of off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:19 -- Check size of curl_off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:21 -- Check size of curl_off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:21 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:23 -- Found _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:24 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:24 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:26 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:26 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:27 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:27 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:29 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:29 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:31 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:31 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:33 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:33 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:34 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:34 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:36 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:36 -- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy threadsafe build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:36 -- Enabled protocols: DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER GOPHERS HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS LDAP MQTT POP3 POP3S RTSP SMB SMBS SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:36 -- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:36 -- Configuring done build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:44 -- Generating done build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:44 -- Build files have been written to: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Release/curl-7.88.0/build-x64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\x64\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Checking Build System build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Deleting file "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Touching "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Release\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Release\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Creating "libcurl.dir\Release\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 Building Custom Rule C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Release/curl-7.88.0/lib/CMakeLists.txt build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 ClCompile: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:45 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" /nologo /W4 /WX- /diagnostics:column /MP /O2 /Ob2 /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D NDEBUG /D BUILDING_LIBCURL /D CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS /D OPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Release\"" /Gm- /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"libcurl.dir\Release\\" /Fd"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Release\libcurl.pdb" /external:W4 /Gd /TC /errorReport:queue "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\altsvc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\amigaos.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-ares.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-thread.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\base64.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\bufref.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\c-hyper.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-socket.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cfilters.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\conncache.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\connect.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\content_encoding.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\cookie.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_addrinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_des.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_endian.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_fnmatch.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_get_line.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gethostname.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_log.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_memrchr.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_multibyte.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_core.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_wb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_path.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_range.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_rtmp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_threads.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\dict.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\doh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\dynbuf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easygetopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\easyoptions.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\escape.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\file.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\fileinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\fopen.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\formdata.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftplistparser.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\getenv.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\getinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\gopher.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\h2h3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hash.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\headers.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hmac.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostasyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip6.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostsyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\hsts.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_chunks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_negotiate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_proxy.c" 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"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\memdebug.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\mime.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\mprintf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\mqtt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\multi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\netrc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\nonblock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\noproxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\openldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\parsedate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\pingpong.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\pop3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\progress.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\psl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\rand.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\rename.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\rtsp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\select.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\sendf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\setopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\sha256.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\share.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\slist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\smb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\smtp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\socketpair.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\speedcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\splay.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strcase.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strdup.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strerror.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtok.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtoofft.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\system_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\telnet.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\tftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\timediff.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\timeval.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\transfer.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\url.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\urlapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\version.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\version_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\warnless.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\wildcard.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\ws.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cleartext.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cram.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\gsasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\oauth2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\vauth.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\bearssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gskit.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\hostcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\keylog.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls_threadlock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\nss.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\openssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\rustls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel_verify.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\sectransp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\vtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\wolfssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\x509asn1.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_msh3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_ngtcp2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_quiche.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\vquic.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Release\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\wolfssh.c" build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 altsvc.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 amigaos.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 asyn-ares.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 asyn-thread.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 base64.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 bufref.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 c-hyper.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 cf-http.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 cf-socket.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 cfilters.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 conncache.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 connect.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 content_encoding.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 cookie.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_addrinfo.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_des.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_endian.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_fnmatch.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_get_line.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_gethostname.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 curl_log.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:46 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21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 memdebug.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 mime.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 mprintf.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 mqtt.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 multi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 netrc.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 nonblock.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 noproxy.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 openldap.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 parsedate.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 pingpong.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 pop3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 progress.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 psl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 rand.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 rename.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 rtsp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 select.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 sendf.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 setopt.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 sha256.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 share.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 slist.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 smb.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 smtp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 socketpair.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 socks.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:48 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16:13:49 krb5_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 krb5_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 ntlm.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 ntlm_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 oauth2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 spnego_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 spnego_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 vauth.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 bearssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 gskit.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 gtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 hostcheck.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 keylog.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 mbedtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 mbedtls_threadlock.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 nss.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 openssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 rustls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 schannel.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 schannel_verify.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 sectransp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 vtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:49 wolfssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:50 x509asn1.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:50 curl_msh3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:50 curl_ngtcp2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:50 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21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\cfilters.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\conncache.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\connect.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\content_encoding.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\cookie.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_addrinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_des.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_endian.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_fnmatch.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_get_line.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_gethostname.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_log.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_memrchr.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_multibyte.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ntlm_core.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ntlm_wb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_path.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_range.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_rtmp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_sasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_threads.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\dict.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\doh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\dynbuf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\easy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\easygetopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\easyoptions.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\escape.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\file.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\fileinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\fopen.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\formdata.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\ftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\ftplistparser.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\getenv.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\getinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\gopher.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\h2h3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hash.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\headers.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hmac.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostasyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostip4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostip6.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostsyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hsts.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_chunks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_negotiate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_proxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\http_aws_sigv4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\idn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\if2ip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\imap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\inet_ntop.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\inet_pton.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\ldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\llist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 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16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\cleartext.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\cram.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\digest_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\gsasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\krb5_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\ntlm_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\oauth2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\spnego_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\spnego_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\vauth.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\bearssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\gskit.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\gtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\hostcheck.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\keylog.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\mbedtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\mbedtls_threadlock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\nss.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\openssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\rustls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\schannel.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\schannel_verify.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\sectransp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\vtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\wolfssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\x509asn1.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_msh3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_ngtcp2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\curl_quiche.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 libcurl.dir\Release\vquic.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:51 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"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 Build succeeded. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 0 Warning(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 0 Error(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 Time Elapsed 00:03:07.25 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 Finished task 'Build curl x64 Release' with result: Success simple 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 Starting task 'Build curl Win32 Debug' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 21-Feb-2023 16:13:52 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-3215843088524702093.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: 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Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-21T16:07:21.332-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-CW-JOB1-9\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files 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Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=7_88\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_repository_53673995_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507021\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_53673995_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_3=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-2293602395981101340.rsp\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-4358451400911443166.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-CW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=7_88\n build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Build started 2/21/2023 3:13:53 PM. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Building solution configuration "Debug|Win32". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 7za: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:53 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 7.11 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 80 KB of 7.11 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 146.66 KB of 7.11 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 224 KB of 7.11 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 295.1 KB of 7.11 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 368 KB of 7.11 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 440 KB of 7.11 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 512 KB of 7.11 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 584 KB of 7.11 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 656 KB of 7.11 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 736 KB of 7.11 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 802.91 KB of 7.11 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 880 KB of 7.11 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 951.35 KB of 7.11 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1 MB of 7.11 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.07 MB of 7.11 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.14 MB of 7.11 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.21 MB of 7.11 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.28 MB of 7.11 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 7.11 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.42 MB of 7.11 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.5 MB of 7.11 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.57 MB of 7.11 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.64 MB of 7.11 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.71 MB of 7.11 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.78 MB of 7.11 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.85 MB of 7.11 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.92 MB of 7.11 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 1.99 MB of 7.11 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.06 MB of 7.11 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.14 MB of 7.11 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.21 MB of 7.11 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 7.11 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.35 MB of 7.11 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.42 MB of 7.11 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.49 MB of 7.11 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.56 MB of 7.11 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.63 MB of 7.11 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.7 MB of 7.11 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.78 MB of 7.11 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.85 MB of 7.11 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.92 MB of 7.11 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 2.99 MB of 7.11 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.06 MB of 7.11 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.14 MB of 7.11 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.2 MB of 7.11 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.28 MB of 7.11 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.35 MB of 7.11 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.42 MB of 7.11 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.49 MB of 7.11 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.56 MB of 7.11 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 7.11 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.7 MB of 7.11 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.77 MB of 7.11 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.84 MB of 7.11 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.91 MB of 7.11 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 3.98 MB of 7.11 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.06 MB of 7.11 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.13 MB of 7.11 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.2 MB of 7.11 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.27 MB of 7.11 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.34 MB of 7.11 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.41 MB of 7.11 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 7.11 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.55 MB of 7.11 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.62 MB of 7.11 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.7 MB of 7.11 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.77 MB of 7.11 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.84 MB of 7.11 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.91 MB of 7.11 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 4.98 MB of 7.11 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.05 MB of 7.11 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.12 MB of 7.11 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.19 MB of 7.11 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.26 MB of 7.11 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.33 MB of 7.11 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.41 MB of 7.11 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 7.11 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.55 MB of 7.11 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.62 MB of 7.11 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.69 MB of 7.11 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.76 MB of 7.11 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.83 MB of 7.11 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.9 MB of 7.11 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 5.97 MB of 7.11 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.05 MB of 7.11 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.12 MB of 7.11 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.19 MB of 7.11 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.26 MB of 7.11 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.33 MB of 7.11 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.4 MB of 7.11 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.47 MB of 7.11 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.54 MB of 7.11 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.61 MB of 7.11 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.69 MB of 7.11 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.76 MB of 7.11 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.83 MB of 7.11 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.9 MB of 7.11 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 6.97 MB of 7.11 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 7.04 MB of 7.11 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : downloaded 7.11 MB of 7.11 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : 1 file, 7456865 bytes (7283 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Physical Size = 7456865 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Files: 4 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Size: 23842622 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 : Compressed: 7456865 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-win32-debug". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 curlDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:54 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 KB of 4.14 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 47.21 KB of 4.14 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 95.21 KB of 4.14 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 143.21 KB of 4.14 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 175.21 KB of 4.14 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 223.21 KB of 4.14 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 255.21 KB of 4.14 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 303.21 KB of 4.14 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 351.21 KB of 4.14 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 383.21 KB of 4.14 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 424.56 KB of 4.14 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 472.56 KB of 4.14 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 520.56 KB of 4.14 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 552.56 KB of 4.14 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 600.56 KB of 4.14 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 648.56 KB of 4.14 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 680.56 KB of 4.14 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 728.56 KB of 4.14 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 776.56 KB of 4.14 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 808.56 KB of 4.14 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 856.56 KB of 4.14 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 904.56 KB of 4.14 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 936.56 KB of 4.14 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 979.56 KB of 4.14 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1 MB of 4.14 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.05 MB of 4.14 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.08 MB of 4.14 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 4.14 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.18 MB of 4.14 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.22 MB of 4.14 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.25 MB of 4.14 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.29 MB of 4.14 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 MB of 4.14 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.37 MB of 4.14 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 4.14 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.46 MB of 4.14 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.51 MB of 4.14 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.54 MB of 4.14 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.59 MB of 4.14 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.62 MB of 4.14 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.66 MB of 4.14 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.71 MB of 4.14 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.74 MB of 4.14 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 4.14 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.84 MB of 4.14 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.87 MB of 4.14 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.91 MB of 4.14 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.96 MB of 4.14 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2 MB of 4.14 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.03 MB of 4.14 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.08 MB of 4.14 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.13 MB of 4.14 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.16 MB of 4.14 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.21 MB of 4.14 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.25 MB of 4.14 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.29 MB of 4.14 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.32 MB of 4.14 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.37 MB of 4.14 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.42 MB of 4.14 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.45 MB of 4.14 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.49 MB of 4.14 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.54 MB of 4.14 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.58 MB of 4.14 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.62 MB of 4.14 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.66 MB of 4.14 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.71 MB of 4.14 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.75 MB of 4.14 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.78 MB of 4.14 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.83 MB of 4.14 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.87 MB of 4.14 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.91 MB of 4.14 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.95 MB of 4.14 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.99 MB of 4.14 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.04 MB of 4.14 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.07 MB of 4.14 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.12 MB of 4.14 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.15 MB of 4.14 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 4.14 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.24 MB of 4.14 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.28 MB of 4.14 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.32 MB of 4.14 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.36 MB of 4.14 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.41 MB of 4.14 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.44 MB of 4.14 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.48 MB of 4.14 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.53 MB of 4.14 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.58 MB of 4.14 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.61 MB of 4.14 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.65 MB of 4.14 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.7 MB of 4.14 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.73 MB of 4.14 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.78 MB of 4.14 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.83 MB of 4.14 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.86 MB of 4.14 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.9 MB of 4.14 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.95 MB of 4.14 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.98 MB of 4.14 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 4.14 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.08 MB of 4.14 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.11 MB of 4.14 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 1 file, 4345058 bytes (4244 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:55 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Type = gzip build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Size: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Compressed: 4345058 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar". build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : 1 file, 26890240 bytes (26 MiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:13:56 curl-7.88.0.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Type = tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Physical Size = 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Headers Size = 1859072 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Folders: 54 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Files: 3559 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Size: 24132231 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 curl-7.88.0.tar : Compressed: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug" build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 145.28 KB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 16 KB of 145.28 KB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 21.66 KB of 145.28 KB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 24 KB of 145.28 KB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 32 KB of 145.28 KB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 37.29 KB of 145.28 KB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 40 KB of 145.28 KB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 48 KB of 145.28 KB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 52.91 KB of 145.28 KB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 56 KB of 145.28 KB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 64 KB of 145.28 KB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 68.54 KB of 145.28 KB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 72 KB of 145.28 KB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 80 KB of 145.28 KB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 84.16 KB of 145.28 KB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 88 KB of 145.28 KB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 96 KB of 145.28 KB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 99.79 KB of 145.28 KB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 104 KB of 145.28 KB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 112 KB of 145.28 KB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 115.41 KB of 145.28 KB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 120 KB of 145.28 KB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 128 KB of 145.28 KB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 131.04 KB of 145.28 KB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 136 KB of 145.28 KB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 144 KB of 145.28 KB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : downloaded 145.28 KB of 145.28 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : 1 file, 148764 bytes (146 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Physical Size = 148764 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Files: 3 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Size: 420250 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 : Compressed: 148764 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-win32-debug". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Build: build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 Creating directory "build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32". build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=1 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include\;C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\Win32\Debug -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=Win32 -T v143 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:00 -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045. build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:03 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.34.31933.0 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:03 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:05 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:05 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.34.31933/bin/Hostx64/x86/cl.exe - skipped build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:05 -- Detecting C compile features build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:05 -- Detecting C compile features - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:05 -- curl version=[7.88.0] build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:06 -- Found Perl: C:/Perl64/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.24.3") build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:06 -- Looking for pthread.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:07 -- Looking for pthread.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:07 -- Found Threads: TRUE build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:07 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:09 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:09 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:10 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:11 -- Found OpenSSL: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/openssl-1.1.1t/binaries/Win32/Debug/libcrypto.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:11 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:12 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:12 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:14 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:14 -- Looking for include file winldap.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:15 -- Looking for include file winldap.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:15 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:16 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:16 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:17 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:17 -- Found ZLIB: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\Win32\Debug (found version "1.2.11") build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:17 -- Could NOT find LibPSL (missing: LIBPSL_LIBRARY LIBPSL_INCLUDE_DIR) build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:17 -- Could NOT find LibSSH2 (missing: LIBSSH2_LIBRARY) (found version "1.8.2") build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:18 -- Looking for include file windows.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:20 -- Looking for include file windows.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:20 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:22 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:22 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:24 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:24 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:26 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:26 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:27 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:27 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:29 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:29 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:30 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:30 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:32 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:32 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:34 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:34 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:35 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:35 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:37 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:37 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:39 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:39 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:40 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:40 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:42 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:42 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:44 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:44 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:45 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:45 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:47 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:47 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:48 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:48 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:50 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:50 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:52 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:52 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:54 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:54 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:55 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:55 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:58 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:58 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:59 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:14:59 -- Check size of size_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:01 -- Check size of size_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:01 -- Check size of ssize_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:02 -- Check size of ssize_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:02 -- Check size of long long build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:04 -- Check size of long long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:04 -- Check size of long build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:06 -- Check size of long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:06 -- Check size of int build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:07 -- Check size of int - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:07 -- Check size of __int64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:09 -- Check size of __int64 - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:09 -- Check size of time_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:11 -- Check size of time_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:11 -- Looking for fchmod build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:13 -- Looking for fchmod - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:13 -- Looking for basename build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:14 -- Looking for basename - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:14 -- Looking for socketpair build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:16 -- Looking for socketpair - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:16 -- Looking for recv build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:18 -- Looking for recv - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:18 -- Looking for send build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:20 -- Looking for send - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:20 -- Looking for sendmsg build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:22 -- Looking for sendmsg - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:22 -- Looking for strtok_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:24 -- Looking for strtok_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:24 -- Looking for strcasecmp build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:25 -- Looking for strcasecmp - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:25 -- Looking for alarm build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:27 -- Looking for alarm - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:27 -- Looking for getppid build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:29 -- Looking for getppid - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:29 -- Looking for utimes build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:31 -- Looking for utimes - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:31 -- Looking for getpwuid_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:32 -- Looking for getpwuid_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:32 -- Looking for strtoll build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:34 -- Looking for strtoll - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:34 -- Looking for _strtoi64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:37 -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:37 -- Looking for strerror_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:38 -- Looking for strerror_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:38 -- Looking for siginterrupt build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:40 -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:40 -- Looking for getaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:42 -- Looking for getaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:42 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:44 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:44 -- Looking for pipe build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:46 -- Looking for pipe - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:46 -- Looking for ftruncate build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:48 -- Looking for ftruncate - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:48 -- Looking for getpeername build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:50 -- Looking for getpeername - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:50 -- Looking for getsockname build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:52 -- Looking for getsockname - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:52 -- Looking for if_nametoindex build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:54 -- Looking for if_nametoindex - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:54 -- Looking for getrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:56 -- Looking for getrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:56 -- Looking for setlocale build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:58 -- Looking for setlocale - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:15:58 -- Looking for setmode build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:00 -- Looking for setmode - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:00 -- Looking for setrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:02 -- Looking for setrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:02 -- Looking for snprintf build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:03 -- Looking for snprintf - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:03 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:05 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:05 -- Looking for inet_ntop build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:07 -- Looking for inet_ntop - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:07 -- Looking for inet_pton build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:09 -- Looking for inet_pton - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:09 -- Looking for fsetxattr build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:11 -- Looking for fsetxattr - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:11 -- Check size of sa_family_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:12 -- Check size of sa_family_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:12 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:13 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:13 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:14 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:14 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:16 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:16 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:18 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:18 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:20 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:20 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:22 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:22 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:24 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:24 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:27 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:27 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:28 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:28 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:30 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:30 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:31 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:31 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:32 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:32 -- Check size of off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:33 -- Check size of off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:33 -- Check size of curl_off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:35 -- Check size of curl_off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:35 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:37 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:37 -- Found _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:37 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:38 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:38 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:39 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:39 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:40 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:40 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:42 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:42 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:43 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:43 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:45 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:45 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:47 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:47 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:48 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:48 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:50 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:50 -- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy threadsafe build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:50 -- Enabled protocols: DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER GOPHERS HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS LDAP MQTT POP3 POP3S RTSP SMB SMBS SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:50 -- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:50 -- Configuring done build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 -- Generating done build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 -- Build files have been written to: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-Win32-Debug/curl-7.88.0/build-Win32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Creating directory "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Creating directory "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Creating "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:16:59 Checking Build System build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Deleting file "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Touching "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Creating "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 Building Custom Rule C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-Win32-Debug/curl-7.88.0/lib/CMakeLists.txt build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 ClCompile: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x86\CL.exe /c /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" /Zi /nologo /W4 /WX- /diagnostics:column /MP /Od /Ob0 /Oy- /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D BUILDING_LIBCURL /D CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS /D OPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"libcurl.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.pdb" /external:W4 /Gd /TC /analyze- /errorReport:queue "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\altsvc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\amigaos.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-ares.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-thread.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\base64.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\bufref.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\c-hyper.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-socket.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cfilters.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\conncache.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\connect.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\content_encoding.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cookie.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_addrinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_des.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_endian.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_fnmatch.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_get_line.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gethostname.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_log.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_memrchr.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_multibyte.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_core.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_wb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_path.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_range.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_rtmp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_threads.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dict.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\doh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dynbuf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easygetopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easyoptions.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\escape.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\file.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fileinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fopen.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\formdata.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftplistparser.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getenv.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\gopher.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\h2h3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hash.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\headers.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hmac.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostasyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip6.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostsyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hsts.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_chunks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_negotiate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_proxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_aws_sigv4.c" 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"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mime.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mprintf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mqtt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\multi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\netrc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\nonblock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\noproxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\openldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\parsedate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pingpong.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pop3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\progress.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\psl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rand.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rename.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rtsp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\select.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sendf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\setopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sha256.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\share.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\slist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smtp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socketpair.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\speedcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\splay.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strcase.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strdup.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strerror.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtok.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtoofft.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\system_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\telnet.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\tftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timediff.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timeval.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\transfer.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\url.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\urlapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\warnless.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\wildcard.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ws.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cleartext.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cram.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\gsasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\oauth2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\vauth.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\bearssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gskit.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\hostcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\keylog.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls_threadlock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\nss.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\openssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\rustls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel_verify.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\sectransp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\vtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\wolfssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\x509asn1.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_msh3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_ngtcp2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_quiche.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\vquic.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\wolfssh.c" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 altsvc.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 amigaos.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 asyn-ares.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 asyn-thread.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 base64.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 bufref.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 c-hyper.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 cf-http.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 cf-socket.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 cfilters.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 conncache.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:00 connect.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 content_encoding.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 cookie.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_addrinfo.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_des.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_endian.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_fnmatch.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_get_line.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_gethostname.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 curl_log.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:01 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16:17:05 krb5_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 krb5_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 ntlm.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 ntlm_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 oauth2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 spnego_gssapi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 spnego_sspi.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 vauth.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:05 bearssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 gskit.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 gtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 hostcheck.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 keylog.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 mbedtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 mbedtls_threadlock.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 nss.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 openssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 rustls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 schannel.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 schannel_verify.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 sectransp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 vtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 wolfssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 x509asn1.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 curl_msh3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 curl_ngtcp2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 curl_quiche.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 vquic.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 libssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 libssh2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:06 wolfssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 Lib: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x86\Lib.exe /OUT:"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X86 /machine:X86 libcurl.dir\Debug\altsvc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\amigaos.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-ares.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-thread.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\base64.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\bufref.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 "libcurl.dir\Debug\c-hyper.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-http.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-socket.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\cfilters.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\conncache.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\connect.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\content_encoding.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\cookie.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_addrinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_des.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_endian.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_fnmatch.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_get_line.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gethostname.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_log.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_memrchr.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_multibyte.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_core.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_wb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_path.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_range.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_rtmp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_threads.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\dict.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\doh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\dynbuf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\easy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\easygetopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\easyoptions.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\escape.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\file.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\fileinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\fopen.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\formdata.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ftplistparser.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\getenv.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\getinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\gopher.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\h2h3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hash.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\headers.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hmac.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostasyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip6.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostsyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hsts.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_chunks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_negotiate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_proxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_aws_sigv4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\idn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\if2ip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\imap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_ntop.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_pton.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\llist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\md4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\md5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\memdebug.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\mime.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\mprintf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\mqtt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\multi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\netrc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\nonblock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\noproxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\openldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\parsedate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\pingpong.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\pop3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\progress.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\psl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\rand.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\rename.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\rtsp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\select.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\sendf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\setopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\sha256.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\share.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\slist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\smb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\smtp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\socketpair.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\speedcheck.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\splay.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\strcase.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\strdup.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\strerror.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\strtok.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\strtoofft.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\system_win32.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\telnet.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\tftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\timediff.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\timeval.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\transfer.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\url.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\urlapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\version.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\version_win32.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\warnless.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\wildcard.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ws.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\cleartext.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\cram.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\digest_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\gsasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\oauth2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\vauth.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\bearssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\gskit.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\gtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostcheck.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\keylog.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls_threadlock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\nss.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\openssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\rustls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel_verify.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\sectransp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\vtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\x509asn1.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_msh3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ngtcp2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_quiche.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\vquic.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:07 libcurl.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Deleting file "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Touching "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\libcurl.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 BuildPackagesTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Building packages. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Build succeeded. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 0 Warning(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 0 Error(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Time Elapsed 00:03:15.43 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Finished task 'Build curl Win32 Debug' with result: Success simple 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Starting task 'Build curl x64 Debug' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-1843564399999061317.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_username=\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_shortPlanName=curl (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=9\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-21T16:07:21.332-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-CW-JOB1-9\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_git_branch=7_88\nbamboo_repository_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=7_88\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=6ea519100c7a8459237c9bbab48dabe3280e93eb\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=7_88\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_repository_53673995_name=curl-packaging\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507021\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_53673995_revision_number=1c24d3377338c3b9c65df2d690e7d8b8152fb87a\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_4=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-3215843088524702093.rsp\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_3=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-2293602395981101340.rsp\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-4358451400911443166.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-CW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673995_branch_name=7_88\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=7_88\n build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Build started 2/21/2023 3:17:09 PM. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Building solution configuration "Debug|x64". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 7za: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 8.43 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 88 KB of 8.43 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 176 KB of 8.43 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 263.85 KB of 8.43 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 352 KB of 8.43 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 432 KB of 8.43 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 520 KB of 8.43 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 608 KB of 8.43 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 693.54 KB of 8.43 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 784 KB of 8.43 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 864 KB of 8.43 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 951.35 KB of 8.43 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.02 MB of 8.43 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 8.43 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.19 MB of 8.43 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.27 MB of 8.43 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 8.43 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.44 MB of 8.43 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.52 MB of 8.43 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.6 MB of 8.43 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 8.43 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.77 MB of 8.43 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 8.43 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.94 MB of 8.43 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.02 MB of 8.43 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.11 MB of 8.43 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 8.43 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 8.43 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.36 MB of 8.43 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.45 MB of 8.43 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.53 MB of 8.43 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.62 MB of 8.43 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.7 MB of 8.43 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 8.43 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.87 MB of 8.43 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.95 MB of 8.43 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.04 MB of 8.43 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.12 MB of 8.43 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.21 MB of 8.43 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 8.43 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.37 MB of 8.43 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.46 MB of 8.43 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.55 MB of 8.43 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 8.43 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.71 MB of 8.43 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.8 MB of 8.43 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.88 MB of 8.43 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.96 MB of 8.43 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.05 MB of 8.43 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.14 MB of 8.43 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.22 MB of 8.43 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.3 MB of 8.43 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.39 MB of 8.43 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.47 MB of 8.43 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.55 MB of 8.43 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.64 MB of 8.43 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.72 MB of 8.43 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.81 MB of 8.43 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.9 MB of 8.43 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.97 MB of 8.43 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.06 MB of 8.43 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.14 MB of 8.43 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.23 MB of 8.43 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.32 MB of 8.43 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.39 MB of 8.43 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 8.43 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.57 MB of 8.43 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.65 MB of 8.43 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.73 MB of 8.43 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.82 MB of 8.43 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.9 MB of 8.43 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.98 MB of 8.43 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.07 MB of 8.43 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.16 MB of 8.43 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.24 MB of 8.43 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.32 MB of 8.43 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.41 MB of 8.43 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.49 MB of 8.43 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.58 MB of 8.43 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.66 MB of 8.43 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.75 MB of 8.43 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.83 MB of 8.43 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.91 MB of 8.43 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7 MB of 8.43 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.09 MB of 8.43 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.17 MB of 8.43 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.25 MB of 8.43 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.34 MB of 8.43 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.42 MB of 8.43 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.51 MB of 8.43 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.59 MB of 8.43 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.67 MB of 8.43 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.76 MB of 8.43 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.84 MB of 8.43 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.93 MB of 8.43 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.01 MB of 8.43 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.1 MB of 8.43 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.18 MB of 8.43 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.26 MB of 8.43 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.35 MB of 8.43 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.43 MB of 8.43 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : 1 file, 8837277 bytes (8631 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Physical Size = 8837277 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Files: 4 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Size: 28670868 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Compressed: 8837277 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-x64-debug". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curlDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 KB of 4.14 MB 0 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 51.69 KB of 4.14 MB 1 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 99.69 KB of 4.14 MB 2 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 131.69 KB of 4.14 MB 3 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 195.69 KB of 4.14 MB 4 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 227.69 KB of 4.14 MB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 259.69 KB of 4.14 MB 6 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 301.5 KB of 4.14 MB 7 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 349.5 KB of 4.14 MB 8 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 397.5 KB of 4.14 MB 9 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 429.5 KB of 4.14 MB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 477.5 KB of 4.14 MB 11 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 525.5 KB of 4.14 MB 12 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 567.31 KB of 4.14 MB 13 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 599.31 KB of 4.14 MB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 647.31 KB of 4.14 MB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 679.31 KB of 4.14 MB 16 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 727.31 KB of 4.14 MB 17 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 775.31 KB of 4.14 MB 18 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 807.31 KB of 4.14 MB 19 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 855.31 KB of 4.14 MB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 903.31 KB of 4.14 MB 21 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 935.31 KB of 4.14 MB 22 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 983.31 KB of 4.14 MB 23 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.01 MB of 4.14 MB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.04 MB of 4.14 MB 25 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.08 MB of 4.14 MB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 4.14 MB 27 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.17 MB of 4.14 MB 28 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.21 MB of 4.14 MB 29 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.25 MB of 4.14 MB 30 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.3 MB of 4.14 MB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 MB of 4.14 MB 32 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.37 MB of 4.14 MB 33 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 4.14 MB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.46 MB of 4.14 MB 35 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.5 MB of 4.14 MB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.54 MB of 4.14 MB 37 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.59 MB of 4.14 MB 38 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.62 MB of 4.14 MB 39 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.67 MB of 4.14 MB 40 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.7 MB of 4.14 MB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.75 MB of 4.14 MB 42 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 4.14 MB 43 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.82 MB of 4.14 MB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.87 MB of 4.14 MB 45 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.92 MB of 4.14 MB 46 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.95 MB of 4.14 MB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2 MB of 4.14 MB 48 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.04 MB of 4.14 MB 49 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.07 MB of 4.14 MB 50 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.12 MB of 4.14 MB 51 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.17 MB of 4.14 MB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.21 MB of 4.14 MB 53 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.24 MB of 4.14 MB 54 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.29 MB of 4.14 MB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.32 MB of 4.14 MB 56 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.37 MB of 4.14 MB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.41 MB of 4.14 MB 58 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.46 MB of 4.14 MB 59 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.49 MB of 4.14 MB 60 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.53 MB of 4.14 MB 61 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.6 MB of 4.14 MB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.61 MB of 4.14 MB 63 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.66 MB of 4.14 MB 64 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.71 MB of 4.14 MB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.74 MB of 4.14 MB 66 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.78 MB of 4.14 MB 67 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.83 MB of 4.14 MB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.86 MB of 4.14 MB 69 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.91 MB of 4.14 MB 70 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.96 MB of 4.14 MB 71 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.99 MB of 4.14 MB 72 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.03 MB of 4.14 MB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.08 MB of 4.14 MB 74 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.12 MB of 4.14 MB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.15 MB of 4.14 MB 76 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 4.14 MB 77 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.25 MB of 4.14 MB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.28 MB of 4.14 MB 79 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.33 MB of 4.14 MB 80 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.36 MB of 4.14 MB 81 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.4 MB of 4.14 MB 82 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.45 MB of 4.14 MB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.48 MB of 4.14 MB 84 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.53 MB of 4.14 MB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.58 MB of 4.14 MB 86 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.61 MB of 4.14 MB 87 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.65 MB of 4.14 MB 88 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.7 MB of 4.14 MB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.73 MB of 4.14 MB 90 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.78 MB of 4.14 MB 91 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.81 MB of 4.14 MB 92 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.86 MB of 4.14 MB 93 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.91 MB of 4.14 MB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.94 MB of 4.14 MB 95 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.99 MB of 4.14 MB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 4.14 MB 97 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.07 MB of 4.14 MB 98 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.11 MB of 4.14 MB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 1 file, 4345058 bytes (4244 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Type = gzip build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Size: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Compressed: 4345058 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : 1 file, 26890240 bytes (26 MiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:11 curl-7.88.0.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Type = tar build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Physical Size = 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Headers Size = 1859072 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Folders: 54 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Files: 3559 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Size: 24132231 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 curl-7.88.0.tar : Compressed: 26890240 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Start downloading package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 uri: "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 152.76 KB 5 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 16 KB of 152.76 KB 10 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 21.67 KB of 152.76 KB 14 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 24 KB of 152.76 KB 15 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 32 KB of 152.76 KB 20 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 37.29 KB of 152.76 KB 24 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 40 KB of 152.76 KB 26 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 48 KB of 152.76 KB 31 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 52.92 KB of 152.76 KB 34 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 56 KB of 152.76 KB 36 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 64 KB of 152.76 KB 41 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 68.54 KB of 152.76 KB 44 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 72 KB of 152.76 KB 47 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 80 KB of 152.76 KB 52 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 84.17 KB of 152.76 KB 55 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 88 KB of 152.76 KB 57 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 96 KB of 152.76 KB 62 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 99.79 KB of 152.76 KB 65 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 104 KB of 152.76 KB 68 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 112 KB of 152.76 KB 73 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 115.42 KB of 152.76 KB 75 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 120 KB of 152.76 KB 78 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 128 KB of 152.76 KB 83 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 131.04 KB of 152.76 KB 85 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 136 KB of 152.76 KB 89 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 144 KB of 152.76 KB 94 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 146.67 KB of 152.76 KB 96 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 152 KB of 152.76 KB 99 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 152.76 KB of 152.76 KB 100 % complete... build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : 1 file, 156428 bytes (153 KiB) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : -- build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\ build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Type = zip build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Physical Size = 156428 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Everything is Ok build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Files: 3 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Size: 512570 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Compressed: 156428 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-x64-debug". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Downloading finished for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Checking for package "". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Build: build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Creating directory "build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64". build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=1 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include\;C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Debug -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -T v143 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045. build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:18 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.34.31933.0 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:18 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.34.31933/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Detecting C compile features build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Detecting C compile features - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- curl version=[7.88.0] build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Found Perl: C:/Perl64/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.24.3") build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:20 -- Looking for pthread.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:21 -- Looking for pthread.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:21 -- Found Threads: TRUE build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:21 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:23 -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:23 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:24 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:25 -- Found OpenSSL: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/openssl-1.1.1t/binaries/x64/Debug/libcrypto.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:25 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:26 -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:26 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:27 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:27 -- Looking for include file winldap.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:29 -- Looking for include file winldap.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:29 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:30 -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:30 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:31 -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:31 -- Found ZLIB: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Debug (found version "1.2.11") build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:31 -- Could NOT find LibPSL (missing: LIBPSL_LIBRARY LIBPSL_INCLUDE_DIR) build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:31 -- Could NOT find LibSSH2 (missing: LIBSSH2_LIBRARY) (found version "1.8.2") build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:31 -- Looking for include file windows.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:33 -- Looking for include file windows.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:33 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:35 -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:35 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:37 -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:37 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:39 -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:39 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:41 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:41 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:42 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:42 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:44 -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:44 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:46 -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:46 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:47 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:47 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:49 -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:49 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:50 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:50 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:52 -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:52 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:53 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:53 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:56 -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:56 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:57 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:57 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:58 -- Looking for linux/tcp.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:17:58 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:00 -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:00 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:01 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:01 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:03 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:03 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:05 -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:05 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:07 -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:07 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:08 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:08 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:10 -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:10 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:12 -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:12 -- Check size of size_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:14 -- Check size of size_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:14 -- Check size of ssize_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:15 -- Check size of ssize_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:15 -- Check size of long long build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:16 -- Check size of long long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:16 -- Check size of long build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:18 -- Check size of long - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:18 -- Check size of int build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:20 -- Check size of int - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:20 -- Check size of __int64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:21 -- Check size of __int64 - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:21 -- Check size of time_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:23 -- Check size of time_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:23 -- Looking for fchmod build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:24 -- Looking for fchmod - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:24 -- Looking for basename build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:26 -- Looking for basename - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:26 -- Looking for socketpair build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:27 -- Looking for socketpair - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:27 -- Looking for recv build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:29 -- Looking for recv - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:29 -- Looking for send build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:31 -- Looking for send - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:31 -- Looking for sendmsg build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:33 -- Looking for sendmsg - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:33 -- Looking for strtok_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:35 -- Looking for strtok_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:35 -- Looking for strcasecmp build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:36 -- Looking for strcasecmp - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:36 -- Looking for alarm build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:38 -- Looking for alarm - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:38 -- Looking for getppid build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:40 -- Looking for getppid - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:40 -- Looking for utimes build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:41 -- Looking for utimes - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:41 -- Looking for getpwuid_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:43 -- Looking for getpwuid_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:43 -- Looking for strtoll build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:45 -- Looking for strtoll - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:45 -- Looking for _strtoi64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:47 -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:47 -- Looking for strerror_r build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:48 -- Looking for strerror_r - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:48 -- Looking for siginterrupt build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:50 -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:50 -- Looking for getaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:52 -- Looking for getaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:52 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:54 -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:54 -- Looking for pipe build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:56 -- Looking for pipe - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:56 -- Looking for ftruncate build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:57 -- Looking for ftruncate - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:18:57 -- Looking for getpeername build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:00 -- Looking for getpeername - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:00 -- Looking for getsockname build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:02 -- Looking for getsockname - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:02 -- Looking for if_nametoindex build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:03 -- Looking for if_nametoindex - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:03 -- Looking for getrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:05 -- Looking for getrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:05 -- Looking for setlocale build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:07 -- Looking for setlocale - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:07 -- Looking for setmode build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:09 -- Looking for setmode - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:09 -- Looking for setrlimit build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:11 -- Looking for setrlimit - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:11 -- Looking for snprintf build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:12 -- Looking for snprintf - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:12 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:14 -- Looking for mach_absolute_time - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:14 -- Looking for inet_ntop build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:16 -- Looking for inet_ntop - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:16 -- Looking for inet_pton build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:18 -- Looking for inet_pton - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:18 -- Looking for fsetxattr build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:19 -- Looking for fsetxattr - not found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:19 -- Check size of sa_family_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:21 -- Check size of sa_family_t - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:21 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:22 -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY - failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:22 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:23 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:25 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:26 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:26 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:28 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:28 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:30 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:30 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:31 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:31 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:32 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:32 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:33 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:33 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:35 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:35 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:36 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:36 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:38 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:38 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:39 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:39 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:40 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:40 -- Check size of off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:42 -- Check size of off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:42 -- Check size of curl_off_t build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:43 -- Check size of curl_off_t - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:43 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:45 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:45 -- Found _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00 build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:45 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:46 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:46 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:47 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:47 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:49 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:49 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:50 -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:50 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:51 -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:51 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:53 -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:53 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:55 -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - done build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:55 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:56 -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:56 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:58 -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext - found build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:58 -- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy threadsafe build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:58 -- Enabled protocols: DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER GOPHERS HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS LDAP MQTT POP3 POP3S RTSP SMB SMBS SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:58 -- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL build 21-Feb-2023 16:19:58 -- Configuring done build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:06 -- Generating done build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:06 -- Build files have been written to: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Debug/curl-7.88.0/build-x64 build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Checking Build System build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Deleting file "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Touching "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 PrepareForBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 InitializeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Creating "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 CustomBuild: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Building Custom Rule C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Debug/curl-7.88.0/lib/CMakeLists.txt build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:08 ClCompile: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:08 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" /Zi /nologo /W4 /WX- /diagnostics:column /MP /Od /Ob0 /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D BUILDING_LIBCURL /D CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS /D OPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"libcurl.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.pdb" /external:W4 /Gd /TC /errorReport:queue "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\altsvc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\amigaos.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-ares.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-thread.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\base64.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\bufref.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\c-hyper.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-socket.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cfilters.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\conncache.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\connect.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\content_encoding.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cookie.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_addrinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_des.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_endian.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_fnmatch.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_get_line.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gethostname.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_log.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_memrchr.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_multibyte.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_core.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_wb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_path.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_range.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_rtmp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_threads.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dict.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\doh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dynbuf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easygetopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easyoptions.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\escape.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\file.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fileinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fopen.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\formdata.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftplistparser.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getenv.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\gopher.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\h2h3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hash.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\headers.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hmac.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostasyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip6.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostsyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hsts.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_chunks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_negotiate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_proxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_aws_sigv4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\idn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\if2ip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\imap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\inet_ntop.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\inet_pton.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\krb5.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\llist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\md4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\md5.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\memdebug.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mime.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mprintf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mqtt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\multi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\netrc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\nonblock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\noproxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\openldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\parsedate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pingpong.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pop3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\progress.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\psl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rand.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rename.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rtsp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\select.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sendf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\setopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sha256.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\share.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\slist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smtp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socketpair.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\speedcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\splay.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strcase.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strdup.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strerror.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtok.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtoofft.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\system_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\telnet.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\tftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timediff.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timeval.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\transfer.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\url.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\urlapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\warnless.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\wildcard.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ws.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cleartext.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cram.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\gsasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\oauth2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\vauth.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\bearssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gskit.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\hostcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\keylog.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls_threadlock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\nss.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\openssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\rustls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel_verify.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\sectransp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\vtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\wolfssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\x509asn1.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_msh3.c" 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21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 easygetopt.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 easyoptions.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 escape.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 file.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 fileinfo.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 fopen.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 formdata.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 ftp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 ftplistparser.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 getenv.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 getinfo.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 gopher.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 h2h3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hash.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 headers.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hmac.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hostasyn.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hostip.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hostip4.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hostip6.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hostsyn.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 hsts.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 http.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 http2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 http_chunks.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 http_digest.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:09 http_negotiate.c build 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mbedtls_threadlock.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 nss.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 openssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 rustls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 schannel.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 schannel_verify.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 sectransp.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 vtls.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 wolfssl.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 x509asn1.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 curl_msh3.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 curl_ngtcp2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 curl_quiche.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:10 vquic.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:11 libssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:11 libssh2.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:11 wolfssh.c build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 Lib: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\Lib.exe /OUT:"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X64 /machine:x64 libcurl.dir\Debug\altsvc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\amigaos.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-ares.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-thread.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\base64.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\bufref.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 "libcurl.dir\Debug\c-hyper.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-http.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-socket.obj" build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\cfilters.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\conncache.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\connect.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\content_encoding.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\cookie.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_addrinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_des.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_endian.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_fnmatch.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_get_line.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gethostname.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_log.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_memrchr.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_multibyte.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_core.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_wb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_path.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_range.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_rtmp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_threads.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\dict.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\doh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\dynbuf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\easy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\easygetopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\easyoptions.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\escape.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\file.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\fileinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\fopen.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\formdata.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ftplistparser.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\getenv.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\getinfo.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\gopher.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\h2h3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hash.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\headers.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hmac.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostasyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip6.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostsyn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hsts.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_chunks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_negotiate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_proxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\http_aws_sigv4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\idn.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\if2ip.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\imap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_ntop.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_pton.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\llist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\md4.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\md5.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\memdebug.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\mime.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\mprintf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\mqtt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\multi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\netrc.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\nonblock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\noproxy.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\openldap.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\parsedate.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\pingpong.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\pop3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\progress.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\psl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\rand.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\rename.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\rtsp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\select.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\sendf.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\setopt.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\sha256.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\share.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\slist.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\smb.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\smtp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\socketpair.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\speedcheck.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\splay.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\strcase.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\strdup.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\strerror.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\strtok.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\strtoofft.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\system_win32.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\telnet.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\tftp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\timediff.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\timeval.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\transfer.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\url.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\urlapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\version.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\version_win32.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\warnless.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\wildcard.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ws.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\cleartext.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\cram.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\digest.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\digest_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\gsasl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\oauth2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_gssapi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_sspi.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\vauth.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\bearssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\gskit.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\gtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\hostcheck.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\keylog.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls_threadlock.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\nss.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\openssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\rustls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel_verify.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\sectransp.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\vtls.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssl.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\x509asn1.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_msh3.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ngtcp2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_quiche.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\vquic.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh2.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssh.obj build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 libcurl.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 Deleting file "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 Touching "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\libcurl.lastbuildstate". build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 BuildPackagesTarget: build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 Building packages. build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (default targets). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)). build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Build succeeded. build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 0 Warning(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 0 Error(s) build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 build 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Time Elapsed 00:03:05.15 simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finished task 'Build curl x64 Debug' with result: Success simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Publishing an artifact: curl-windows-binaries-zip simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [curl-windows-binaries-zip], pattern: [curl-*.zip] anchored at: [out] in 464.5 ms simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finalising the build... simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Stopping timer. simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Build SP-CW-JOB1-9 completed. simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 All post build plugins have finished simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Generating build results summary... simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Saving build results to disk... simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Logging substituted variables... simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Indexing build results... simple 21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Finished building SP-CW-JOB1-9.