simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Build Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5) started building on agent WIN-AGENT-1 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Remote agent on host WIN-AGENT-1 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Build working directory is C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Executing build Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5) simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:26 Cleaning build directory 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1' simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:44 Checking out into C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:44 Updating source code to revision: 49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:44 Creating local git repository in 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\.git'. simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:44 Initialized empty Git repository in C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-LW-JOB1/.git/ simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:45 Fetching 'refs/heads/v10.23' from ''. simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:55 From simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:55 * [new branch] v10.23 -> v10.23 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:57:55 Checking out revision 49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d. simple 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Switched to branch 'v10.23' simple 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Updated source code to revision: 49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d simple 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Starting task 'Build libpq Win32 Release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5897445015700867209.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_shortPlanName=libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=5\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=LW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-15T12:57:26.047-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-LW-JOB1-5\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_username=\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_repository_53673996_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507012\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=SP-LW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=v10.23\n build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:36 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:37 Build started 2/15/2023 11:58:37 AM. build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:38 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:38 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:38 Building solution configuration "Release|Win32". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 32 KB of 674.5 KB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 7.63 KB of 674.5 KB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 37.28 KB of 674.5 KB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 48 KB of 674.5 KB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 56 KB of 674.5 KB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 16 KB of 674.5 KB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 64 KB of 674.5 KB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 24 KB of 674.5 KB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 68.53 KB of 674.5 KB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 80 KB of 674.5 KB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 84.15 KB of 674.5 KB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 88 KB of 674.5 KB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 96 KB of 674.5 KB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 104 KB of 674.5 KB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 112 KB of 674.5 KB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 115.4 KB of 674.5 KB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 128 KB of 674.5 KB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 131.03 KB of 674.5 KB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 136 KB of 674.5 KB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 144 KB of 674.5 KB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 152 KB of 674.5 KB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 160 KB of 674.5 KB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 162.28 KB of 674.5 KB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 176 KB of 674.5 KB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 184 KB of 674.5 KB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 192 KB of 674.5 KB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 200 KB of 674.5 KB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 208 KB of 674.5 KB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 209.15 KB of 674.5 KB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 216 KB of 674.5 KB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 224 KB of 674.5 KB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 232 KB of 674.5 KB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 240 KB of 674.5 KB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 248 KB of 674.5 KB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 256 KB of 674.5 KB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 263.84 KB of 674.5 KB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 272 KB of 674.5 KB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 279.46 KB of 674.5 KB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 288 KB of 674.5 KB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 295.09 KB of 674.5 KB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 304 KB of 674.5 KB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 310.71 KB of 674.5 KB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 320 KB of 674.5 KB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 326.34 KB of 674.5 KB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 336 KB of 674.5 KB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 341.96 KB of 674.5 KB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 344 KB of 674.5 KB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 352 KB of 674.5 KB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 357.59 KB of 674.5 KB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 368 KB of 674.5 KB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 373.21 KB of 674.5 KB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 384 KB of 674.5 KB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 388.84 KB of 674.5 KB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 392 KB of 674.5 KB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 400 KB of 674.5 KB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 408 KB of 674.5 KB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 416 KB of 674.5 KB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 420.09 KB of 674.5 KB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 432 KB of 674.5 KB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 440 KB of 674.5 KB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 448 KB of 674.5 KB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 456 KB of 674.5 KB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 464 KB of 674.5 KB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 466.96 KB of 674.5 KB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 480 KB of 674.5 KB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 488 KB of 674.5 KB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 496 KB of 674.5 KB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 504 KB of 674.5 KB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 512 KB of 674.5 KB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 513.84 KB of 674.5 KB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 520 KB of 674.5 KB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 528 KB of 674.5 KB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 536 KB of 674.5 KB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 544 KB of 674.5 KB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 552 KB of 674.5 KB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 560 KB of 674.5 KB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 568 KB of 674.5 KB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 576 KB of 674.5 KB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 584 KB of 674.5 KB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 592 KB of 674.5 KB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 599.78 KB of 674.5 KB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 608 KB of 674.5 KB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 615.4 KB of 674.5 KB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 624 KB of 674.5 KB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 631.03 KB of 674.5 KB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 640 KB of 674.5 KB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 646.65 KB of 674.5 KB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 648 KB of 674.5 KB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 656 KB of 674.5 KB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 662.28 KB of 674.5 KB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 672 KB of 674.5 KB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 7za1701.exe : downloaded 674.5 KB of 674.5 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 8.45 MB 0 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 88 KB of 8.45 MB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 176 KB of 8.45 MB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 264 KB of 8.45 MB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 352 KB of 8.45 MB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 437.21 KB of 8.45 MB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 520 KB of 8.45 MB 6 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 608 KB of 8.45 MB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 695.02 KB of 8.45 MB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 784 KB of 8.45 MB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 866.9 KB of 8.45 MB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 952 KB of 8.45 MB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.02 MB of 8.45 MB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 8.45 MB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.19 MB of 8.45 MB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.27 MB of 8.45 MB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 8.45 MB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.44 MB of 8.45 MB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.52 MB of 8.45 MB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.61 MB of 8.45 MB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 8.45 MB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.78 MB of 8.45 MB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 8.45 MB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 1.95 MB of 8.45 MB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.03 MB of 8.45 MB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.11 MB of 8.45 MB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 8.45 MB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 8.45 MB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.37 MB of 8.45 MB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.45 MB of 8.45 MB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.53 MB of 8.45 MB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.62 MB of 8.45 MB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.71 MB of 8.45 MB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 8.45 MB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.88 MB of 8.45 MB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 2.96 MB of 8.45 MB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.04 MB of 8.45 MB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.13 MB of 8.45 MB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.21 MB of 8.45 MB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.3 MB of 8.45 MB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.38 MB of 8.45 MB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.47 MB of 8.45 MB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.55 MB of 8.45 MB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 8.45 MB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.72 MB of 8.45 MB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.8 MB of 8.45 MB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.89 MB of 8.45 MB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 3.97 MB of 8.45 MB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.05 MB of 8.45 MB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.14 MB of 8.45 MB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.22 MB of 8.45 MB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.31 MB of 8.45 MB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.39 MB of 8.45 MB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 8.45 MB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.56 MB of 8.45 MB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.65 MB of 8.45 MB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.73 MB of 8.45 MB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.82 MB of 8.45 MB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.9 MB of 8.45 MB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 4.99 MB of 8.45 MB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.07 MB of 8.45 MB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.15 MB of 8.45 MB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.24 MB of 8.45 MB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.33 MB of 8.45 MB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.41 MB of 8.45 MB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.5 MB of 8.45 MB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.58 MB of 8.45 MB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.66 MB of 8.45 MB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.75 MB of 8.45 MB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.83 MB of 8.45 MB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 5.91 MB of 8.45 MB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6 MB of 8.45 MB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.08 MB of 8.45 MB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.17 MB of 8.45 MB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.25 MB of 8.45 MB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.34 MB of 8.45 MB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.42 MB of 8.45 MB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.51 MB of 8.45 MB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.59 MB of 8.45 MB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.68 MB of 8.45 MB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.76 MB of 8.45 MB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.84 MB of 8.45 MB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 6.93 MB of 8.45 MB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.01 MB of 8.45 MB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.1 MB of 8.45 MB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.19 MB of 8.45 MB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.27 MB of 8.45 MB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.35 MB of 8.45 MB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.44 MB of 8.45 MB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.52 MB of 8.45 MB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.6 MB of 8.45 MB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.69 MB of 8.45 MB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.77 MB of 8.45 MB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.86 MB of 8.45 MB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 7.94 MB of 8.45 MB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.02 MB of 8.45 MB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.11 MB of 8.45 MB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.19 MB of 8.45 MB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.28 MB of 8.45 MB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.37 MB of 8.45 MB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : downloaded 8.45 MB of 8.45 MB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : 1 file, 8856512 bytes (8649 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:40 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Physical Size = 8856512 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Files: 4 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Size: 27361052 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Compressed: 8856512 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-win32-release". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 303.46 KB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 16 KB of 303.46 KB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 303.46 KB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 32 KB of 303.46 KB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 34.39 KB of 303.46 KB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 40 KB of 303.46 KB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 48 KB of 303.46 KB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 56 KB of 303.46 KB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 64 KB of 303.46 KB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 50.02 KB of 303.46 KB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 72 KB of 303.46 KB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 80 KB of 303.46 KB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 88 KB of 303.46 KB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 104 KB of 303.46 KB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 96 KB of 303.46 KB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 112 KB of 303.46 KB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 120 KB of 303.46 KB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 128 KB of 303.46 KB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 112.52 KB of 303.46 KB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 135.95 KB of 303.46 KB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 144 KB of 303.46 KB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 151.58 KB of 303.46 KB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 152 KB of 303.46 KB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 160 KB of 303.46 KB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 167.2 KB of 303.46 KB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 176 KB of 303.46 KB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 182.83 KB of 303.46 KB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 192 KB of 303.46 KB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 198.45 KB of 303.46 KB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 208 KB of 303.46 KB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 214.08 KB of 303.46 KB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 216 KB of 303.46 KB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 224 KB of 303.46 KB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 229.7 KB of 303.46 KB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 232 KB of 303.46 KB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 240 KB of 303.46 KB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 245.33 KB of 303.46 KB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 248 KB of 303.46 KB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 256 KB of 303.46 KB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 260.95 KB of 303.46 KB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 264 KB of 303.46 KB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 272 KB of 303.46 KB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 276.58 KB of 303.46 KB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 280 KB of 303.46 KB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 288 KB of 303.46 KB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 292.2 KB of 303.46 KB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 296 KB of 303.46 KB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 303.46 KB of 303.46 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 1 file, 310748 bytes (304 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Physical Size = 310748 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Files: 107 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Size: 1411463 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Compressed: 310748 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-headers". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 159.29 KB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 8 KB of 159.29 KB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 16 KB of 159.29 KB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 159.29 KB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 24 KB of 159.29 KB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 32 KB of 159.29 KB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 38.77 KB of 159.29 KB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 40 KB of 159.29 KB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 48 KB of 159.29 KB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 54.4 KB of 159.29 KB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 56 KB of 159.29 KB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 64 KB of 159.29 KB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 70.02 KB of 159.29 KB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 72 KB of 159.29 KB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 80 KB of 159.29 KB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 85.65 KB of 159.29 KB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 88 KB of 159.29 KB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 96 KB of 159.29 KB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 101.27 KB of 159.29 KB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 104 KB of 159.29 KB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 112 KB of 159.29 KB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 116.9 KB of 159.29 KB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 120 KB of 159.29 KB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 128 KB of 159.29 KB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 132.52 KB of 159.29 KB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 136 KB of 159.29 KB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 144 KB of 159.29 KB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 148.15 KB of 159.29 KB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 152 KB of 159.29 KB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 159.29 KB of 159.29 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 1 file, 163109 bytes (160 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Physical Size = 163109 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Files: 3 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Size: 428246 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Compressed: 163109 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-win32-release". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 7.7 KB of 30.03 KB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 8 KB of 30.03 KB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 16 KB of 30.03 KB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 30.03 KB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 24 KB of 30.03 KB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : downloaded 30.03 KB of 30.03 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : 1 file, 30746 bytes (31 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Physical Size = 30746 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Files: 2 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Size: 113124 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 : Compressed: 30746 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-headers". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 libpqDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:41 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:42 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.71 KB of 18.58 MB 0 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:42 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 191.71 KB of 18.58 MB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:42 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 383.71 KB of 18.58 MB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 575.71 KB of 18.58 MB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 767.71 KB of 18.58 MB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 959.71 KB of 18.58 MB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 1.12 MB of 18.58 MB 6 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 1.31 MB of 18.58 MB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 1.5 MB of 18.58 MB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 18.58 MB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 18.58 MB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.05 MB of 18.58 MB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.23 MB of 18.58 MB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.42 MB of 18.58 MB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.61 MB of 18.58 MB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.8 MB of 18.58 MB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 2.98 MB of 18.58 MB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 3.17 MB of 18.58 MB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 3.36 MB of 18.58 MB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 3.53 MB of 18.58 MB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 3.72 MB of 18.58 MB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 3.91 MB of 18.58 MB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 4.09 MB of 18.58 MB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 4.28 MB of 18.58 MB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 4.47 MB of 18.58 MB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 4.66 MB of 18.58 MB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 4.84 MB of 18.58 MB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.03 MB of 18.58 MB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.22 MB of 18.58 MB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.39 MB of 18.58 MB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.58 MB of 18.58 MB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.77 MB of 18.58 MB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 5.95 MB of 18.58 MB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 6.14 MB of 18.58 MB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 6.33 MB of 18.58 MB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 6.52 MB of 18.58 MB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 6.7 MB of 18.58 MB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 6.89 MB of 18.58 MB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 7.06 MB of 18.58 MB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 7.25 MB of 18.58 MB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 7.44 MB of 18.58 MB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 7.62 MB of 18.58 MB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 7.81 MB of 18.58 MB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8 MB of 18.58 MB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8.19 MB of 18.58 MB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8.37 MB of 18.58 MB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:43 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8.56 MB of 18.58 MB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:44 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8.73 MB of 18.58 MB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:44 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 8.92 MB of 18.58 MB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 9.11 MB of 18.58 MB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 9.3 MB of 18.58 MB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 9.48 MB of 18.58 MB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 9.67 MB of 18.58 MB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 9.86 MB of 18.58 MB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.05 MB of 18.58 MB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.23 MB of 18.58 MB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.42 MB of 18.58 MB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.59 MB of 18.58 MB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.78 MB of 18.58 MB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 10.97 MB of 18.58 MB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 11.16 MB of 18.58 MB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 11.34 MB of 18.58 MB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 11.53 MB of 18.58 MB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 11.72 MB of 18.58 MB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 11.91 MB of 18.58 MB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 12.09 MB of 18.58 MB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 12.27 MB of 18.58 MB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 12.45 MB of 18.58 MB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 12.64 MB of 18.58 MB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 12.83 MB of 18.58 MB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.02 MB of 18.58 MB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.2 MB of 18.58 MB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.39 MB of 18.58 MB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.58 MB of 18.58 MB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.77 MB of 18.58 MB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 13.94 MB of 18.58 MB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 14.12 MB of 18.58 MB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 14.31 MB of 18.58 MB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 14.5 MB of 18.58 MB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 14.69 MB of 18.58 MB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 14.87 MB of 18.58 MB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.06 MB of 18.58 MB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.25 MB of 18.58 MB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.44 MB of 18.58 MB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.62 MB of 18.58 MB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.8 MB of 18.58 MB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 15.98 MB of 18.58 MB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 16.17 MB of 18.58 MB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:45 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 16.36 MB of 18.58 MB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 16.55 MB of 18.58 MB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 16.73 MB of 18.58 MB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 16.92 MB of 18.58 MB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 17.11 MB of 18.58 MB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 17.3 MB of 18.58 MB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 17.47 MB of 18.58 MB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 17.66 MB of 18.58 MB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 17.84 MB of 18.58 MB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 18.03 MB of 18.58 MB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 18.22 MB of 18.58 MB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 18.41 MB of 18.58 MB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : downloaded 18.58 MB of 18.58 MB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : 1 file, 19485297 bytes (19 MiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:46 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Type = bzip2 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Size: 127631360 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 postgresql-10.23.tar.bz2 : Compressed: 19485297 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar". build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:49 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : 1 file, 127631360 bytes (122 MiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : build 15-Feb-2023 12:58:50 postgresql-10.23.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23.tar build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Type = tar build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Physical Size = 127631360 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Headers Size = 3643904 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Folders: 457 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Files: 6643 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Size: 122248024 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 postgresql-10.23.tar : Compressed: 127631360 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 Build: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 libpq.cmd x86 Release openssl-1.1.1t zlib-1.2.11 15.9.21 32 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 Building Platfrom = x86 Configuration=Release build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\aes.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1t.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\async.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asyncerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bio.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bioerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\blowfish.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bn.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bnerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffer.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffererr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\camellia.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cast.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cms.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf_api.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\crypto.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cryptoerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ct.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cterr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\des.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dh.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dherr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dtls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ebcdic.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ec.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdh.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engine.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engineerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\e_os2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\hmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\idea.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\lhash.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md4.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md5.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\mdc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\modes.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objects.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objectserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\obj_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:13 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\opensslv.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ossl_typ.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pemerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\randerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand_drbg.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc4.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc5.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ripemd.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\safestack.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\seed.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sha.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srtp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl3.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sslerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\stack.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\store.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\storeerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\symhacks.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ts.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\txt_db.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ui.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\uierr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\whrlpool.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509_vfy.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_EPILOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_PROLOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 105 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\include_x86\openssl\opensslconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 1 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Release\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 zlib-1.2.11\include\zconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 zlib-1.2.11\include\zlib.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 2 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:14 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:15 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:15 ** Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:15 ** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:15 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:17 [vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x86' build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Detected hardware platform: Win32 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Generating win32ver.rc for src/timezone build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/snowball build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Generating win32ver.rc for src/pl/plpgsql/src build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:19 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/replication/pgoutput build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/interfaces/ecpg/compatlib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/interfaces/ecpg/test build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/isolation build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/initdb build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pgbench build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_archivecleanup build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_config build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_controldata build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_ctl build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_resetwal build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:20 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_test_fsync build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_test_timing build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_upgrade build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/psql build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Files src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_basebackup build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_rewind build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pgevent build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_dump build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pgcrypto build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/adminpack build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/amcheck build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/auth_delay build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/auto_explain build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:21 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/bloom build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/btree_gin build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/btree_gist build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/chkpass build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/citext build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/cube build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Files contrib/cube/cubescan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Files contrib/cube/cubeparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/dblink build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/dict_int build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/dict_xsyn build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/earthdistance build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/file_fdw build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/fuzzystrmatch build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/hstore build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/intarray build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/isn build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/lo build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/ltree build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/oid2name build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pageinspect build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:22 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/passwordcheck build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pgrowlocks build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pgstattuple build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_buffercache build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_freespacemap build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_prewarm build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_standby build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_stat_statements build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_trgm build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/pg_visibility build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/postgres_fdw build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/seg build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Files contrib/seg/segscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Files contrib/seg/segparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/spi build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/sslinfo build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/tablefunc build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:23 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/tcn build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/test_decoding build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/tsm_system_rows build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/tsm_system_time build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/unaccent build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for contrib/vacuumlo build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/dummy_seclabel build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/test_ddl_deparse build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/test_parser build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/test_rls_hooks build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/test_shm_mq build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/modules/worker_spi build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/ascii_and_mic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/cyrillic_and_mic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/euc_cn_and_mic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/euc_jp_and_sjis build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/euc_kr_and_mic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/euc_tw_and_big5 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/latin2_and_win1250 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:24 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/latin_and_mic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_ascii build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_big5 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_cyrillic build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_euc_cn build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_euc_jp build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_euc_kr build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_euc_tw build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_gb18030 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_gbk build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_iso8859 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_iso8859_1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_johab build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_sjis build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_win build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_uhc build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_euc2004 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_sjis2004 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/euc2004_sjis2004 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:25 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/scripts build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating win32ver.rc for src/test/regress build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating win32ver.rc for src/bin/pg_waldump build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Copying pg_config_os.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating pg_config.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Copying pg_config_ext.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/ecpglib.def... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating src/interfaces/ecpg/compatlib/compatlib.def... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/pgtypeslib.def... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Generating fmgrtab.c, fmgroids.h, fmgrprotos.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Writing fmgroids.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Writing fmgrprotos.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:26 Writing fmgrtab.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating lwlocknames.c and lwlocknames.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating probes.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating errcodes.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating plerrcodes.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating qsort_tuple.c... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating libpq.rc... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating sql_help.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:27 Generating preproc.y... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:28 Generating ecpg_config.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:28 Generating pg_config_paths.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:28 Generating postgres.bki and schemapg.h... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 Writing postgres.bki build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 Writing schemapg.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 Writing postgres.description build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 Writing postgres.shdescription build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:29 Build started 2/15/2023 11:59:29 AM. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 PrepareForBuild: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 Creating directory ".\Release\libpgport\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 Creating directory ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:30 Creating ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Ox /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D _MBCS /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Release\libpgport\\" /Fd".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /analyze- /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/port/chklocale.c src/port/crypt.c src/port/dirent.c src/port/dirmod.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/fls.c src/port/fseeko.c src/port/getaddrinfo.c src/port/getopt.c src/port/getopt_long.c src/port/getrusage.c src/port/gettimeofday.c src/port/inet_aton.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/kill.c src/port/mkdtemp.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/open.c src/port/path.c src/port/pg_crc32c_choose.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgcheckdir.c src/port/pgmkdirp.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/qsort.c src/port/qsort_arg.c src/port/quotes.c src/port/random.c src/port/snprintf.c src/port/sprompt.c src/port/srandom.c src/port/strlcat.c src/port/strlcpy.c src/port/system.c src/port/tar.c src/port/thread.c src/port/win32env.c src/port/win32error.c src/port/win32security.c src/port/win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 crypt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 dirent.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 dirmod.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 fls.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 fseeko.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 getaddrinfo.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 getopt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 getopt_long.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 getrusage.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 gettimeofday.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 inet_aton.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 kill.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 mkdtemp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 open.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 path.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pg_crc32c_choose.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pg_crc32c_sb8.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pg_crc32c_sse42.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pgcheckdir.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pgmkdirp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 qsort.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 qsort_arg.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 quotes.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:31 random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:32 snprintf.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 sprompt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 srandom.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 strlcat.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 strlcpy.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 system.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 tar.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 win32env.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 win32error.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 win32security.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:33 win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 Lib: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\Lib.exe /OUT:".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X86 .\Release\libpgport\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\crypt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\dirent.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\dirmod.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\fls.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\fseeko.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\getaddrinfo.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\getopt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\getopt_long.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\getrusage.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\gettimeofday.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\inet_aton.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\kill.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\mkdtemp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\open.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\path.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_choose.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sb8.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sse42.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pgcheckdir.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pgmkdirp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\qsort.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\qsort_arg.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\quotes.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\snprintf.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\sprompt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\srandom.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\strlcat.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\strlcpy.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\system.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\tar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\win32env.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\win32error.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\win32security.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:34 .\Release\libpgport\win32setlocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 libpgport.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Deleting file ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Touching ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\libpgport.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 PrepareForBuild: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Creating directory ".\Release\libpq\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Creating directory ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 Creating ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Isrc/port /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Ox /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D UNSAFE_STAT_OK /D _WINDLL /D _MBCS /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Release\libpq\\" /Fd".\Release\libpq\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /analyze- /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/backend/utils/mb/encnames.c src/backend/utils/mb/wchar.c src/common/base64.c src/common/ip.c src/common/md5.c src/common/saslprep.c "src/common/scram-common.c" src/common/sha2_openssl.c src/common/unicode_norm.c "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth-scram.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-print.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol2.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol3.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure-openssl.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-events.c" src/interfaces/libpq/pqexpbuffer.c "src/interfaces/libpq/pthread-win32.c" src/interfaces/libpq/win32.c src/port/chklocale.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 encnames.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 wchar.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 base64.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 ip.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 md5.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 saslprep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 scram-common.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 sha2_openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 unicode_norm.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-auth-scram.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-auth.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-connect.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-exec.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-lobj.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-misc.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-print.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-protocol2.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-protocol3.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-secure-openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 fe-secure.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 libpq-events.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pqexpbuffer.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pthread-win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:35 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:36 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:37 ResourceCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:37 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86\rc.exe /l"0x0409" /Isrc\include /nologo /fo".\Release\libpq\libpq.res" src/interfaces/libpq/libpq.rc build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 Link: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\Release\libpq\libpq.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO ../zlib\lib\zdll.lib ../openssl\lib\libssl.lib ../openssl\lib\libcrypto.lib crypt32.lib secur32.lib ws2_32.lib wldap32.lib Release/libpgport/libpgport.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libc /DEF:"src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:".\Release\libpq\libpq.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /STACK:"4194304" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE:NO /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\Release\libpq\libpq.lib" /MACHINE:X86 /DLL .\Release\libpq\libpq.res build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\encnames.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\wchar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\base64.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\ip.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\md5.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\saslprep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\scram-common.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\sha2_openssl.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\unicode_norm.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-auth-scram.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-auth.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-connect.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-exec.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-lobj.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-misc.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-print.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-protocol2.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-protocol3.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-secure-openssl.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\fe-secure.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\libpq-events.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\pqexpbuffer.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 ".\Release\libpq\pthread-win32.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\win32.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 .\Release\libpq\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:38 Creating library .\Release\libpq\libpq.lib and object .\Release\libpq\libpq.exp build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 libpq.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpq\libpq.dll build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 Deleting file ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 Touching ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\libpq.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:40 Time Elapsed 00:00:10.81 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 BuildPackagesTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Building packages. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Time Elapsed 00:01:04.28 simple 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Finished task 'Build libpq Win32 Release' with result: Success simple 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Starting task 'Build libpq x64 Release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-1468632226118337766.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_shortPlanName=libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=5\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=LW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-15T12:57:26.047-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-LW-JOB1-5\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_username=\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_repository_53673996_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507012\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5897445015700867209.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-LW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=v10.23\n build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Build started 2/15/2023 11:59:41 AM. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:41 Building solution configuration "Release|x64". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 7za: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 9.95 MB 0 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 104 KB of 9.95 MB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 208 KB of 9.95 MB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 310.72 KB of 9.95 MB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 408 KB of 9.95 MB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 512 KB of 9.95 MB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 615.41 KB of 9.95 MB 6 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 720 KB of 9.95 MB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 816 KB of 9.95 MB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 920 KB of 9.95 MB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1 MB of 9.95 MB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 9.95 MB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.2 MB of 9.95 MB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.3 MB of 9.95 MB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.39 MB of 9.95 MB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.5 MB of 9.95 MB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.59 MB of 9.95 MB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 9.95 MB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.8 MB of 9.95 MB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.89 MB of 9.95 MB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 1.99 MB of 9.95 MB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.09 MB of 9.95 MB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 9.95 MB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.29 MB of 9.95 MB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.39 MB of 9.95 MB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.49 MB of 9.95 MB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.59 MB of 9.95 MB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.69 MB of 9.95 MB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 9.95 MB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.89 MB of 9.95 MB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 2.99 MB of 9.95 MB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.09 MB of 9.95 MB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.19 MB of 9.95 MB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 9.95 MB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.38 MB of 9.95 MB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.48 MB of 9.95 MB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.59 MB of 9.95 MB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.68 MB of 9.95 MB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.78 MB of 9.95 MB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.88 MB of 9.95 MB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 3.98 MB of 9.95 MB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.09 MB of 9.95 MB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.18 MB of 9.95 MB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.28 MB of 9.95 MB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.38 MB of 9.95 MB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 9.95 MB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.58 MB of 9.95 MB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.68 MB of 9.95 MB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.78 MB of 9.95 MB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.88 MB of 9.95 MB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 4.98 MB of 9.95 MB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.07 MB of 9.95 MB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.18 MB of 9.95 MB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.27 MB of 9.95 MB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.37 MB of 9.95 MB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.47 MB of 9.95 MB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.58 MB of 9.95 MB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.68 MB of 9.95 MB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.77 MB of 9.95 MB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.87 MB of 9.95 MB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 5.97 MB of 9.95 MB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.07 MB of 9.95 MB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.17 MB of 9.95 MB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.27 MB of 9.95 MB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.37 MB of 9.95 MB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.47 MB of 9.95 MB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.57 MB of 9.95 MB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.67 MB of 9.95 MB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.77 MB of 9.95 MB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.87 MB of 9.95 MB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 6.97 MB of 9.95 MB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.07 MB of 9.95 MB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.17 MB of 9.95 MB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.26 MB of 9.95 MB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.37 MB of 9.95 MB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.47 MB of 9.95 MB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.56 MB of 9.95 MB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.67 MB of 9.95 MB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.77 MB of 9.95 MB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.86 MB of 9.95 MB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 7.96 MB of 9.95 MB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.06 MB of 9.95 MB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.16 MB of 9.95 MB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.26 MB of 9.95 MB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.36 MB of 9.95 MB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.46 MB of 9.95 MB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.56 MB of 9.95 MB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.66 MB of 9.95 MB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.76 MB of 9.95 MB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.86 MB of 9.95 MB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 8.95 MB of 9.95 MB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.06 MB of 9.95 MB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.16 MB of 9.95 MB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.26 MB of 9.95 MB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.35 MB of 9.95 MB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.46 MB of 9.95 MB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.55 MB of 9.95 MB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.65 MB of 9.95 MB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.75 MB of 9.95 MB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.86 MB of 9.95 MB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : downloaded 9.95 MB of 9.95 MB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : 1 file, 10432499 bytes (10188 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:42 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Physical Size = 10432499 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Files: 4 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Size: 31185470 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Compressed: 10432499 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-x64-release". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 176.33 KB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 16 KB of 176.33 KB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 176.33 KB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 32 KB of 176.33 KB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 38.77 KB of 176.33 KB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 40 KB of 176.33 KB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 48 KB of 176.33 KB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 54.4 KB of 176.33 KB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 56 KB of 176.33 KB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 64 KB of 176.33 KB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 70.02 KB of 176.33 KB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 72 KB of 176.33 KB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 80 KB of 176.33 KB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 85.65 KB of 176.33 KB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 88 KB of 176.33 KB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 96 KB of 176.33 KB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 101.27 KB of 176.33 KB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 104 KB of 176.33 KB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 112 KB of 176.33 KB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 116.9 KB of 176.33 KB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 120 KB of 176.33 KB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 128 KB of 176.33 KB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 132.52 KB of 176.33 KB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 136 KB of 176.33 KB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 144 KB of 176.33 KB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 148.15 KB of 176.33 KB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 152 KB of 176.33 KB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 160 KB of 176.33 KB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 163.77 KB of 176.33 KB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 168 KB of 176.33 KB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 176 KB of 176.33 KB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : downloaded 176.33 KB of 176.33 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : 1 file, 180558 bytes (177 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Physical Size = 180558 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Files: 3 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Size: 479636 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 : Compressed: 180558 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-x64-release". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 libpqDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Build: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 libpq.cmd amd64 Release openssl-1.1.1t zlib-1.2.11 15.9.21 64 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 Building Platfrom = amd64 Configuration=Release build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\aes.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1t.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\async.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asyncerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bio.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bioerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\blowfish.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bn.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bnerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffer.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffererr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\camellia.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cast.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cms.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf_api.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\crypto.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cryptoerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ct.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cterr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\des.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dh.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dherr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dtls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ebcdic.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ec.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdh.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engine.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engineerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\e_os2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\hmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\idea.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\lhash.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md4.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md5.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\mdc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\modes.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objects.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objectserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\obj_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\opensslv.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ossl_typ.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pemerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\randerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand_drbg.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc4.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc5.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ripemd.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\safestack.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\seed.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sha.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srtp.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl2.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl3.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sslerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\stack.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\store.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\storeerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\symhacks.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ts.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\txt_db.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ui.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\uierr.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\whrlpool.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3err.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509_vfy.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_EPILOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_PROLOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 105 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\openssl\opensslconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 1 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Release\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 zlib-1.2.11\include\zconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 zlib-1.2.11\include\zlib.h build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 2 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:43 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:44 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:44 ** Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.1 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:44 ** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:44 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:45 [vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64' build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:46 Detected hardware platform: x64 build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:47 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:47 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:47 Files src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:48 Files contrib/cube/cubescan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:48 Files contrib/cube/cubeparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:49 Files contrib/seg/segscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:49 Files contrib/seg/segparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 Build started 2/15/2023 11:59:53 AM. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 Creating ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:53 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Ox /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D _MBCS /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Release\libpgport\\" /Fd".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/port/chklocale.c src/port/crypt.c src/port/dirent.c src/port/dirmod.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/fls.c src/port/fseeko.c src/port/getaddrinfo.c src/port/getopt.c src/port/getopt_long.c src/port/getrusage.c src/port/gettimeofday.c src/port/inet_aton.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/kill.c src/port/mkdtemp.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/open.c src/port/path.c src/port/pg_crc32c_choose.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgcheckdir.c src/port/pgmkdirp.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/qsort.c src/port/qsort_arg.c src/port/quotes.c src/port/random.c src/port/snprintf.c src/port/sprompt.c src/port/srandom.c src/port/strlcat.c src/port/strlcpy.c src/port/system.c src/port/tar.c src/port/thread.c src/port/win32env.c src/port/win32error.c src/port/win32security.c src/port/win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 crypt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 dirent.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 dirmod.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 fls.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 fseeko.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 getaddrinfo.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 getopt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 getopt_long.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 getrusage.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 gettimeofday.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 inet_aton.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 kill.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 mkdtemp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 open.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 path.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pg_crc32c_choose.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pg_crc32c_sb8.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pg_crc32c_sse42.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pgcheckdir.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pgmkdirp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 qsort.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 qsort_arg.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 quotes.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:54 snprintf.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 sprompt.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 srandom.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 strlcat.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 strlcpy.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 system.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 tar.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 win32env.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 win32error.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 win32security.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:56 win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 Lib: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\Lib.exe /OUT:".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X64 .\Release\libpgport\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\crypt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\dirent.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\dirmod.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\fls.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\fseeko.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\getaddrinfo.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\getopt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\getopt_long.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\getrusage.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\gettimeofday.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\inet_aton.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\kill.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\mkdtemp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\open.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\path.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_choose.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sb8.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sse42.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pgcheckdir.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pgmkdirp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\qsort.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\qsort_arg.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\quotes.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\snprintf.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\sprompt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\srandom.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\strlcat.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\strlcpy.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\system.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\tar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\win32env.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\win32error.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\win32security.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 .\Release\libpgport\win32setlocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 libpgport.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 Deleting file ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 Touching ".\Release\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\libpgport.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 Creating ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Isrc/port /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Ox /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D UNSAFE_STAT_OK /D _WINDLL /D _MBCS /GF /Gm- /EHsc /MD /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Release\libpq\\" /Fd".\Release\libpq\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/backend/utils/mb/encnames.c src/backend/utils/mb/wchar.c src/common/base64.c src/common/ip.c src/common/md5.c src/common/saslprep.c "src/common/scram-common.c" src/common/sha2_openssl.c src/common/unicode_norm.c "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth-scram.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-print.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol2.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol3.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure-openssl.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-events.c" src/interfaces/libpq/pqexpbuffer.c "src/interfaces/libpq/pthread-win32.c" src/interfaces/libpq/win32.c src/port/chklocale.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 encnames.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 wchar.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 base64.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 ip.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 md5.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 saslprep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 scram-common.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 sha2_openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 unicode_norm.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-auth-scram.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-auth.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-connect.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-exec.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-lobj.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-misc.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-print.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-protocol2.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-protocol3.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-secure-openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 fe-secure.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 libpq-events.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pqexpbuffer.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pthread-win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:58 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 12:59:59 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ResourceCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\rc.exe /l"0x0409" /Isrc\include /nologo /fo".\Release\libpq\libpq.res" src/interfaces/libpq/libpq.rc build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 Link: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\Release\libpq\libpq.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO ../zlib\lib\zdll.lib ../openssl\lib\libssl.lib ../openssl\lib\libcrypto.lib crypt32.lib secur32.lib ws2_32.lib wldap32.lib Release/libpgport/libpgport.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libc /DEF:"src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:".\Release\libpq\libpq.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /STACK:"4194304" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE:NO /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\Release\libpq\libpq.lib" /MACHINE:X64 /ignore:4197 /DLL .\Release\libpq\libpq.res build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\encnames.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\wchar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\base64.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\ip.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\md5.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\saslprep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\scram-common.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\sha2_openssl.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\unicode_norm.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-auth-scram.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-auth.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-connect.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-exec.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-lobj.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-misc.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-print.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-protocol2.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-protocol3.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-secure-openssl.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\fe-secure.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\libpq-events.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\pqexpbuffer.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 ".\Release\libpq\pthread-win32.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\win32.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 .\Release\libpq\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:00 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpgport\libpgport.lib" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Creating library .\Release\libpq\libpq.lib and object .\Release\libpq\libpq.exp build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 libpq.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Release\libpq\libpq.dll build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Deleting file ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Touching ".\Release\libpq\libpq.tlog\libpq.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Time Elapsed 00:00:08.37 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 BuildPackagesTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:01 Building packages. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Time Elapsed 00:00:20.57 simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Finished task 'Build libpq x64 Release' with result: Success simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Starting task 'Build libpq Win32 Debug' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5632392157944288027.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_shortPlanName=libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=5\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=LW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-15T12:57:26.047-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-LW-JOB1-5\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_username=\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_repository_53673996_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507012\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_4=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-1468632226118337766.rsp\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5897445015700867209.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-LW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=v10.23\n build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Build started 2/15/2023 12:00:02 PM. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:02 Building solution configuration "Debug|Win32". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 7za: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 7.11 MB 0 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 80 KB of 7.11 MB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 146.66 KB of 7.11 MB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 224 KB of 7.11 MB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 295.1 KB of 7.11 MB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 368 KB of 7.11 MB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 440 KB of 7.11 MB 6 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 512 KB of 7.11 MB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 584 KB of 7.11 MB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 656 KB of 7.11 MB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 736 KB of 7.11 MB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 802.91 KB of 7.11 MB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 880 KB of 7.11 MB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 951.35 KB of 7.11 MB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1 MB of 7.11 MB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.07 MB of 7.11 MB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.14 MB of 7.11 MB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.21 MB of 7.11 MB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.28 MB of 7.11 MB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 7.11 MB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.42 MB of 7.11 MB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.5 MB of 7.11 MB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.57 MB of 7.11 MB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.64 MB of 7.11 MB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.71 MB of 7.11 MB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.78 MB of 7.11 MB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.85 MB of 7.11 MB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.92 MB of 7.11 MB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 1.99 MB of 7.11 MB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.06 MB of 7.11 MB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.14 MB of 7.11 MB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.21 MB of 7.11 MB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 7.11 MB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.35 MB of 7.11 MB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.42 MB of 7.11 MB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.49 MB of 7.11 MB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.56 MB of 7.11 MB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.63 MB of 7.11 MB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.7 MB of 7.11 MB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.78 MB of 7.11 MB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.85 MB of 7.11 MB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.92 MB of 7.11 MB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 2.99 MB of 7.11 MB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.06 MB of 7.11 MB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.13 MB of 7.11 MB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.2 MB of 7.11 MB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.27 MB of 7.11 MB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.34 MB of 7.11 MB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.41 MB of 7.11 MB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.48 MB of 7.11 MB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.56 MB of 7.11 MB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 7.11 MB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.7 MB of 7.11 MB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.77 MB of 7.11 MB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.84 MB of 7.11 MB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.91 MB of 7.11 MB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 3.98 MB of 7.11 MB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.06 MB of 7.11 MB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.13 MB of 7.11 MB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.2 MB of 7.11 MB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.27 MB of 7.11 MB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.34 MB of 7.11 MB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.41 MB of 7.11 MB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.48 MB of 7.11 MB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.55 MB of 7.11 MB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.62 MB of 7.11 MB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.7 MB of 7.11 MB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.77 MB of 7.11 MB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.84 MB of 7.11 MB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.91 MB of 7.11 MB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 4.98 MB of 7.11 MB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.05 MB of 7.11 MB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.12 MB of 7.11 MB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.19 MB of 7.11 MB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.26 MB of 7.11 MB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.34 MB of 7.11 MB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.41 MB of 7.11 MB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 7.11 MB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.55 MB of 7.11 MB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.62 MB of 7.11 MB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.69 MB of 7.11 MB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.76 MB of 7.11 MB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.83 MB of 7.11 MB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.9 MB of 7.11 MB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 5.97 MB of 7.11 MB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.04 MB of 7.11 MB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.12 MB of 7.11 MB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.19 MB of 7.11 MB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.26 MB of 7.11 MB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.33 MB of 7.11 MB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.4 MB of 7.11 MB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.47 MB of 7.11 MB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.55 MB of 7.11 MB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.62 MB of 7.11 MB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.69 MB of 7.11 MB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.76 MB of 7.11 MB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.83 MB of 7.11 MB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.9 MB of 7.11 MB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 6.97 MB of 7.11 MB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 7.04 MB of 7.11 MB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 7.11 MB of 7.11 MB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : 1 file, 7456865 bytes (7283 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Physical Size = 7456865 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Files: 4 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Size: 23842622 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Compressed: 7456865 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-win32-debug". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 145.28 KB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 16 KB of 145.28 KB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 145.28 KB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 24 KB of 145.28 KB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 32 KB of 145.28 KB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 38.77 KB of 145.28 KB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 40 KB of 145.28 KB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 48 KB of 145.28 KB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 54.4 KB of 145.28 KB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 56 KB of 145.28 KB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 64 KB of 145.28 KB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 70.02 KB of 145.28 KB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 72 KB of 145.28 KB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 80 KB of 145.28 KB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 85.65 KB of 145.28 KB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 88 KB of 145.28 KB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 96 KB of 145.28 KB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 101.27 KB of 145.28 KB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 104 KB of 145.28 KB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 112 KB of 145.28 KB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 116.9 KB of 145.28 KB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 120 KB of 145.28 KB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 128 KB of 145.28 KB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 132.52 KB of 145.28 KB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 136 KB of 145.28 KB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 144 KB of 145.28 KB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : downloaded 145.28 KB of 145.28 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : 1 file, 148764 bytes (146 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Physical Size = 148764 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Files: 3 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Size: 420250 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 : Compressed: 148764 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-win32-debug". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 libpqDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Build: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 libpq.cmd x86 Debug openssl-1.1.1t zlib-1.2.11 15.9.21 32 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 Building Platfrom = x86 Configuration=Debug build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:03 openssl-1.1.1t build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\aes.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1t.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\async.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asyncerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bio.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bioerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\blowfish.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bn.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bnerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffer.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffererr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\camellia.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cast.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cms.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf_api.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\crypto.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cryptoerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ct.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cterr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\des.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dh.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dherr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dtls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ebcdic.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ec.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdh.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engine.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engineerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\e_os2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\hmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\idea.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\lhash.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md4.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md5.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\mdc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\modes.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objects.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objectserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\obj_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\opensslv.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ossl_typ.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pemerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\randerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand_drbg.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc4.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc5.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ripemd.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\safestack.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\seed.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sha.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srtp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl3.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sslerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\stack.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\store.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\storeerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\symhacks.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ts.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\txt_db.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ui.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\uierr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\whrlpool.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509_vfy.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_EPILOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_PROLOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 105 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\include_x86\openssl\opensslconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 1 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\Win32\Debug\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 zlib-1.2.11\include\zconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 zlib-1.2.11\include\zlib.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 2 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 ** Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 ** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:04 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:06 [vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x86' build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:06 Detected hardware platform: Win32 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:07 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:07 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:08 Files src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:09 Files contrib/cube/cubescan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:09 Files contrib/cube/cubeparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:10 Files contrib/seg/segscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:10 Files contrib/seg/segparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Build started 2/15/2023 12:00:14 PM. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 PrepareForBuild: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Creating directory ".\Debug\libpgport\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Creating directory ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:14 Creating ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D _DEBUG /D DEBUG=1_MBCS /GF- /Gm- /EHsc /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Debug\libpgport\\" /Fd".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /analyze- /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/port/chklocale.c src/port/crypt.c src/port/dirent.c src/port/dirmod.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/fls.c src/port/fseeko.c src/port/getaddrinfo.c src/port/getopt.c src/port/getopt_long.c src/port/getrusage.c src/port/gettimeofday.c src/port/inet_aton.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/kill.c src/port/mkdtemp.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/open.c src/port/path.c src/port/pg_crc32c_choose.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgcheckdir.c src/port/pgmkdirp.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/qsort.c src/port/qsort_arg.c src/port/quotes.c src/port/random.c src/port/snprintf.c src/port/sprompt.c src/port/srandom.c src/port/strlcat.c src/port/strlcpy.c src/port/system.c src/port/tar.c src/port/thread.c src/port/win32env.c src/port/win32error.c src/port/win32security.c src/port/win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 crypt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 dirent.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 dirmod.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 fls.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 fseeko.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 getaddrinfo.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 getopt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 getopt_long.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 getrusage.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 gettimeofday.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 inet_aton.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 kill.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 mkdtemp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 open.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 path.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pg_crc32c_choose.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pg_crc32c_sb8.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pg_crc32c_sse42.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pgcheckdir.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pgmkdirp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 qsort.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 qsort_arg.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 quotes.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:15 snprintf.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:16 sprompt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:16 srandom.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:16 strlcat.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:16 strlcpy.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:16 system.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 tar.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 win32env.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 win32error.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 win32security.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:17 win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 Lib: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\Lib.exe /OUT:".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X86 .\Debug\libpgport\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\crypt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\dirent.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\dirmod.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\fls.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\fseeko.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\getaddrinfo.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\getopt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\getopt_long.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\getrusage.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\gettimeofday.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\inet_aton.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\kill.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\mkdtemp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\open.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\path.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_choose.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sb8.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sse42.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pgcheckdir.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pgmkdirp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\qsort.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\qsort_arg.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\quotes.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\snprintf.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\sprompt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\srandom.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\strlcat.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\strlcpy.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\system.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\tar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\win32env.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\win32error.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\win32security.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 .\Debug\libpgport\win32setlocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 libpgport.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 Deleting file ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 Touching ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\libpgport.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:18 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 PrepareForBuild: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 Creating directory ".\Debug\libpq\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 Creating directory ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 Creating ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Isrc/port /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /Oy- /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D UNSAFE_STAT_OK /D _DEBUG /D DEBUG=1_WINDLL /D _MBCS /GF- /Gm- /EHsc /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Debug\libpq\\" /Fd".\Debug\libpq\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /analyze- /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/backend/utils/mb/encnames.c src/backend/utils/mb/wchar.c src/common/base64.c src/common/ip.c src/common/md5.c src/common/saslprep.c "src/common/scram-common.c" src/common/sha2_openssl.c src/common/unicode_norm.c "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth-scram.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-print.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol2.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol3.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure-openssl.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-events.c" src/interfaces/libpq/pqexpbuffer.c "src/interfaces/libpq/pthread-win32.c" src/interfaces/libpq/win32.c src/port/chklocale.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 encnames.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 wchar.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 base64.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 ip.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 md5.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 saslprep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 scram-common.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 sha2_openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 unicode_norm.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-auth-scram.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-auth.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-connect.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-exec.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-lobj.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-misc.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-print.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-protocol2.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-protocol3.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-secure-openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 fe-secure.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 libpq-events.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pqexpbuffer.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pthread-win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:19 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:20 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ResourceCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86\rc.exe /l"0x0409" /Isrc\include /nologo /fo".\Debug\libpq\libpq.res" src/interfaces/libpq/libpq.rc build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 Link: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX86\x86\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO ../zlib\lib\zdll.lib ../openssl\lib\libssl.lib ../openssl\lib\libcrypto.lib crypt32.lib secur32.lib ws2_32.lib wldap32.lib Debug/libpgport/libpgport.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libc /DEF:"src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /STACK:"4194304" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE:NO /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.lib" /MACHINE:X86 /DLL .\Debug\libpq\libpq.res build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\encnames.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\wchar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\base64.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\ip.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\md5.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\saslprep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\scram-common.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\sha2_openssl.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\unicode_norm.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-auth-scram.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-auth.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-connect.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-exec.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-lobj.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-misc.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-print.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-protocol2.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-protocol3.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-secure-openssl.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-secure.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\libpq-events.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\pqexpbuffer.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 ".\Debug\libpq\pthread-win32.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\win32.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 .\Debug\libpq\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:21 Creating library .\Debug\libpq\libpq.lib and object .\Debug\libpq\libpq.exp build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 libpq.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpq\libpq.dll build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Deleting file ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Touching ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\libpq.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Time Elapsed 00:00:08.95 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 BuildPackagesTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:23 Building packages. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Time Elapsed 00:00:22.10 simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Finished task 'Build libpq Win32 Debug' with result: Success simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Starting task 'Build libpq x64 Debug' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 15-Feb-2023 13:00:24 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows #5 (SP-LW-JOB1-5)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-2687879290789567088.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_revision_number=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_repository_53673996_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_shortPlanName=libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_buildNumber=5\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=LW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-02-15T12:57:26.047-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-LW-JOB1-5\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - libpq (Windows) - Build libpq binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=49c71800d3646c2d0a34bf3f2a81b1633da63c7d\nbamboo_repository_53673996_previous_revision_number=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_name=libpq-packaging\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_53673996_git_username=\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=v10.23\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=b24c714e063e0f02b6765c1c350759d893d62565\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=v10.23\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\nbamboo_repository_53673996_branch_name=v10.23\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-30507012\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_4=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-1468632226118337766.rsp\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_3=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5632392157944288027.rsp\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-LW-JOB1-5-MsBuildTaskType-5897445015700867209.rsp\nbamboo_planKey=SP-LW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=v10.23\n build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Build started 2/15/2023 12:00:25 PM. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Building solution configuration "Debug|x64". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 7za: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 8.43 MB 0 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 88 KB of 8.43 MB 1 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 176 KB of 8.43 MB 2 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 264 KB of 8.43 MB 3 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 352 KB of 8.43 MB 4 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 432 KB of 8.43 MB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 520 KB of 8.43 MB 6 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 608 KB of 8.43 MB 7 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 695.02 KB of 8.43 MB 8 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 784 KB of 8.43 MB 9 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 864 KB of 8.43 MB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 952 KB of 8.43 MB 11 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.02 MB of 8.43 MB 12 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 8.43 MB 13 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.19 MB of 8.43 MB 14 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.27 MB of 8.43 MB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 8.43 MB 16 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.44 MB of 8.43 MB 17 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.52 MB of 8.43 MB 18 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.6 MB of 8.43 MB 19 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 8.43 MB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.77 MB of 8.43 MB 21 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 8.43 MB 22 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 1.95 MB of 8.43 MB 23 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.02 MB of 8.43 MB 24 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.11 MB of 8.43 MB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 8.43 MB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 8.43 MB 27 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.36 MB of 8.43 MB 28 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.45 MB of 8.43 MB 29 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.53 MB of 8.43 MB 30 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.62 MB of 8.43 MB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.7 MB of 8.43 MB 32 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.78 MB of 8.43 MB 33 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.87 MB of 8.43 MB 34 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 2.95 MB of 8.43 MB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.04 MB of 8.43 MB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.13 MB of 8.43 MB 37 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.2 MB of 8.43 MB 38 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 8.43 MB 39 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.38 MB of 8.43 MB 40 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.46 MB of 8.43 MB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.55 MB of 8.43 MB 42 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 8.43 MB 43 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.71 MB of 8.43 MB 44 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.8 MB of 8.43 MB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.88 MB of 8.43 MB 46 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 3.97 MB of 8.43 MB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.05 MB of 8.43 MB 48 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.13 MB of 8.43 MB 49 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.22 MB of 8.43 MB 50 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.3 MB of 8.43 MB 51 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.38 MB of 8.43 MB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.47 MB of 8.43 MB 53 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.55 MB of 8.43 MB 54 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.64 MB of 8.43 MB 55 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.72 MB of 8.43 MB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.8 MB of 8.43 MB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.89 MB of 8.43 MB 58 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 4.97 MB of 8.43 MB 59 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.06 MB of 8.43 MB 60 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.14 MB of 8.43 MB 61 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.23 MB of 8.43 MB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.31 MB of 8.43 MB 63 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.4 MB of 8.43 MB 64 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 8.43 MB 65 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.56 MB of 8.43 MB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.65 MB of 8.43 MB 67 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.73 MB of 8.43 MB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.82 MB of 8.43 MB 69 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.91 MB of 8.43 MB 70 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 5.98 MB of 8.43 MB 71 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.07 MB of 8.43 MB 72 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.16 MB of 8.43 MB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.24 MB of 8.43 MB 74 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.33 MB of 8.43 MB 75 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.41 MB of 8.43 MB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.49 MB of 8.43 MB 77 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.58 MB of 8.43 MB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.66 MB of 8.43 MB 79 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.75 MB of 8.43 MB 80 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.83 MB of 8.43 MB 81 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 6.91 MB of 8.43 MB 82 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7 MB of 8.43 MB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.08 MB of 8.43 MB 84 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.16 MB of 8.43 MB 85 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.25 MB of 8.43 MB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.34 MB of 8.43 MB 87 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.42 MB of 8.43 MB 88 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.51 MB of 8.43 MB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:25 : downloaded 7.59 MB of 8.43 MB 90 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 7.67 MB of 8.43 MB 91 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 7.76 MB of 8.43 MB 92 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 7.84 MB of 8.43 MB 93 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 7.93 MB of 8.43 MB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.01 MB of 8.43 MB 95 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.09 MB of 8.43 MB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.18 MB of 8.43 MB 97 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.27 MB of 8.43 MB 98 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.34 MB of 8.43 MB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 8.43 MB of 8.43 MB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : 1 file, 8837277 bytes (8631 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Physical Size = 8837277 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Files: 4 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Size: 28670868 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Compressed: 8837277 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-x64-debug". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Start downloading package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 uri: "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 152.76 KB 5 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 16 KB of 152.76 KB 10 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 23.15 KB of 152.76 KB 15 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 32 KB of 152.76 KB 20 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 38.77 KB of 152.76 KB 25 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 40 KB of 152.76 KB 26 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 48 KB of 152.76 KB 31 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 54.4 KB of 152.76 KB 35 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 56 KB of 152.76 KB 36 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 64 KB of 152.76 KB 41 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 70.02 KB of 152.76 KB 45 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 72 KB of 152.76 KB 47 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 80 KB of 152.76 KB 52 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 85.65 KB of 152.76 KB 56 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 88 KB of 152.76 KB 57 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 96 KB of 152.76 KB 62 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 101.27 KB of 152.76 KB 66 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 104 KB of 152.76 KB 68 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 112 KB of 152.76 KB 73 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 116.9 KB of 152.76 KB 76 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 120 KB of 152.76 KB 78 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 128 KB of 152.76 KB 83 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 132.52 KB of 152.76 KB 86 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 136 KB of 152.76 KB 89 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 144 KB of 152.76 KB 94 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 148.15 KB of 152.76 KB 96 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 152 KB of 152.76 KB 99 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : downloaded 152.76 KB of 152.76 KB 100 % complete... build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : 1 file, 156428 bytes (153 KiB) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : -- build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\ build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Type = zip build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Physical Size = 156428 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Everything is Ok build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Files: 3 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Size: 512570 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 : Compressed: 156428 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-x64-debug". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Downloading finished for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 libpqDownloadTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Checking for package "". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Package "" exists. Do nothing. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Build: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 libpq.cmd amd64 Debug openssl-1.1.1t zlib-1.2.11 15.9.21 64 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 Building Platfrom = amd64 Configuration=Debug build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\aes.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1t.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asn1_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\async.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\asyncerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bio.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bioerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\blowfish.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bn.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\bnerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffer.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\buffererr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\camellia.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cast.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cms.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cmserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\comperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\conf_api.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\crypto.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cryptoerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ct.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\cterr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\des.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dh.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dherr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\dtls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ebcdic.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ec.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdh.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecdsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ecerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engine.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\engineerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\evperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\e_os2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\hmac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\idea.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\kdferr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\lhash.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md4.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\md5.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\mdc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\modes.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objects.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\objectserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\obj_mac.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ocsperr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\opensslv.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ossl_typ.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pem2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pemerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs12err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\pkcs7err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\randerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rand_drbg.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc4.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rc5.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ripemd.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsa.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\rsaerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\safestack.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\seed.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sha.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\srtp.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl2.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ssl3.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\sslerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\stack.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\store.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\storeerr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\symhacks.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tls1.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ts.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\tserr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\txt_db.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\ui.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\uierr.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\whrlpool.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509v3err.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\x509_vfy.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_EPILOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include\openssl\__DECC_INCLUDE_PROLOGUE.H build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 105 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\openssl\opensslconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 1 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:26 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\libcrypto.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\libssl.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\openssl.exe build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug\ossl_static.pdb build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 4 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 zlib-1.2.11\include\zconf.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 zlib-1.2.11\include\zlib.h build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 2 File(s) copied build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 1 file(s) copied. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 ** Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.1 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 ** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:27 ********************************************************************** build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:29 [vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64' build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:29 Detected hardware platform: x64 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:31 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:31 Files src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:31 Files src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:33 Files contrib/cube/cubescan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:33 Files contrib/cube/cubeparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:34 Files contrib/seg/segscan.l build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:34 Files contrib/seg/segparse.y build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:37 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 Build started 2/15/2023 12:00:38 PM. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 Creating ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D _DEBUG /D DEBUG=1_MBCS /GF- /Gm- /EHsc /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Debug\libpgport\\" /Fd".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/port/chklocale.c src/port/crypt.c src/port/dirent.c src/port/dirmod.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/fls.c src/port/fseeko.c src/port/getaddrinfo.c src/port/getopt.c src/port/getopt_long.c src/port/getrusage.c src/port/gettimeofday.c src/port/inet_aton.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/kill.c src/port/mkdtemp.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/open.c src/port/path.c src/port/pg_crc32c_choose.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sb8.c src/port/pg_crc32c_sse42.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgcheckdir.c src/port/pgmkdirp.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/qsort.c src/port/qsort_arg.c src/port/quotes.c src/port/random.c src/port/snprintf.c src/port/sprompt.c src/port/srandom.c src/port/strlcat.c src/port/strlcpy.c src/port/system.c src/port/tar.c src/port/thread.c src/port/win32env.c src/port/win32error.c src/port/win32security.c src/port/win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 crypt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 dirent.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:38 dirmod.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 fls.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 fseeko.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 getaddrinfo.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 getopt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 getopt_long.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 getrusage.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 gettimeofday.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 inet_aton.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 kill.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 mkdtemp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 open.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 path.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pg_crc32c_choose.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pg_crc32c_sb8.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pg_crc32c_sse42.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pgcheckdir.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pgmkdirp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 qsort.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 qsort_arg.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 quotes.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 snprintf.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 sprompt.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:39 srandom.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 strlcat.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 strlcpy.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 system.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 tar.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 win32env.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 win32error.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 win32security.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:40 win32setlocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 Lib: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\Lib.exe /OUT:".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X64 .\Debug\libpgport\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\crypt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\dirent.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\dirmod.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\fls.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\fseeko.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\getaddrinfo.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\getopt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\getopt_long.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\getrusage.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\gettimeofday.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\inet_aton.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\kill.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\mkdtemp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\open.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\path.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_choose.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sb8.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_crc32c_sse42.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pgcheckdir.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pgmkdirp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\qsort.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\qsort_arg.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\quotes.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\snprintf.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\sprompt.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\srandom.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\strlcat.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\strlcpy.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\system.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\tar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\win32env.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\win32error.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\win32security.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 .\Debug\libpgport\win32setlocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 libpgport.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 Deleting file ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 Touching ".\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.tlog\libpgport.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpgport.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 InitializeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 Creating ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 ClCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:42 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /Isrc/include /Isrc/include/port/win32 /Isrc/include/port/win32_msvc /I../zlib\include /I../openssl\include /Isrc/port /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D __WINDOWS__ /D __WIN32__ /D EXEC_BACKEND /D WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT=4194304 /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D FRONTEND /D UNSAFE_STAT_OK /D _DEBUG /D DEBUG=1_WINDLL /D _MBCS /GF- /Gm- /EHsc /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo".\Debug\libpq\\" /Fd".\Debug\libpq\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4273 /wd4102 /wd4090 /wd4267 /FC /errorReport:queue /MP src/backend/utils/mb/encnames.c src/backend/utils/mb/wchar.c src/common/base64.c src/common/ip.c src/common/md5.c src/common/saslprep.c "src/common/scram-common.c" src/common/sha2_openssl.c src/common/unicode_norm.c "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth-scram.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-exec.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-misc.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-print.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol2.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-protocol3.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure-openssl.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/fe-secure.c" "src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-events.c" src/interfaces/libpq/pqexpbuffer.c "src/interfaces/libpq/pthread-win32.c" src/interfaces/libpq/win32.c src/port/chklocale.c src/port/erand48.c src/port/inet_net_ntop.c src/port/noblock.c src/port/pg_strong_random.c src/port/pgsleep.c src/port/pgstrcasecmp.c src/port/pqsignal.c src/port/thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 encnames.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 wchar.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 base64.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 ip.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 md5.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 saslprep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 scram-common.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 sha2_openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 unicode_norm.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-auth-scram.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-auth.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-connect.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-exec.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-lobj.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-misc.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-print.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-protocol2.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-protocol3.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-secure-openssl.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 fe-secure.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 libpq-events.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pqexpbuffer.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pthread-win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 win32.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 chklocale.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 erand48.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 inet_net_ntop.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 noblock.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pg_strong_random.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pgsleep.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pgstrcasecmp.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 pqsignal.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:43 thread.c build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ResourceCompile: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\rc.exe /l"0x0409" /Isrc\include /nologo /fo".\Debug\libpq\libpq.res" src/interfaces/libpq/libpq.rc build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 Link: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.dll" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO ../zlib\lib\zdll.lib ../openssl\lib\libssl.lib ../openssl\lib\libcrypto.lib crypt32.lib secur32.lib ws2_32.lib wldap32.lib Debug/libpgport/libpgport.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /NODEFAULTLIB:libc /DEF:"src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG /PDB:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /STACK:"4194304" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE:NO /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\Debug\libpq\libpq.lib" /MACHINE:X64 /ignore:4197 /DLL .\Debug\libpq\libpq.res build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\encnames.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\wchar.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\base64.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\ip.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\md5.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\saslprep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\scram-common.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\sha2_openssl.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\unicode_norm.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-auth-scram.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-auth.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-connect.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-exec.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-lobj.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-misc.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-print.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-protocol2.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-protocol3.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-secure-openssl.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\fe-secure.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\libpq-events.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\pqexpbuffer.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 ".\Debug\libpq\pthread-win32.obj" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\win32.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\chklocale.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\erand48.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\inet_net_ntop.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\noblock.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\pg_strong_random.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\pgsleep.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\pgstrcasecmp.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\pqsignal.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 .\Debug\libpq\thread.obj build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpgport\libpgport.lib" build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:45 Creating library .\Debug\libpq\libpq.lib and object .\Debug\libpq\libpq.exp build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 libpq.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\Debug\libpq\libpq.dll build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 FinalizeBuildStatus: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 Deleting file ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 Touching ".\Debug\libpq\libpq.tlog\libpq.lastbuildstate". build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\postgresql-10.23\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:46 Time Elapsed 00:00:08.65 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:47 BuildPackagesTarget: build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:47 Building packages. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.vcxproj" (default targets). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-LW-JOB1\libpq.sln" (Build target(s)). build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Build succeeded. build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 0 Warning(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 0 Error(s) build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 build 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Time Elapsed 00:00:23.46 simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Finished task 'Build libpq x64 Debug' with result: Success simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:48 Publishing an artifact: libpq-windows-binaries-zip simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:49 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [libpq-windows-binaries-zip], pattern: [libpq-*.zip] anchored at: [out] in 975.0 ms simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:49 Finalising the build... simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:49 Stopping timer. simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:49 Build SP-LW-JOB1-5 completed. simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 All post build plugins have finished simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Generating build results summary... simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Saving build results to disk... simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Logging substituted variables... simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Indexing build results... simple 15-Feb-2023 13:00:55 Finished building SP-LW-JOB1-5.