
Completed plan results

Status Reason Completed Duration Test results Flags
  • Showing 1-5 of 5
#139 Changes by GitHub Actions <> and Serj Serj 3 months ago 10 seconds Testless build
#138 Changes by GitHub Actions <> and Serj Serj 3 months ago 15 seconds Testless build
#137 Changes by Serj Serj 3 months ago 3 seconds Testless build
#136 Changes by Andrey Volk and github-actions <> 4 months ago 25 minutes Testless build
#135 Changes by github-actions <> 5 months ago 25 minutes Testless build
  • Successful builds are green, failed builds are red.
  • This plan has been built 139 times.
  • Bamboo builds everything whenever a user manually triggers a build.