Build: #9 was successful

Job: Build curl binaries for Windows was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build Binaries

  2. Upload Binaries

    Requires a user to start manually

Build log

The build generated 3,992 lines of output.The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log

21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\oauth2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_gssapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\vauth.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\bearssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\gskit.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\gtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostcheck.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\keylog.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls_threadlock.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\nss.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\openssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\rustls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel_verify.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\sectransp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\vtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\x509asn1.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_msh3.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ngtcp2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_quiche.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\vquic.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssh.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:17:07   libcurl.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 FinalizeBuildStatus:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08   Deleting file "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08   Touching "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\libcurl.lastbuildstate".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-Win32-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-Win32\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 BuildPackagesTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08   Building packages.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)).
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Build succeeded.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08     0 Warning(s)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08     0 Error(s)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Time Elapsed 00:03:15.43
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Finished task 'Build curl Win32 Debug' with result: Success
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08 Starting task 'Build curl x64 Debug' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.dotnet:msbuild'
21-Feb-2023 16:17:08
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows #9 (SP-CW-JOB1-9)'
... running command line:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-1843564399999061317.rsp
... in: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe
bamboo_shortPlanName=curl (Windows)
bamboo_shortJobName=Build curl binaries for Windows
bamboo_planName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows)
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\msbuild.exe
bamboo_buildPlanName=Supporting Deps - curl (Windows) - Build curl binaries for Windows
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v15_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild.exe
bamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe
bamboo_capability_system_git_executable=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v12_0__64bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe
bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_161__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161
bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_211__JRE_=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_211
bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161
bamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2013=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE
bamboo_capability_system_builder_devenv_Visual_Studio_2012=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_v14_0__32bit_=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_4=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-3215843088524702093.rsp
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_3=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-2293602395981101340.rsp
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugin_dotnet_msbuild_2=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe @C:\temp\SP-CW-JOB1-9-MsBuildTaskType-4358451400911443166.rsp
bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161
bamboo_capability_system_builder_msbuild_MSBuild_2022__32bit_=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 MSBuild version 17.4.0+18d5aef85 for .NET Framework
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m" switch.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Build started 2/21/2023 3:17:09 PM.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)).
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   Building solution configuration "Debug|x64".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (1) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 7za:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   Package "" exists. Do nothing.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 opensslBinariesDownloadTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   Start downloading package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   uri: "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09   output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 7.64 KB of 8.43 MB 0 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 88 KB of 8.43 MB 1 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 176 KB of 8.43 MB 2 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 263.85 KB of 8.43 MB 3 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 352 KB of 8.43 MB 4 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 432 KB of 8.43 MB 5 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 520 KB of 8.43 MB 6 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 608 KB of 8.43 MB 7 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 693.54 KB of 8.43 MB 8 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:09 : downloaded 784 KB of 8.43 MB 9 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 864 KB of 8.43 MB 10 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 951.35 KB of 8.43 MB 11 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.02 MB of 8.43 MB 12 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.1 MB of 8.43 MB 13 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.19 MB of 8.43 MB 14 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.27 MB of 8.43 MB 15 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.35 MB of 8.43 MB 16 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.44 MB of 8.43 MB 17 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.52 MB of 8.43 MB 18 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.6 MB of 8.43 MB 19 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.69 MB of 8.43 MB 20 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.77 MB of 8.43 MB 21 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.86 MB of 8.43 MB 22 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 1.94 MB of 8.43 MB 23 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.02 MB of 8.43 MB 24 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.11 MB of 8.43 MB 25 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.2 MB of 8.43 MB 26 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.28 MB of 8.43 MB 27 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.36 MB of 8.43 MB 28 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.45 MB of 8.43 MB 29 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.53 MB of 8.43 MB 30 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.62 MB of 8.43 MB 31 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.7 MB of 8.43 MB 32 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.79 MB of 8.43 MB 33 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.87 MB of 8.43 MB 34 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 2.95 MB of 8.43 MB 35 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.04 MB of 8.43 MB 36 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.12 MB of 8.43 MB 37 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.21 MB of 8.43 MB 38 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.29 MB of 8.43 MB 39 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.37 MB of 8.43 MB 40 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.46 MB of 8.43 MB 41 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.55 MB of 8.43 MB 42 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.63 MB of 8.43 MB 43 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.71 MB of 8.43 MB 44 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.8 MB of 8.43 MB 45 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.88 MB of 8.43 MB 46 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 3.96 MB of 8.43 MB 47 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.05 MB of 8.43 MB 48 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.14 MB of 8.43 MB 49 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.22 MB of 8.43 MB 50 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.3 MB of 8.43 MB 51 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.39 MB of 8.43 MB 52 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.47 MB of 8.43 MB 53 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.55 MB of 8.43 MB 54 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.64 MB of 8.43 MB 55 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.72 MB of 8.43 MB 56 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.81 MB of 8.43 MB 57 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.9 MB of 8.43 MB 58 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 4.97 MB of 8.43 MB 59 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.06 MB of 8.43 MB 60 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.14 MB of 8.43 MB 61 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.23 MB of 8.43 MB 62 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.32 MB of 8.43 MB 63 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.39 MB of 8.43 MB 64 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.48 MB of 8.43 MB 65 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.57 MB of 8.43 MB 66 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.65 MB of 8.43 MB 67 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.73 MB of 8.43 MB 68 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.82 MB of 8.43 MB 69 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.9 MB of 8.43 MB 70 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 5.98 MB of 8.43 MB 71 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.07 MB of 8.43 MB 72 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.16 MB of 8.43 MB 73 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.24 MB of 8.43 MB 74 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.32 MB of 8.43 MB 75 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.41 MB of 8.43 MB 76 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.49 MB of 8.43 MB 77 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.58 MB of 8.43 MB 78 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.66 MB of 8.43 MB 79 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.75 MB of 8.43 MB 80 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.83 MB of 8.43 MB 81 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 6.91 MB of 8.43 MB 82 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7 MB of 8.43 MB 83 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.09 MB of 8.43 MB 84 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.17 MB of 8.43 MB 85 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.25 MB of 8.43 MB 86 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.34 MB of 8.43 MB 87 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.42 MB of 8.43 MB 88 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.51 MB of 8.43 MB 89 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.59 MB of 8.43 MB 90 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.67 MB of 8.43 MB 91 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.76 MB of 8.43 MB 92 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.84 MB of 8.43 MB 93 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 7.93 MB of 8.43 MB 94 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.01 MB of 8.43 MB 95 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.1 MB of 8.43 MB 96 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.18 MB of 8.43 MB 97 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.26 MB of 8.43 MB 98 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.35 MB of 8.43 MB 99 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : downloaded 8.43 MB of 8.43 MB 100 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   args :  x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\"
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Scanning the drive for archives:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : 1 file, 8837277 bytes (8631 KiB)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : --
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Type = zip
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Physical Size = 8837277
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Everything is Ok
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Files: 4
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Size:       28670868
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 : Compressed: 8837277
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t-binaries-x64-debug".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Downloading finished for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 opensslHeadersDownloadTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Package "" exists. Do nothing.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10 curlDownloadTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   Start downloading package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   uri: "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 KB of 4.14 MB 0 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 51.69 KB of 4.14 MB 1 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 99.69 KB of 4.14 MB 2 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 131.69 KB of 4.14 MB 3 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 195.69 KB of 4.14 MB 4 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 227.69 KB of 4.14 MB 5 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 259.69 KB of 4.14 MB 6 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 301.5 KB of 4.14 MB 7 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 349.5 KB of 4.14 MB 8 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 397.5 KB of 4.14 MB 9 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 429.5 KB of 4.14 MB 10 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 477.5 KB of 4.14 MB 11 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 525.5 KB of 4.14 MB 12 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 567.31 KB of 4.14 MB 13 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 599.31 KB of 4.14 MB 14 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 647.31 KB of 4.14 MB 15 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 679.31 KB of 4.14 MB 16 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 727.31 KB of 4.14 MB 17 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 775.31 KB of 4.14 MB 18 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 807.31 KB of 4.14 MB 19 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 855.31 KB of 4.14 MB 20 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 903.31 KB of 4.14 MB 21 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 935.31 KB of 4.14 MB 22 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 983.31 KB of 4.14 MB 23 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.01 MB of 4.14 MB 24 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.04 MB of 4.14 MB 25 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.08 MB of 4.14 MB 26 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.13 MB of 4.14 MB 27 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.17 MB of 4.14 MB 28 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.21 MB of 4.14 MB 29 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.25 MB of 4.14 MB 30 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.3 MB of 4.14 MB 31 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.34 MB of 4.14 MB 32 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.37 MB of 4.14 MB 33 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.42 MB of 4.14 MB 34 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.46 MB of 4.14 MB 35 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.5 MB of 4.14 MB 36 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.54 MB of 4.14 MB 37 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.59 MB of 4.14 MB 38 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.62 MB of 4.14 MB 39 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.67 MB of 4.14 MB 40 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.7 MB of 4.14 MB 41 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.75 MB of 4.14 MB 42 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.79 MB of 4.14 MB 43 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.82 MB of 4.14 MB 44 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.87 MB of 4.14 MB 45 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.92 MB of 4.14 MB 46 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 1.95 MB of 4.14 MB 47 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2 MB of 4.14 MB 48 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.04 MB of 4.14 MB 49 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.07 MB of 4.14 MB 50 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.12 MB of 4.14 MB 51 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.17 MB of 4.14 MB 52 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.21 MB of 4.14 MB 53 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.24 MB of 4.14 MB 54 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.29 MB of 4.14 MB 55 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.32 MB of 4.14 MB 56 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.37 MB of 4.14 MB 57 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.41 MB of 4.14 MB 58 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.46 MB of 4.14 MB 59 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.49 MB of 4.14 MB 60 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.53 MB of 4.14 MB 61 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.6 MB of 4.14 MB 62 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.61 MB of 4.14 MB 63 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.66 MB of 4.14 MB 64 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.71 MB of 4.14 MB 65 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.74 MB of 4.14 MB 66 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.78 MB of 4.14 MB 67 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.83 MB of 4.14 MB 68 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.86 MB of 4.14 MB 69 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.91 MB of 4.14 MB 70 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.96 MB of 4.14 MB 71 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 2.99 MB of 4.14 MB 72 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.03 MB of 4.14 MB 73 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.08 MB of 4.14 MB 74 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.12 MB of 4.14 MB 75 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.15 MB of 4.14 MB 76 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.2 MB of 4.14 MB 77 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.25 MB of 4.14 MB 78 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.28 MB of 4.14 MB 79 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.33 MB of 4.14 MB 80 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.36 MB of 4.14 MB 81 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.4 MB of 4.14 MB 82 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.45 MB of 4.14 MB 83 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.48 MB of 4.14 MB 84 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.53 MB of 4.14 MB 85 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.58 MB of 4.14 MB 86 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.61 MB of 4.14 MB 87 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.65 MB of 4.14 MB 88 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.7 MB of 4.14 MB 89 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.73 MB of 4.14 MB 90 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.78 MB of 4.14 MB 91 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.81 MB of 4.14 MB 92 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.86 MB of 4.14 MB 93 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.91 MB of 4.14 MB 94 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.94 MB of 4.14 MB 95 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 3.99 MB of 4.14 MB 96 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.03 MB of 4.14 MB 97 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.07 MB of 4.14 MB 98 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.11 MB of 4.14 MB 99 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : downloaded 4.14 MB of 4.14 MB 100 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   args :  x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\"
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Scanning the drive for archives:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : 1 file, 4345058 bytes (4244 KiB)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:10   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : --
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar.gz
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Type = gzip
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Headers Size = 10
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Everything is Ok
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Size:       26890240
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar.gz : Compressed: 4345058
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   args :  x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\"
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar : Scanning the drive for archives:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar : 1 file, 26890240 bytes (26 MiB)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:11   curl-7.88.0.tar : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : --
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0.tar
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Type = tar
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Physical Size = 26890240
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Headers Size = 1859072
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Code Page = UTF-8
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Everything is Ok
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Folders: 54
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Files: 3559
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Size:       24132231
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   curl-7.88.0.tar : Compressed: 26890240
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   CreateDirectory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug"
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Move directory from "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl-7.88.0" to "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Downloading finished for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 zlibBinariesDownloadTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Start downloading package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   uri: "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   output: "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 7.69 KB of 152.76 KB 5 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 16 KB of 152.76 KB 10 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 21.67 KB of 152.76 KB 14 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 24 KB of 152.76 KB 15 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 32 KB of 152.76 KB 20 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 37.29 KB of 152.76 KB 24 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 40 KB of 152.76 KB 26 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 48 KB of 152.76 KB 31 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 52.92 KB of 152.76 KB 34 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 56 KB of 152.76 KB 36 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 64 KB of 152.76 KB 41 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 68.54 KB of 152.76 KB 44 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 72 KB of 152.76 KB 47 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 80 KB of 152.76 KB 52 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 84.17 KB of 152.76 KB 55 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 88 KB of 152.76 KB 57 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 96 KB of 152.76 KB 62 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 99.79 KB of 152.76 KB 65 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 104 KB of 152.76 KB 68 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 112 KB of 152.76 KB 73 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 115.42 KB of 152.76 KB 75 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 120 KB of 152.76 KB 78 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 128 KB of 152.76 KB 83 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 131.04 KB of 152.76 KB 85 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 136 KB of 152.76 KB 89 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 144 KB of 152.76 KB 94 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 146.67 KB of 152.76 KB 96 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 152 KB of 152.76 KB 99 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : downloaded 152.76 KB of 152.76 KB 100 % complete...
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   arctool : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\7za1701.exe
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   args :  x "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\" -y -o"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\"
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   WorkingDirectory : C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : 7-Zip (a) 17.01 beta (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Scanning the drive for archives:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : 1 file, 156428 bytes (153 KiB)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Extracting archive: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : --
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Path = C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Type = zip
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Physical Size = 156428
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Everything is Ok
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 :
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Files: 3
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Size:       512570
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 : Compressed: 156428
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Filename "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11-binaries-x64-debug".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Downloading finished for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 zlibHeadersDownloadTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Checking for package "".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Package "" exists. Do nothing.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15 Build:
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   Creating directory "build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64".
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off -DCURL_USE_OPENSSL=1 -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include\;C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64\ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\include -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\openssl-1.1.1t\binaries\x64\Debug -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Debug -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -T v143
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022
21-Feb-2023 16:17:15   -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19045.
21-Feb-2023 16:17:18   -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.34.31933.0
21-Feb-2023 16:17:18   -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.34.31933/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Detecting C compile features
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Detecting C compile features - done
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- curl version=[7.88.0]
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Found Perl: C:/Perl64/bin/perl.exe (found version "5.24.3")
21-Feb-2023 16:17:20   -- Looking for pthread.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:21   -- Looking for pthread.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:21   -- Found Threads: TRUE 
21-Feb-2023 16:17:21   -- Looking for getch in ws2_32;
21-Feb-2023 16:17:23   -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:23   -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32
21-Feb-2023 16:17:24   -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:25   -- Found OpenSSL: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/openssl-1.1.1t/binaries/x64/Debug/libcrypto.lib   
21-Feb-2023 16:17:25   -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL
21-Feb-2023 16:17:26   -- Looking for OPENSSL_IS_BORINGSSL - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:26   -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto
21-Feb-2023 16:17:27   -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:27   -- Looking for include file winldap.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:29   -- Looking for include file winldap.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:29   -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:30   -- Looking for include file ldap_ssl.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:30   -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto
21-Feb-2023 16:17:31   -- Looking for idn2_lookup_ul in idn2;wldap32;winmm;ws2_32;OpenSSL::SSL;OpenSSL::Crypto - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:31   -- Found ZLIB: C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\\zlib-1.2.11\binaries\x64\Debug (found version "1.2.11")
21-Feb-2023 16:17:31   -- Could NOT find LibPSL (missing: LIBPSL_LIBRARY LIBPSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
21-Feb-2023 16:17:31   -- Could NOT find LibSSH2 (missing: LIBSSH2_LIBRARY) (found version "1.8.2")
21-Feb-2023 16:17:31   -- Looking for include file windows.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:33   -- Looking for include file windows.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:33   -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:35   -- Looking for include files windows.h, ws2tcpip.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:35   -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:37   -- Looking for 3 include files windows.h, ..., winsock2.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:37   -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:39   -- Looking for 4 include files windows.h, ..., wincrypt.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:39   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:41   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:41   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:42   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:42   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:44   -- Looking for 5 include files windows.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:44   -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:46   -- Looking for 7 include files windows.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:46   -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:47   -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., sys/xattr.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:47   -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:49   -- Looking for 8 include files windows.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:49   -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:50   -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., idn2.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:50   -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:52   -- Looking for 9 include files windows.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:52   -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:53   -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., libgen.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:53   -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:56   -- Looking for 10 include files windows.h, ..., locale.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:56   -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:57   -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:57   -- Looking for linux/tcp.h
21-Feb-2023 16:17:58   -- Looking for linux/tcp.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:17:58   -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:00   -- Looking for 11 include files windows.h, ..., poll.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:00   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:01   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., ssl.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:01   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:03   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdatomic.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:03   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:05   -- Looking for 13 include files windows.h, ..., stdbool.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:05   -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:07   -- Looking for 16 include files windows.h, ..., stropts.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:07   -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:08   -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., unistd.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:08   -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:10   -- Looking for 17 include files windows.h, ..., stddef.h - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:10   -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h
21-Feb-2023 16:18:12   -- Looking for 18 include files windows.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:12   -- Check size of size_t
21-Feb-2023 16:18:14   -- Check size of size_t - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:14   -- Check size of ssize_t
21-Feb-2023 16:18:15   -- Check size of ssize_t - failed
21-Feb-2023 16:18:15   -- Check size of long long
21-Feb-2023 16:18:16   -- Check size of long long - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:16   -- Check size of long
21-Feb-2023 16:18:18   -- Check size of long - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:18   -- Check size of int
21-Feb-2023 16:18:20   -- Check size of int - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:20   -- Check size of __int64
21-Feb-2023 16:18:21   -- Check size of __int64 - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:21   -- Check size of time_t
21-Feb-2023 16:18:23   -- Check size of time_t - done
21-Feb-2023 16:18:23   -- Looking for fchmod
21-Feb-2023 16:18:24   -- Looking for fchmod - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:24   -- Looking for basename
21-Feb-2023 16:18:26   -- Looking for basename - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:26   -- Looking for socketpair
21-Feb-2023 16:18:27   -- Looking for socketpair - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:27   -- Looking for recv
21-Feb-2023 16:18:29   -- Looking for recv - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:29   -- Looking for send
21-Feb-2023 16:18:31   -- Looking for send - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:31   -- Looking for sendmsg
21-Feb-2023 16:18:33   -- Looking for sendmsg - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:33   -- Looking for strtok_r
21-Feb-2023 16:18:35   -- Looking for strtok_r - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:35   -- Looking for strcasecmp
21-Feb-2023 16:18:36   -- Looking for strcasecmp - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:36   -- Looking for alarm
21-Feb-2023 16:18:38   -- Looking for alarm - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:38   -- Looking for getppid
21-Feb-2023 16:18:40   -- Looking for getppid - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:40   -- Looking for utimes
21-Feb-2023 16:18:41   -- Looking for utimes - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:41   -- Looking for getpwuid_r
21-Feb-2023 16:18:43   -- Looking for getpwuid_r - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:43   -- Looking for strtoll
21-Feb-2023 16:18:45   -- Looking for strtoll - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:45   -- Looking for _strtoi64
21-Feb-2023 16:18:47   -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:47   -- Looking for strerror_r
21-Feb-2023 16:18:48   -- Looking for strerror_r - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:48   -- Looking for siginterrupt
21-Feb-2023 16:18:50   -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:50   -- Looking for getaddrinfo
21-Feb-2023 16:18:52   -- Looking for getaddrinfo - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:52   -- Looking for freeaddrinfo
21-Feb-2023 16:18:54   -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:54   -- Looking for pipe
21-Feb-2023 16:18:56   -- Looking for pipe - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:56   -- Looking for ftruncate
21-Feb-2023 16:18:57   -- Looking for ftruncate - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:18:57   -- Looking for getpeername
21-Feb-2023 16:19:00   -- Looking for getpeername - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:00   -- Looking for getsockname
21-Feb-2023 16:19:02   -- Looking for getsockname - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:02   -- Looking for if_nametoindex
21-Feb-2023 16:19:03   -- Looking for if_nametoindex - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:03   -- Looking for getrlimit
21-Feb-2023 16:19:05   -- Looking for getrlimit - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:05   -- Looking for setlocale
21-Feb-2023 16:19:07   -- Looking for setlocale - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:07   -- Looking for setmode
21-Feb-2023 16:19:09   -- Looking for setmode - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:09   -- Looking for setrlimit
21-Feb-2023 16:19:11   -- Looking for setrlimit - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:11   -- Looking for snprintf
21-Feb-2023 16:19:12   -- Looking for snprintf - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:12   -- Looking for mach_absolute_time
21-Feb-2023 16:19:14   -- Looking for mach_absolute_time - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:14   -- Looking for inet_ntop
21-Feb-2023 16:19:16   -- Looking for inet_ntop - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:16   -- Looking for inet_pton
21-Feb-2023 16:19:18   -- Looking for inet_pton - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:18   -- Looking for fsetxattr
21-Feb-2023 16:19:19   -- Looking for fsetxattr - not found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:19   -- Check size of sa_family_t
21-Feb-2023 16:19:21   -- Check size of sa_family_t - failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:21   -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY
21-Feb-2023 16:19:22   -- Check size of ADDRESS_FAMILY - failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:22   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK
21-Feb-2023 16:19:23   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:23   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET
21-Feb-2023 16:19:25   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:25   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL
21-Feb-2023 16:19:26   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:26   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO
21-Feb-2023 16:19:28   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:28   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO
21-Feb-2023 16:19:30   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:30   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO
21-Feb-2023 16:19:31   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:31   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR
21-Feb-2023 16:19:32   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:32   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK
21-Feb-2023 16:19:33   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:33   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T
21-Feb-2023 16:19:35   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:35   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS
21-Feb-2023 16:19:36   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:36   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99
21-Feb-2023 16:19:38   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:38   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC
21-Feb-2023 16:19:39   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:39   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC
21-Feb-2023 16:19:40   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_ATOMIC - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:40   -- Check size of off_t
21-Feb-2023 16:19:42   -- Check size of off_t - done
21-Feb-2023 16:19:42   -- Check size of curl_off_t
21-Feb-2023 16:19:43   -- Check size of curl_off_t - done
21-Feb-2023 16:19:43   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT
21-Feb-2023 16:19:45   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_WIN32_WINNT - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:45   -- Found _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00
21-Feb-2023 16:19:45   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R
21-Feb-2023 16:19:46   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:46   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R
21-Feb-2023 16:19:47   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:47   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC
21-Feb-2023 16:19:49   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_MONOTONIC - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:49   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE
21-Feb-2023 16:19:50   -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:50   -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL
21-Feb-2023 16:19:51   -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:51   -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL
21-Feb-2023 16:19:53   -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success
21-Feb-2023 16:19:53   -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage
21-Feb-2023 16:19:55   -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - done
21-Feb-2023 16:19:55   -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE
21-Feb-2023 16:19:56   -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed
21-Feb-2023 16:19:56   -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext
21-Feb-2023 16:19:58   -- Looking for CryptAcquireContext - found
21-Feb-2023 16:19:58   -- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy threadsafe
21-Feb-2023 16:19:58   -- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL
21-Feb-2023 16:19:58   -- Configuring done
21-Feb-2023 16:20:06   -- Generating done
21-Feb-2023 16:20:06   -- Build files have been written to: C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Debug/curl-7.88.0/build-x64
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (2) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) on node 1 (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (3) is building "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (4) on node 1 (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 PrepareForBuild:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating directory "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 InitializeBuildStatus:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 CustomBuild:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Checking Build System
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 FinalizeBuildStatus:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Deleting file "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Touching "x64\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj" (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 PrepareForBuild:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating directory "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating directory "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 InitializeBuildStatus:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Creating "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07 CustomBuild:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:07   Building Custom Rule C:/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/SP-CW-JOB1/build-x64-Debug/curl-7.88.0/lib/CMakeLists.txt
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08 ClCompile:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\..\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\.." /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\openssl-1.1.1t\include_x64" /I"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\zlib-1.2.11\include" /Zi /nologo /W4 /WX- /diagnostics:column /MP /Od /Ob0 /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D BUILDING_LIBCURL /D CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS /D OPENSSL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATED /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"libcurl.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.pdb" /external:W4 /Gd /TC /errorReport:queue "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\altsvc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\amigaos.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-ares.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\asyn-thread.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\base64.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\bufref.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\c-hyper.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cf-socket.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cfilters.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\conncache.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\connect.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\content_encoding.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\cookie.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_addrinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_des.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_endian.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_fnmatch.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_get_line.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gethostname.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_log.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_memrchr.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_multibyte.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_core.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_ntlm_wb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_path.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_range.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_rtmp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\curl_threads.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dict.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\doh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\dynbuf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easygetopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\easyoptions.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\escape.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\file.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fileinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\fopen.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\formdata.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ftplistparser.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getenv.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\getinfo.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\gopher.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\h2h3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hash.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\headers.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hmac.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostasyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostip6.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hostsyn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\hsts.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_chunks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_negotiate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_proxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\http_aws_sigv4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\idn.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\if2ip.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\imap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\inet_ntop.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\inet_pton.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\krb5.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\llist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\md4.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\md5.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\memdebug.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mime.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mprintf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\mqtt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\multi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\netrc.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\nonblock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\noproxy.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\openldap.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\parsedate.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pingpong.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\pop3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\progress.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\psl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rand.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rename.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\rtsp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\select.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sendf.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\setopt.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\sha256.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\share.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\slist.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smb.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\smtp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socketpair.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\socks_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\speedcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\splay.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strcase.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strdup.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strerror.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtok.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\strtoofft.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\system_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\telnet.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\tftp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timediff.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\timeval.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\transfer.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\url.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\urlapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\version_win32.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\warnless.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\wildcard.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\ws.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cleartext.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\cram.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\digest_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\gsasl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\krb5_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\ntlm_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\oauth2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_gssapi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\spnego_sspi.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vauth\vauth.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\bearssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gskit.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\gtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\hostcheck.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\keylog.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\mbedtls_threadlock.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\nss.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\openssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\rustls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\schannel_verify.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\sectransp.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\vtls.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\wolfssl.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vtls\x509asn1.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_msh3.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_ngtcp2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\curl_quiche.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vquic\vquic.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\libssh2.c" "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\lib\vssh\wolfssh.c"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   altsvc.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   amigaos.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   asyn-ares.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   asyn-thread.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   base64.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   bufref.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   c-hyper.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   cf-http.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   cf-socket.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   cfilters.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   conncache.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   connect.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   content_encoding.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   cookie.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_addrinfo.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_des.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_endian.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_fnmatch.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_get_line.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_gethostname.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_gssapi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_log.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_memrchr.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_multibyte.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_ntlm_core.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_ntlm_wb.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_path.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_range.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_rtmp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_sasl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:08   curl_threads.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   dict.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   doh.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   dynbuf.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   easy.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   easygetopt.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   easyoptions.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   escape.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   file.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   fileinfo.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   fopen.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   formdata.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   ftp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   ftplistparser.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   getenv.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   getinfo.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   gopher.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   h2h3.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hash.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   headers.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hmac.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hostasyn.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hostip.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hostip4.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hostip6.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hostsyn.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   hsts.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http2.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_chunks.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_digest.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_negotiate.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_ntlm.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_proxy.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   http_aws_sigv4.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   idn.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   if2ip.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   imap.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   inet_ntop.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   inet_pton.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   krb5.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   ldap.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   llist.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   md4.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   md5.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   memdebug.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   mime.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   mprintf.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   mqtt.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   multi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   netrc.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   nonblock.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   noproxy.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   openldap.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   parsedate.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   pingpong.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   pop3.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   progress.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   psl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   rand.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   rename.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:09   rtsp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   select.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   sendf.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   setopt.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   sha256.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   share.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   slist.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   smb.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   smtp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   socketpair.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   socks.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   socks_gssapi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   socks_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   speedcheck.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   splay.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   strcase.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   strdup.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   strerror.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   strtok.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   strtoofft.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   system_win32.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   telnet.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   tftp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   timediff.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   timeval.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   transfer.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   url.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   urlapi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   version.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   version_win32.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   warnless.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   wildcard.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   ws.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   cleartext.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   cram.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   digest.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   digest_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   gsasl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   krb5_gssapi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   krb5_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   ntlm.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   ntlm_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   oauth2.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   spnego_gssapi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   spnego_sspi.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   vauth.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   bearssl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   gskit.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   gtls.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   hostcheck.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   keylog.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   mbedtls.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   mbedtls_threadlock.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   nss.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   openssl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   rustls.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   schannel.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   schannel_verify.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   sectransp.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   vtls.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   wolfssl.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   x509asn1.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   curl_msh3.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   curl_ngtcp2.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   curl_quiche.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:10   vquic.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:11   libssh.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:11   libssh2.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:11   wolfssh.c
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12 Lib:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\Lib.exe /OUT:"C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib" /NOLOGO /MACHINE:X64  /machine:x64 libcurl.dir\Debug\altsvc.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\amigaos.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-ares.obj"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   "libcurl.dir\Debug\asyn-thread.obj"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\base64.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\bufref.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   "libcurl.dir\Debug\c-hyper.obj"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-http.obj"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   "libcurl.dir\Debug\cf-socket.obj"
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\cfilters.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\conncache.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\connect.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\content_encoding.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\cookie.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_addrinfo.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_des.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_endian.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_fnmatch.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_get_line.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gethostname.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_gssapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_log.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_memrchr.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_multibyte.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_core.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ntlm_wb.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_path.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_range.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_rtmp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sasl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_threads.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\dict.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\doh.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\dynbuf.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\easy.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\easygetopt.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\easyoptions.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\escape.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\file.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\fileinfo.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\fopen.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\formdata.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ftp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ftplistparser.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\getenv.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\getinfo.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\gopher.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\h2h3.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hash.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\headers.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hmac.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostasyn.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip4.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostip6.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostsyn.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hsts.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_chunks.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_digest.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_negotiate.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_ntlm.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_proxy.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\http_aws_sigv4.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\idn.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\if2ip.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\imap.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_ntop.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\inet_pton.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ldap.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\llist.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\md4.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\md5.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\memdebug.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\mime.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\mprintf.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\mqtt.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\multi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\netrc.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\nonblock.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\noproxy.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\openldap.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\parsedate.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\pingpong.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\pop3.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\progress.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\psl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\rand.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\rename.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\rtsp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\select.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\sendf.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\setopt.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\sha256.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\share.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\slist.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\smb.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\smtp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\socketpair.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\socks.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_gssapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\socks_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\speedcheck.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\splay.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\strcase.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\strdup.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\strerror.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\strtok.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\strtoofft.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\system_win32.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\telnet.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\tftp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\timediff.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\timeval.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\transfer.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\url.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\urlapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\version.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\version_win32.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\warnless.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\wildcard.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ws.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\cleartext.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\cram.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\digest.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\digest_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\gsasl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_gssapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\krb5_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\ntlm_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\oauth2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_gssapi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\spnego_sspi.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\vauth.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\bearssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\gskit.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\gtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\hostcheck.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\keylog.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\mbedtls_threadlock.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\nss.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\openssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\rustls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\schannel_verify.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\sectransp.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\vtls.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssl.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\x509asn1.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_msh3.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_ngtcp2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\curl_quiche.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\vquic.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\libssh2.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:12   libcurl.dir\Debug\wolfssh.obj
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13   libcurl.vcxproj -> C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\Debug\libcurl-d.lib
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 FinalizeBuildStatus:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13   Deleting file "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13   Touching "libcurl.dir\Debug\libcurl.tlog\libcurl.lastbuildstate".
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\build-x64-Debug\curl-7.88.0\build-x64\lib\libcurl.vcxproj" (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13 BuildPackagesTarget:
21-Feb-2023 16:20:13   Building packages.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.vcxproj" (default targets).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Done Building Project "C:\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\SP-CW-JOB1\curl.sln" (Build target(s)).
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Build succeeded.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14     0 Warning(s)
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14     0 Error(s)
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Time Elapsed 00:03:05.15
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finished task 'Build curl x64 Debug' with result: Success
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Publishing an artifact: curl-windows-binaries-zip
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [curl-windows-binaries-zip], pattern: [curl-*.zip] anchored at: [out] in 464.5 ms
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Finalising the build...
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Stopping timer.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Build SP-CW-JOB1-9 completed.
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 All post build plugins have finished
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Generating build results summary...
21-Feb-2023 16:20:14 Saving build results to disk...
21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Logging substituted variables...
21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Indexing build results...
21-Feb-2023 16:20:15 Finished building SP-CW-JOB1-9.