simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Build Supporting Deps - OpenSSL (Windows) - Build OpenSSL binaries for Windows #19 (SP-OW-JOB1-19) started building on agent WIN-AGENT-1 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Remote agent on host WIN-AGENT-1 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Build working directory is C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Executing build Supporting Deps - OpenSSL (Windows) - Build OpenSSL binaries for Windows #19 (SP-OW-JOB1-19) simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Starting task 'Cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:09 Cleaning working directory 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Finished task 'Cleanup' with result: Success simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Cleaning build directory 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Checking out into C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Updating source code to revision: 724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Creating local git repository in 'C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\.git'. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:10 Initialized empty Git repository in C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-OW-JOB1/.git/ simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:11 Fetching 'refs/heads/v1.1.x' from ''. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:12 From simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:12 * [new branch] v1.1.x -> v1.1.x simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:12 Checking out revision 724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Switched to branch 'v1.1.x' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Updated source code to revision: 724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Starting task 'Build OpenSSL Win32 Release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild' command 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - OpenSSL (Windows) - Build OpenSSL binaries for Windows #19 (SP-OW-JOB1-19)'\n ... running command line: \nC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-OW-JOB1-19-MsBuildTaskType-8101249622605498489.rsp\n ... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=v1.1.x\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=v1.1.x\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_build_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=SD OpenSSL\nbamboo_buildKey=SP-OW-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_29687814_revision_number=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_shortPlanName=OpenSSL (Windows)\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_29687814_git_repositoryUrl=\ntmp=c:\temp\nbamboo_planRepository_name=SD OpenSSL\nbamboo_buildNumber=19\nbamboo_shortJobName=Build OpenSSL binaries for Windows\nbamboo_repository_29687814_previous_revision_number=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_repository_29687814_git_username=\nbamboo_agentId=29786118\nbamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - OpenSSL (Windows)\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=OW\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2021-07-26T18:35:09.081-04:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=v1.1.x\nbamboo_buildResultKey=SP-OW-JOB1-19\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=v1.1.x\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - OpenSSL (Windows) - Build OpenSSL binaries for Windows\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v2_0__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_repository_name=SD OpenSSL\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v3_5__32bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe\nbamboo_repository_29687814_git_branch=v1.1.x\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=v1.1.x\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_repository_29687814_name=SD OpenSSL\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=724d345d330ca27479f4252b0943b0d7cee8e878\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_windows=1\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=v1.1.x\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=v1.1.x\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211\ntemp=c:\temp\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-29360137\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_29687814_branch_name=v1.1.x\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=andywolk\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v4_0__64bit_=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe\nbamboo_tmp_directory=C:\bamboo-home\temp\nbamboo_working_directory=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=SP-OW\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=v1.1.x\n build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.9.21+g9802d43bc3 for .NET Framework build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Build started 7/26/2021 5:35:13 PM. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)). build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 ValidateSolutionConfiguration: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:13 Building solution configuration "Release|Win32". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets). build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Checking for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Start downloading package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 uri: "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\7za1701.exe". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 42.22 KB of 674.5 KB 6 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 140.6 KB of 674.5 KB 20 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 123.49 KB of 674.5 KB 18 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 161.98 KB of 674.5 KB 24 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 201.91 KB of 674.5 KB 29 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 236.13 KB of 674.5 KB 35 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 264.64 KB of 674.5 KB 39 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 276.05 KB of 674.5 KB 40 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 293.16 KB of 674.5 KB 43 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 310.27 KB of 674.5 KB 45 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 321.67 KB of 674.5 KB 47 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 327.38 KB of 674.5 KB 48 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 345.91 KB of 674.5 KB 51 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 367.3 KB of 674.5 KB 54 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 390.11 KB of 674.5 KB 57 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 401.52 KB of 674.5 KB 59 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 412.92 KB of 674.5 KB 61 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 418.63 KB of 674.5 KB 62 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 430.03 KB of 674.5 KB 63 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 435.73 KB of 674.5 KB 64 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 447.14 KB of 674.5 KB 66 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 458.55 KB of 674.5 KB 67 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 464.25 KB of 674.5 KB 68 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 475.66 KB of 674.5 KB 70 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 481.36 KB of 674.5 KB 71 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 487.06 KB of 674.5 KB 72 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 498.47 KB of 674.5 KB 73 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 509.88 KB of 674.5 KB 75 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 515.58 KB of 674.5 KB 76 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 536.96 KB of 674.5 KB 79 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 548.37 KB of 674.5 KB 81 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 565.48 KB of 674.5 KB 83 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 571.18 KB of 674.5 KB 84 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 582.59 KB of 674.5 KB 86 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 594 KB of 674.5 KB 88 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 606.83 KB of 674.5 KB 89 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 611.11 KB of 674.5 KB 90 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 622.51 KB of 674.5 KB 92 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 629.64 KB of 674.5 KB 93 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 645.32 KB of 674.5 KB 95 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 656.73 KB of 674.5 KB 97 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 668.14 KB of 674.5 KB 99 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 7za1701.exe : downloaded 674.5 KB of 674.5 KB 100 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Downloading finished for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 opensslDownloadTarget: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Checking for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Start downloading package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 uri: "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 15.6 KB of 9.37 MB 0 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 101.11 KB of 9.37 MB 1 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 204.59 KB of 9.37 MB 2 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 291.98 KB of 9.37 MB 3 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 395.47 KB of 9.37 MB 4 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 482.86 KB of 9.37 MB 5 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 586.34 KB of 9.37 MB 6 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 673.73 KB of 9.37 MB 7 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 777.22 KB of 9.37 MB 8 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 864.61 KB of 9.37 MB 9 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 968.09 KB of 9.37 MB 10 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.03 MB of 9.37 MB 11 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 9.37 MB 12 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.23 MB of 9.37 MB 13 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.32 MB of 9.37 MB 14 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 9.37 MB 15 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.5 MB of 9.37 MB 16 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.61 MB of 9.37 MB 17 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.69 MB of 9.37 MB 18 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 9.37 MB 19 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.88 MB of 9.37 MB 20 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 1.98 MB of 9.37 MB 21 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.06 MB of 9.37 MB 22 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.16 MB of 9.37 MB 23 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.25 MB of 9.37 MB 24 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.35 MB of 9.37 MB 25 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.44 MB of 9.37 MB 26 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.54 MB of 9.37 MB 27 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.64 MB of 9.37 MB 28 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.72 MB of 9.37 MB 29 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.83 MB of 9.37 MB 30 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 2.91 MB of 9.37 MB 31 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.01 MB of 9.37 MB 32 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.1 MB of 9.37 MB 33 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 9.37 MB 34 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.28 MB of 9.37 MB 35 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.38 MB of 9.37 MB 36 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.47 MB of 9.37 MB 37 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.57 MB of 9.37 MB 38 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.66 MB of 9.37 MB 39 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.76 MB of 9.37 MB 40 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.84 MB of 9.37 MB 41 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 3.94 MB of 9.37 MB 42 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 9.37 MB 43 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.13 MB of 9.37 MB 44 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.22 MB of 9.37 MB 45 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.32 MB of 9.37 MB 46 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.41 MB of 9.37 MB 47 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.5 MB of 9.37 MB 48 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.6 MB of 9.37 MB 49 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.69 MB of 9.37 MB 50 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.78 MB of 9.37 MB 51 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.88 MB of 9.37 MB 52 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 4.97 MB of 9.37 MB 53 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.06 MB of 9.37 MB 54 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.15 MB of 9.37 MB 55 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.25 MB of 9.37 MB 56 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.34 MB of 9.37 MB 57 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.43 MB of 9.37 MB 58 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.53 MB of 9.37 MB 59 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.62 MB of 9.37 MB 60 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.73 MB of 9.37 MB 61 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.82 MB of 9.37 MB 62 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 5.92 MB of 9.37 MB 63 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6 MB of 9.37 MB 64 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.1 MB of 9.37 MB 65 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.19 MB of 9.37 MB 66 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.29 MB of 9.37 MB 67 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.37 MB of 9.37 MB 68 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.48 MB of 9.37 MB 69 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.56 MB of 9.37 MB 70 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.66 MB of 9.37 MB 71 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.75 MB of 9.37 MB 72 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.85 MB of 9.37 MB 73 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 6.93 MB of 9.37 MB 74 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.03 MB of 9.37 MB 75 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.14 MB of 9.37 MB 76 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.22 MB of 9.37 MB 77 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.32 MB of 9.37 MB 78 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.41 MB of 9.37 MB 79 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.51 MB of 9.37 MB 80 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.59 MB of 9.37 MB 81 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.69 MB of 9.37 MB 82 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.78 MB of 9.37 MB 83 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.88 MB of 9.37 MB 84 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 7.97 MB of 9.37 MB 85 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.07 MB of 9.37 MB 86 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.15 MB of 9.37 MB 87 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.25 MB of 9.37 MB 88 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.34 MB of 9.37 MB 89 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.44 MB of 9.37 MB 90 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.53 MB of 9.37 MB 91 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.63 MB of 9.37 MB 92 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.73 MB of 9.37 MB 93 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.81 MB of 9.37 MB 94 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 8.91 MB of 9.37 MB 95 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 9 MB of 9.37 MB 96 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 9.1 MB of 9.37 MB 97 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 9.19 MB of 9.37 MB 98 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 9.29 MB of 9.37 MB 99 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : downloaded 9.37 MB of 9.37 MB 100 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : 1 file, 9823400 bytes (9594 KiB) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : -- build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Type = gzip build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Everything is Ok build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Size: 43806720 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar.gz : Compressed: 9823400 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Scanning the drive for archives: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : 1 file, 43806720 bytes (42 MiB) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:14 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : -- build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k.tar build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Type = tar build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Physical Size = 43806720 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Headers Size = 1661952 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Code Page = UTF-8 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Everything is Ok build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Folders: 158 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Files: 3086 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Size: 41323522 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 openssl-1.1.1k.tar : Compressed: 43806720 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release" build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1k" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\openssl-1.1.1k". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Downloading finished for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Checking for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Start downloading package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 uri: "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 26.54 KB of 159.29 KB 16 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 55.05 KB of 159.29 KB 34 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 72.16 KB of 159.29 KB 45 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 84.99 KB of 159.29 KB 53 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 90.7 KB of 159.29 KB 56 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 104.95 KB of 159.29 KB 65 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 110.66 KB of 159.29 KB 69 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 113.51 KB of 159.29 KB 71 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 119.21 KB of 159.29 KB 74 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 136.32 KB of 159.29 KB 85 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 142.02 KB of 159.29 KB 89 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 143.45 KB of 159.29 KB 90 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 159.29 KB of 159.29 KB 100 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : 1 file, 163109 bytes (160 KiB) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\ build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : -- build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\ build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Type = zip build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Physical Size = 163109 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Everything is Ok build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Files: 3 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Size: 428246 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Compressed: 163109 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-win32-release". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Downloading finished for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Checking for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Start downloading package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 uri: "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : downloaded 30.03 KB of 30.03 KB 100 % complete... build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\7za1701.exe build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 args : x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\" build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Scanning the drive for archives: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : 1 file, 30746 bytes (31 KiB) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\ build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : -- build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\ build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Type = zip build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Physical Size = 30746 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Everything is Ok build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Files: 2 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Size: 113124 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 : Compressed: 30746 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-headers". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Downloading finished for package "". build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 Build: build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:19 perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-shared no-tests --release --prefix=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSL --openssldir=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSLConf --with-zlib-include=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Configuring OpenSSL version 1.1.1k (0x101010bfL) for VC-WIN32 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Using os-specific seed configuration build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Failure! build file wasn't produced. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Please read INSTALL and associated NOTES files. You may also have to look over build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 your available compiler tool chain or change your configuration. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 NASM not found - make sure it's installed and available on %PATH% build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.vcxproj(65,5): error MSB3073: The command "perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-shared no-tests --release --prefix=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSL --openssldir=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSLConf --with-zlib-include=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" exited with code 1. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.sln" (Build target(s)) -- FAILED. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Build FAILED. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.sln" (Build target) (1) -> build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.vcxproj" (default target) (2) -> build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 (Build target) -> build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\openssl.vcxproj(65,5): error MSB3073: The command "perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-shared no-tests --release --prefix=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSL --openssldir=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\build-Win32-Release\OpenSSLConf --with-zlib-include=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" exited with code 1. build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 0 Warning(s) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 1 Error(s) build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 build 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Time Elapsed 00:00:06.85 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Failing task since return code of [C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-OW-JOB1-19-MsBuildTaskType-8101249622605498489.rsp] was 1 while expected 0 simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Finished task 'Build OpenSSL Win32 Release' with result: Failed simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Publishing an artifact: openssl-windows-binaries-zip error 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Unable to publish artifact [openssl-windows-binaries-zip]: the source directory C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-OW-JOB1\out does not exist. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 409.9 ?s simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Finalising the build... simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Stopping timer. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Build SP-OW-JOB1-19 completed. simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 All post build plugins have finished simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Generating build results summary... simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Saving build results to disk... simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Logging substituted variables... simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Indexing build results... simple 26-Jul-2021 18:35:20 Finished building SP-OW-JOB1-19.