Build: #2 was successful Rebuilt by Andrey Volk


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this plan.
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Job Logs
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08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   1%   65.31kB/s    0:00:30 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07       2,023,424 100%    3.38MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#35, to-chk=5/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 FreeSWITCH-Sounds-zh-cn-sinmei-1.0.51-8000Hz.msi
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   5%   55.94kB/s    0:00:11 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07         655,360 100%    1.05MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#36, to-chk=4/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 FreeSWITCH-Sounds-zh-hk-sinmei-1.0.51-16000Hz.msi
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   3%   53.60kB/s    0:00:16 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07         905,216 100%    1.37MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#37, to-chk=3/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 FreeSWITCH-Sounds-zh-hk-sinmei-1.0.51-32000Hz.msi
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   2%   50.63kB/s    0:00:27 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07       1,413,120 100%    1.96MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#38, to-chk=2/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 FreeSWITCH-Sounds-zh-hk-sinmei-1.0.51-48000Hz.msi
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   1%   46.51kB/s    0:00:40 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07       1,896,448 100%    2.37MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#39, to-chk=1/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 FreeSWITCH-Sounds-zh-hk-sinmei-1.0.51-8000Hz.msi
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07          32,768   5%   41.88kB/s    0:00:14 
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07         634,880 100%  787.80kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#40, to-chk=0/41)
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 sent 1,295,644,167 bytes  received 782 bytes  20,087,518.59 bytes/sec
08-Oct-2018 14:36:07 total size is 1,307,935,668  speedup is 1.01