Italo Rossi committed 15a232b5bb4
FS-9609 - [mod_callcenter] BLF for Queues, callcenter_track app, EXIT_WITH_KEY reason and xml_curl improvements This change implements a few new features, there's no behavior change at all. 1 - BLF for queues You can now use BLF for knowing when there are callers waiting on a queue, the pattern to be subscribed is callcenter+queuename@default or @domain name. 2 - callcenter_track app Now every agent has an external_calls_count column that will be read upon selecting agent to offer new calls. If you start an external call (inbound or outbound) and don't wan't mod_callcenter to offer new calls for this agent just call this app passing the agent name as argument: <action application="callcenter_track" data="agent1"/> This will increment the external calls count, and to make mod_callcenter look to this variable you need to set this queue parameter: <param name="skip-agents-with-external-calls" value="true"/> 3 - EXIT_WITH_KEY reason If the member press a key to exit the queue the cc_cancel_reason will be this now. 4 - xml_curl config loading improvements Prior to this mod_callcenter query your web server a LOT of times, this will make it only query once per queue, just watch for CC-Queue request param and build your xml with everything related to that queue, including tiers (tiers wasn't loaded before this).