Build: #10 was successful Manual run by Andrey Volk


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this plan.
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Job Logs
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23-Oct-2021 17:36:29      15,837,626 100%   11.55MB/s    0:00:01 (xfr#4, to-chk=5/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29 7/x86_64/repodata/737a58485916809b7fdfae416fd62f368d0fa4b5daa85c41a26e317642a10ac4-primary.xml.gz
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29          32,768   0%  103.23kB/s    0:00:37 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29       3,924,229 100%    7.50MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#5, to-chk=4/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29 7/x86_64/repodata/cc28991a7c5554df24a03a5f6ff2d3f1efd1c8bbf830bd6ecd11b76ad3644bd8-other.xml.gz
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29          32,768   0%   63.87kB/s    0:01:08 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29       4,419,098 100%    6.66MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#6, to-chk=3/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29 7/x86_64/repodata/d0d4b658d535947e476e250d3aafdc2debe046e94f347db229da34895d8ac437-filelists.sqlite.bz2
23-Oct-2021 17:36:29
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30          32,768   0%   50.31kB/s    0:02:32 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30       5,046,272  65%    4.81MB/s    0:00:00 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30       7,727,210 100%    6.38MB/s    0:00:01 (xfr#7, to-chk=2/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30 7/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30           3,017 100%   18.77kB/s    0:00:00 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30           3,017 100%   18.77kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#8, to-chk=1/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30 7/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml.asc
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30             833 100%    5.18kB/s    0:00:00 
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30             833 100%    5.18kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#9, to-chk=0/38803)
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30 sent 46,659,475 bytes  received 870 bytes  10,368,965.56 bytes/sec
23-Oct-2021 17:36:30 total size is 47,964,752,250  speedup is 1,027.96