Stanislav Sinyagin committed 77f52bb6a81
FS-7928 FS-7618 systemd and package build improvements debian/ * only build one of freeswitch-sysvinit or freeswitch-systemd * squeeze is removed from supported releases * added stretch to supported releases * avoid_mods_wheezy extended to modules which fail to build on wheezy * use systemd by default for future distros * new command-line option -v to enforce sysvinit * added dependency on dh-systemd for systemd-powered distros * freeswitch-init is now a virtual package * freeswitch-sysvinit and freeswitch-systemd are set to conflict with each other debian/freeswitch.postinst: * no need to call systemctl explicitly. dh-systemd does it in a standard way debian/rules: * integrated dh-systemd in override_dh_installinit debian/freeswitch-systemd.freeswitch.default renamed to freeswitch-sysvinit.freeswitch.default: * /etc/default/freeswitch is not installed by freeswitch-systemd, but still respected if there is a need to modify the startup options debian/freeswitch-systemd.freeswitch.service: * proper expansion of DAEMON_OPTS