Build: #58 was successful Changes by Andrey Volk

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2 seconds
f9c4a479757d0b6677595d7b694cdd10eca88be9 f9c4a479757d0b6677595d7b694cdd10eca88be9

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Andrey Volk Andrey Volk f9c4a479757d0b6677595d7b694cdd10eca88be9 f9c4a479757d0b6677595d7b694cdd10eca88be9 Merge branch 'master' into release
Andrey Volk Andrey Volk 620a3b848276585f9e930f2823e9298fe38cb577 m 620a3b848276585f9e930f2823e9298fe38cb577 Merge pull request #175 from signalwire/tune_ssl_shutdown
Make SSL shutdown procedure strict to openssl documentation.
Jakub Karolczyk Jakub Karolczyk fff36c6530d68da4d4a2328aa1a5b0c3c6604ec3 m fff36c6530d68da4d4a2328aa1a5b0c3c6604ec3 Make SSL shutdown procedure strict to openssl documentation.
Dragos Oancea <> Dragos Oancea <> 9e84c34d51d6a4b54b692850e2f15a85009b8e99 m 9e84c34d51d6a4b54b692850e2f15a85009b8e99 set mask and use the masking key for the WSOC_CLOSE Reason (per protocol). (#173)
* set mask and use the masking key for the WSOC_CLOSE Reason (per protocol).
* only mask from client to server (per protocol).
Andrey Volk Andrey Volk bfa81c2a8b1c5e7871c06ef2fe2519ac8210d4d7 m bfa81c2a8b1c5e7871c06ef2fe2519ac8210d4d7 Merge pull request #172 from signalwire/wsoc_close
send WSOC_CLOSE when closing websocket connection (per protocol).

Shared artifacts

Artifact File size
libks-tarballs 231 KB