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Caller ID LDAP Lookup


A simple script to sort incoming calls based on an LDAP entry,sort of a roll-your-own Grand Central. This is rather hackish: for example, I (ab)used the destinationIndicator field- this is an old field meant for directing telegraphs, but I didn't want to mess with my LDAP schema. The script pulls an extension name directly out of the destinationIndicator field and transfers the call there. I'm providing this script as much as anything to document some of the stuff I came across in putting it together in the hopes I can save other folks some confusion. YMMV.

Initial author: Sud0er

Requirements: mod_perl

The Perl Script Expand source

  use Net::LDAP;

# Set LDAP bind information here. Start with for more info on Net::LDAP

my $ldapserver = "localhost";
my $ldapversion = 3;
my $ldapuser = "uid=binduser,dc=domain,dc=com";
my $ldapbase = "ou=Contacts,dc=domain,dc=com";
my $ldappass = "password";

sub LDAPsearch {
my ($ldap,$searchString,$attrs,$base) = @_;
my $result = $ldap->search ( base => "$base",
scope => "sub",
filter => "$searchString",
attrs => $attrs

# This is where you would specify a different search field
my @attribs = ('cn', 'destinationIndicator');

# One of the first things I ran into was whether to call my script from an extension or at the
# dialplan. From the dialplan, you return a full XML dialplan in $XML_STRING as it is in the
# mod_perl docs. Try as I might, I never got Freeswitch to act on my dialplan, so I call the
# script from my dialplan as shown later in this wiki page. But, the takeaway is,
# if you generate a dialplan and call the script from perl.conf.xml, you have to use
# $params->getHeader. If you call the script as an application from an exception, you have to
# use $session->getVariable.
#my $number=$params->getHeader("Caller-Caller-ID-Number");
my $number=$session->getVariable("caller_id_number");

# I log the incoming number to the console to be sure my script is being called
freeswitch::console_log("info", "Handling call from $number\n");

# This will match on homePhone, mobile and telephoneNumber records in LDAP. You could also add
# the relevant fields for FAX numbers, or anything else that's in your schema. I used loose
# matching because that handles the case where a number appears as 1234567890 to Freeswitch, but
# could be entered as 123-456-7890 in LDAP.
my $searchstring="(|(homePhone~=$number)(mobile~=$number)(telephoneNumber~=$number))";

# Connect to the LDAP server and run our query
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new ( $ldapserver ) or die "$@";
$ldap->bind ( $ldapuser, password => $ldappass, version => $ldapversion ) or die "$@";
my $search = LDAPsearch ($ldap, $searchstring, \@attribs, $ldapbase ) or die "$@";
my @entries = $search->entries;
my ($name, $dest);

# This could be done better - we simply grab the name of an extension out of LDAP,
# and transfer the call there. There's no handling of oddities in the LDAP search result
# and executing on data straight out of LDAP probably isn't the safest thing ever.
# If we have an extension listed in the contact's entry, we send the caller there,
# otherwise we send it to the greylist extension.
if (@entries) {
} else {
$name = "Unknown";

# Freeswitch picks up the call here, sets the CID name and number (which doesn't seem to have
# an effect for me, and transfers the call to the extension the script picked.
$session->setVariable("effective_caller_id_number", $number);
$session->setVariable("effective_caller_id_name", $name);
$session->transfer($dest, "XML", "default");

# Freeswitch will be mad if you don't return a true value.



Now, we need to add entries to the XML files. Starting with the default configuration files from when I compiled Freeswitch, I added this to conf/dialplan/public.xml:

 <extension name="ldap_switched_in">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="MYDID">
<action application="perl" data=""/>

For this to work, Freeswitch has to match the condition - in this case, "MYDID" would have to exactly match the DID number I get from my SIP provider (in my case, Gizmo). Also, the script above has to live in the Freeswitch scripts directory (you can also provide a fully-qualified path on the filesystem).


Since I hard-coded the script to transfer calls to an extension in the default context, the rest goes in conf/dialplan/default.xml:

 <extension name="greylist">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="greylist">
<action application="voicemail" data="default $${domain} myid"/>

<extension name="whitelist">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="whitelist">
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/default/myid"/>

<extension name="blacklist">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="blacklist">
<action application="hangup" data="CALL_REJECTED"/>

These extensions define what Freeswitch does with a call; I have three possibilities, whitelist, greylist and blacklist. Whitelist and blacklist have to be specifically set in the LDAP database, otherwise the script defaults to sending calls to the greylist. Here, the greylist extension drops the call right into the voicemail for "myid"; whitelist transfers the call to the "myid" directory entry in the default context; blacklist hangs up immediately.

The extension name parameter is, as far as I can tell, arbitrary; Freeswitch matches the call's destination based on the condition expressions for each extension, not the name, and the destination_number we match on is what the perl script sets.